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青少年教程 (马可福音*第4课) | 审视内心




1.通过马可福音, 让学生了解耶稣的事工






马可福音 7:15




• 你曾被欺骗过吗?

• 发生了什么?你感觉如何?

• 你曾用恶作剧愚弄过别人吗?

• 你曾开过一个非常糟糕的玩笑吗?


读 马可7:1-5



读 马可7:6-13












读 马可7:14-16






对犹太听众来说,这是令人震惊的。他们完全的宗教仪式集中在遵守律法上,其中许多律法与信仰的外部行为有关。再次强调,耶稣不是在谴责这些法律,而是指出一个基本的真理,就是你们小时候学到的 - 重要的是内在的东西。

读 马可7:17-23










• 你认识一些最虔诚的人吗?

• 你怎么知道他们是虔诚的?

• 你是否经常基于别人的行为或表现来考虑他们是否是“好基督徒”?

• 当你思考自己与耶稣的关系时,你更多地是基于你的所做还是你的所是?

• 为什么更容易基于我们的行为来看待它?我们如何改变这种思维方式?




• 这些东西中有哪些是不好的?

• 这些东西中有哪些是错的?

• 做这些事的动机应该是什么?(对耶稣内在的虔诚,而不是义务)





**** 英文版 *******

The Ministry of Jesus According to Mark

Lesson 4: Looking on the Inside



1. To educate students about Jesus' ministry according to Mark 2. To expose the lie that an outward performance of faith is good enough 3. To inspire students to have a deep, internal devotion to following Jesus


Behavior, Choices, Deception, Discernment, Hypocrisy, Peer Pressure, Righteousness

Scripture Memorization

Mark 7:15

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

Flying Toilet Paper (Game) Click here

GETTING STARTED (10 minutes)

• Have you ever been tricked? • What happened? How did you feel? • Have you ever tricked someone with a practical joke? • Have you ever had a practical joke go really wrong?

Today we're going to study a passage of Scripture that begins with some jealous religious leaders trying to trick Jesus. The stage is set in Mark 7:1-5. Read Mark 7:1-5

What happens next is Jesus' response to this event. Let's check it out.

DIGGING IN (30 minutes)

Read Mark 7:6-13

Discussion Questions: 1. Who was Jesus talking to in this passage? (Religious leaders) 2. Which prophet does Jesus quote? (Isaiah) 3. What does He call the Jewish leaders? (Hypocrites) 4. Which do you think is more important—external obedience or inward devotion? Why do you think that way? The key to Jesus' words here are found in verse 8. The issue was not that they had traditions, but that they placed more importance on those traditions than they did upon God's commandments. Any time our preferences trump the authority of God, that's a problem!


CORBAN If it comes up, here is an explanation about “Corban”. The example Jesus gives requires some brief explanation, since it refers to a practice that is unfamiliar to us. The practice Jesus refers to was a tradition that allowed a man to set aside a portion of what he owned as “Corban.” A son or daughter could avoid their obligation to their parents by saying that the money they would have given their parents is dedicated to God. The sinister nature of this practice is seen especially in the fact that this commitment was not binding. A person could say the money was “Corban” and wait until the parents died, and then change their mind and then use the money for themselves.


Read Mark 7:14-16

Discussion Questions: 1. Who was Jesus talking to in this passage? (The crowd) 2. Does Jesus have as much to say to the crowd as He did the religious leaders? Why not? (No. The religous leaders taught people more about their traditions than they did about God's commandments.) 3. What's the main point of Jesus' message in this passage? (That it's not what goes in a person that makes them unclean, but what comes out.) 4. What in particular is the source of the cleanness or the uncleanness of the person? (The heart)

To a Jewish audience, this would have been shocking. Their completely religious observance centered on observing laws—many of which had to do with external signs of faith. Again, Jesus isn't condemning these laws, but pointing out the basic truth that you all learned when you were young—it's what's on the inside that counts.

Read Mark 7:17-23

Discussion Questions: 1. Who was Jesus talking to in this passage? (His disciples) 2. What did the disciples ask for and need? (More explanation) 3. Why do you think they waited until they were alone to ask for it? 4. What do you notice about Jesus' list of sins? (They go from external to internal. This is the only list of sins Jesus issues in the Gospels)

Again, Jesus asserts that it is what is on the inside of a person that counts.

MAKING IT REAL (10 minutes)

This warning Jesus issues to His disciples can serve as a warning to us as well. It is much easier to focus on external obedience than on inward devotion. It's easier to see, measure, and do. But God's desire for us is not that we look good for others. The Lord doesn't want us just to put on a good face for those in the church (or even those outside the church). He is not just looking for a change in our actions for a time, but a change in our character. He wants to change who we are from the inside out.

General Discussion: • Who are some of the most religious people you know? • How can you tell they are religious? • Do you find yourself considering people “good Christians” based on what they do or how they act? • When you think about your own relationship with Jesus, do you base it more on your actions or your being? • Why is it easier to base it on how we act? How can we begin to change that way of thinking?

Get in some pairs or groups of three. I want you to write down all the ways we can look religious (going to church, reading our Bible, etc.). Take a few minutes to come up with as many as you can.

(Give students 3-4 minutes for this activity. Then pool all their answers together to form one large list.)

General Discussion: • Are any of these things bad? • Are any of these things wrong? • What should our motivation be for doing these things? (Inward devotion to Jesus, not obligation)

Being a Christian means allowing God's Holy Spirit to change us from within. If we are truly disciples of Christ, we will find ourselves making the outward changes because we want to, not because we have to.

CLOSING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

There may be some things you need to come clean about. Anything anyone wants to share with the group?

(As students share, select another student to pray for each need.)


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