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青少年教程 (马可福音*第2课) | 带他们到耶稣那里

















• 你们做得如何?你是否感到惊讶,有这么难?

• 最困难的部分是什么?

• (对于瘫痪的人)感觉无助是什么感觉?

• (对于大家)你认为瘫痪是什么感觉?



读 马可福音2:1-12


读 马可福音2:1-3









读 马可福音2:4-5









6. 耶稣对瘫痪者说了什么?(你的罪被赦免了)





读 马可福音2:6-12










6. 瘫痪的人做了什么?(他起身行走了)







• 设身处地为那些朋友想一想。有哪些原因让他们不敢去尝试?(觉得没什么可以做的,他的病太重无法治愈,我们永远无法接触到耶稣,我们无法碰到祂所以不如放弃,我们不能弄破别人的屋顶,等等)

• 在哪些方面这些借口与我们错过向别人传扬耶稣或在生活中向他们展示耶稣时所提的借口相似?(我们无法做什么,我们的朋友“迷失得太深”,这太费力,这是别人的问题,我们已经做了足够多了,等等)

• 生活中会有许多事情使我们失去信心。有哪些事情让你不能把朋友带到耶稣那里?(忙碌、害怕、怕人群会怎么想,等等)

• 如果没有这几位朋友,这个故事会有什么不同?(瘫痪的人依然瘫痪)

• 是谁的信仰救了这位瘫痪的人?(朋友们的信仰)

• 你的信仰如何能使其他人得救?






**** 英文版 *******

The Ministry of Jesus According to Mark

Lesson 2: Getting Them to Jesus



1. To expose students to the ministry of Jesus through miracles 2. To move students emotionally to reach out to lost people around them 3. To create an accountability relationship with one other person in order to see that person get to Jesus


Availability, Believing, Boldness, Evangelism, Faith, Following Jesus, Friendship, Helping, Miracles

Scripture Memorization

Mark 2:12

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

Have a finger fencing tournament. Every student gets a partner. Join hands as if you are about to thumb wrestle. Instead of extending your thumbs, each person should extend an index finger. The object of the game is to “jab” the other person with the index finger. Losers are eliminated, winners find a new partner. Continue until you have a finger-fencing ultimate champion! For more information on this game see

GETTING STARTED (10 minutes)

Play the game "Over the Rope." Tie a string across two poles or chairs. The string should be just high enough that no one can jump over it. Form two teams and appoint one member of each team to be paralyzed. The object of the game is to see how fast each team can get their paralyzed member over the rope. If anyone on the team touches the rope they must start over. See how long it takes each team to get their paralyzed member over the rope.

General Discussion: • How do you think you did? Did it surprise you how hard it was? • What was the hardest part? • (To the paralyzed person) How did it feel to be helpless? • (To everyone) What do you think it would feel like to be paralyzed?

Well today, as we continue our study of the Ministry of Jesus, we’re going to talk about a paralyzed man and a rather extraordinary thing that happened to him.

DIGGING IN (30 minutes)

Read Mark 2:1-12 The bottom line of this passage is simple: We must make every effort to get people to Jesus, no matter the obstacle. Let’s look closer at this passage of Scripture and really dig into it.

Read Mark 2:1-3

Jesus has begun His ministry. He has been teaching, preaching, and healing in small towns all over the northern part of Israel. News of His influence has been spreading. Discussion Questions: 1. In what town is Jesus in this text? (Capernaum) 2. The Scripture says that Jesus had “come home.” What does this mean? (Capernaum was the hometown of Peter, where Jesus was likely staying at this time.) 3. What was the crowd like that day? (It was really large.) 4. All of this takes place where specifically? (A house.) 5. Who shows up in verse 3? (Four men, carrying a paralytic.)

The house was a typical house, perhaps even Peter’s house. These were simple homes, with low, flat roofs. Steps on one side would have led to the roof, where others could sleep. Read Mark 2:4-5 Discussion Questions: 1. What obstacle did the friends of the paralytic face? (They could not get the paralytic to Jesus because of the crowd.) 2. What did these men do to get their friend to Jesus? (They climbed on the roof and dug a hole in it.) 3. What did Jesus observe about these men? (Their faith—not their creativity, persistence, or their fortitude—their faith.) 4. What do you think the crowd was thinking during all of this? 5. What do you imagine the paralytic man was thinking this whole time?

Jesus was probably in the middle of a parable when dirt started falling from the ceiling. As the roof was cleared, sunshine streamed through the hole in the roof, and the paralytic descended directly in front of Jesus. What would Jesus do? Would He welcome this interruption, or would He be angry?

Discussion Questions (continued): 6. What did Jesus say to the paralytic? (Your sins are forgiven.) 7. Why do you think Jesus said that instead of “be healed”? 8. On whose faith did Jesus base this forgiveness? (His friends') 9. What do you think the crowd thought when they heard this?

We’re about to find out; let’s continue reading. Read Mark 2:6-12

This is the first appearance in Mark of the Pharisees, who were the religious leaders of the day and teachers of the law. They have heard of Jesus, and come to check him out. It’s very possible that they came from as far as Jerusalem, a distance of over 100 miles—quite a trip!

Discussion Questions: 1. What did the religious leaders think when they heard what Jesus said? (They couldn’t believe He would blaspheme God in this way.) 2. How do you think they felt when Jesus read their minds in verses 8-9? 3. Jesus asks a question in verse 9. What is the question, and what would you say is the answer? (“Which is easier…forgiving sins or get up and walk?”) 4. What does Jesus do next? (He heals the paralytic.) 5. What do you think the paralytic is thinking now?

To us, there’s some debate to be had about which is easier—forgiving sins or healing paralysis. To God, neither is difficult. And Jesus shows that by effectively accomplishing both.

Discussion Questions (continued): 6. What does the paralytic do? (He gets up and walks.) 7. What is the reaction of the crowd? (Amazement.) 8. What do you think the Pharisees thought now?

This is an incredible scene, and one that marks the ministry of Jesus with an exclamation mark. But did you ever wonder how it could’ve turned out different?

MAKING IT REAL (10 minutes)

I want you to imagine that this story is not in the Bible. The paralytic man stays paralyzed. Jesus never healed him. One reason may be because his friends didn’t bother to find a way to take him to Jesus. Another may be that they lacked the faith to do it. Could you blame them? What they did was not easy! In fact, they were in danger of a lot of public criticism. Moreover, they were in danger of embarrassing Jesus. Remember, this is early in His ministry. What if the healing hadn’t worked? We’d be left with a failed miracle, a humiliated and paralyzed man, and some devastated friends.

General Discussion: • Put yourself in the friends' shoes. What were some reasons not to try? (We figured there was nothing that could be done, he’s too hurt to heal, we would never be able to reach Jesus, we can’t get to Him so we might as well give up, we can’t tear a hole in someone else’s roof, etc.) • In what way are these excuses like the excuses we offer when we could be telling someone about Jesus or showing that person Jesus in our lives? (There’s nothing we can do, our friends are “too lost,” it’s too much work, it’s someone else’s problem, haven’t we done enough, etc.) • There are lots of things that can come up in life that cause us to lose faith. What are some that keep you from getting your friends to Jesus? (Busy, scared, afraid of what the crowd will think, etc.) • Without the four friends, how is this story different? (The crippled man stays crippled.) • Whose faith was it that saved the paralytic? (The friends' faith.) • How can your faith result in others being saved?

Honestly, are you willing to go around any obstacle to reach someone who is lost? Often, serving Christ requires sacrifice. These men risked public embarrassment, expense for the roof, and angry attendees below. However, their task was more important. Is that any less true for us? Is the task of telling others about the love of Jesus more important than anything else that gets in the way?

Is it possible that the reaction of verse 12 could be heard in your school, your neighborhood, your family? Is it possible that people could witness a miracle, because you had the faith to overcome obstacles?

CLOSING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

Get in the pairs that we were in when we finger fenced. Each of you share the name of someone you need to introduce to Jesus. Pray for these people, and pray for your own faith to overcome obstacles to do what you can to lead him or her to Christ.

Agree to check up on each other throughout the week.


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