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青少年教程 (马可福音*第1课) | 怀着怜悯服事



























读 马可福音1:1-13






3. 马可用哪位历史人物来介绍耶稣?(施洗约翰)






读 马可福音1:14-20








• 这四个故事有什么共同之处?(它们都涉及了惊人的医治和神迹)

• 哪个神迹让你印象最深?为什么?


• 耶稣通过这些故事展示了哪些品质?(能力、怜悯、人性等)

• 如何定义怜悯?(关心他人等)

• 为什么这些故事紧跟在对门徒的呼召之后?有什么联系吗?可能是什么?(如果想跟随耶稣,必须准备好服事人,怀着怜悯等。)

如果我们真的想成为“得人渔夫”,理解耶稣的真正使命,我们必须意识到周围有各种各样的需求。而且,就像耶稣一样,我们需要“立刻”着手去满足这些需求。虽然我们可能不能赶鬼或行神迹 - 正如圣经中一些耶稣的追随者所做的那样——但我们可以帮助他人。



• 耶稣事工给你印象最深的是什么?

• 你学到了什么以前不知道的东西?

• 如果你是彼得、安得烈或其他门徒之一,迄今为止你会对耶稣有什么感觉?

• 如果你是见证了其中一个神迹的人,看到后你会有什么不同?




**** 英文版 *******

The Ministry of Jesus According to Mark Lesson 1: Serving With Compassion LESSON OBJECTIVES Goals 1. To introduce students to the Gospel of Mark and its author, Mark 2. To reveal that Jesus' ministry was one of compassion and service to others 3. To inspire students to make their lives about the same things.

Topics Caring, Compassion, Following Jesus, Healing, Serving

Scripture Memorization Mark 1:17 OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes) GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes) Scooter Ball (Game) Click here GETTING STARTED (10 minutes) Split your class up into three or four groups. Give each a concordance or let them use computer software that searches the Bible. ( is one such online tool.) Have each group search for “Mark” and “John Mark.” After a few minutes of research, have them report what they’ve found. If you don’t have access to a concordance or online tool, a list of passages where Mark is found is shown below. Acts 12:12—his house was a hub of ministry, his mom’s name was Mary Acts 12:25—returned to Jerusalem with Barnabas and Saul Acts 15:37-39—deserted Paul and Barnabas in Pamphylia, caused a disagreement between Paul and Barnabas, went on to minister with Barnabas in Cyprus Colossians 4:10—apparently patched things up with Paul, was perhaps a fellow prisoner with Paul, was Barnabas’ cousin 2 Timothy 4:11—Paul requested that he come to him, along with Luke Philemon 1:24—was with Paul and sent greetings to Philemon 1 Peter 5:13—was very close with Peter as well That’s great! As it turns out, we know quite a bit about this guy named Mark. Now, let’s get started learning a lot about his Gospel. Turn to Mark 1. DIGGING IN (30 minutes) Mark 1 covers a lot of ground. In the beginning of the chapter, Jesus’ ministry has just started, but by the end of the chapter, Jesus is so popular He can’t go anywhere without a crowd. We don’t have time to cover everything in detail, but getting an overview of this first chapter will help us understand the rest of this great book as we continue our study.

Read Mark 1:1-13 Discussion Questions: 1. What’s missing here that you would expect from a Gospel account? (The story of the birth of Jesus.) 2. Why do you think Mark skips this important event?

The truth is, Mark is mostly concerned with Jesus' ministry. He is a gentile writing to gentiles. He is going to expose them to Jesus' teachings and miracles, and not spend a lot of time on other stuff. In fact, his favorite word is “immediately.” We’ll see it over 40 times in just 16 chapters of Mark's Gospel. Discussion Questions (continued): 3. What other historical figure does Mark use to introduce Jesus? (John the Baptist.) 4. What does John say of Jesus in verses 7-8? (He is more powerful and will baptize with the Holy Spirit.) 5. From where does Jesus enter the picture? (Nazareth, His home town.) 6. What is the first thing Jesus does, according to verse 9? (Has John baptize him.) 7. One more event precedes Jesus' ministry. What is it? (His temptation.)

Jesus was baptized and tempted. Mark’s inclusion of these two events affirm that Jesus was fully human, just like us. We can relate to Him. He identified with us in every way. Read Mark 1:14-20 Discussion Questions: 1. Simon, Andrew, James, and John were fishermen. What kind of people do you think they were? (Probably rough, tough guys. Uneducated blue-collar workers.) 2. Verse 18 says they followed Jesus “at once.” What does this urgency teach us? (We should not hesitate in our obedience. The message is too important!) 3. Jesus states He will make them “fishers of men.” What does this mean? (They will go out and evangelize to other people.) 4. What would it mean for you to be a fisher of men? What would you have to give up to do it?

Split students into four groups. Ask each group to read one of the following passages: Mark 1:21-28, 29-34, 35-39, and 40-45. Have each group tell the rest of the class what happened in the passages they read. Optional idea: Ask each group to act out a short skit which demonstrates the events of their passage instead. General Discussion: • What do these four stories have in common? (They all involve great acts of healing and miracles.) • Which miracle impresses you the most? Why? Mark will spend a lot of time reporting miracles that Jesus performed during his ministry. • What qualities does Jesus demonstrate through these accounts? (power, compassion, humanity, etc.) • How would you define compassion? (caring about others, etc.) • Why do you think these stories immediately follow the calling of the disciples? Is there some connection? What could it be? (If you want to follow Jesus, you must be prepared to serve, be compassionate, etc.)

If we truly want to be “fishers of men” and understand what Jesus is all about, we have to be aware that there are needs all around us. And, like Jesus, we need to “immediately” set about the task of meeting them. We may not be able to cast out demons or perform miracles—as some of His followers did in Scripture--but we can help people. MAKING IT REAL (10 minutes) General Discussion: • What impresses you the most about this introduction to Jesus' ministry? • What did you learn that you never knew before? • If you were Peter, Andrew, or one of the other disciples, how do you think you would feel about Jesus so far? • If you were one of the people who witnessed one of these miracles, how would you be different after having seen it? There are all sorts of needs around us. I hope you’ve been moved to recognize that Jesus wants us to be about meeting needs. CLOSING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes) Invite students to get back in small groups. Have them each share one need they know exists in their home, school, or community. Encourage them to make a plan to meet that need in Jesus’ name. Then, have each group pray for each other that they can live a life filled with Christ’s compassion. When they are all done, pray for your students to close out the day.


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