路得记 2:20
• 准备3-4个物品,让大家相互抛接。确保它们是软的,可以是卷起的袜子、网球、躲避球等。
• 从一个物品开始,让学生抛接时说出接球人的名字。
• 一段时间后,增加第二个物品。继续抛接物品,仍然说出名字。
• 不断增加物品,直到有好几个物品在空中飞。如果一个物品掉落,所有物品都停止抛接,然后重新开始。
• 如果愿意,学生可以坐着玩。
读 路得记第2章
5. 当拿俄米看到并分享路得的收获时,她问路得什么?(你今天在哪儿?愿那关心你的人蒙福!)
6. 当路得提到波阿斯时,拿俄米兴奋起来。她怎么说他的?(“他没有停止过对活人和死人表现出他的善良。”)
7. 波阿斯是一个什么样的人?(一个受人尊敬的人)
8. 拿俄米说了波阿斯的一些路得还不知道的事情。那是什么?(他是一个近亲,“守护者救赎者”)
9. 在路得记第二章的结尾,路得对波阿斯的承诺是什么?(她留在他身边,在他的田地工作)
读 申命记 24:19
我相信波阿斯知道这条命令 - 以及其他类似的命令 - 照顾那些需要帮助的人。但这里还有其他事情正在发生。我们将在第二章中开始看到这种发展。
读利未记 25:47-55
我们还没有读完这个故事 - 还有两章要读 - 但我们已经学到了很多关于波阿斯的东西。
读 马太福音25:40
• 当我们帮助有需要的人时,我们实际上在帮助谁?(耶稣)
• 波阿斯的慷慨是如何体现的?(他表现出兴趣,他很慷慨,他做了超出要求的事情)
• 这是一个棘手的问题,但我想大声讨论:你周围有哪些人让你可能需要像波阿斯一样对待?(无家可归者、单亲父母、学校里被忽视的孩子等)
• 你们都不是收割大麦的农民,但你们可以给予什么?你们可以如何给予?(注意他人,与孤独的人互动,提供一餐或服务等。)
读 路得记2:12
**** 英文版 *******
Lesson 2: Boaz’s Loyalty to Tradition
1. To give students an overview understanding of the Old Testament book of Ruth
2. To help students understand that loyalty to tradition is a good thing
3. To encourage students to cling to that which is good, right, and just
Dependability, Fairness, Family, Helping, Humility, Kindness, Neighborliness, Responsibility
Scripture Memorization
Ruth 2:20
OPENING PRAYER (3 to 5 minutes)
GROUP BUILDING (5 minutes)
We’re going to begin today’s lesson with a quick juggling game. Have everyone stand up and form a big circle. Here is how the game works:
• Gather 3-4 items that the group will toss to each other. Make sure they are soft, but anything—rolled up socks, tennis balls, dodge balls, etc.
• Start with one item, have student toss it around, saying the name of the person to whom they have tossed the item.
• After a while, add a second item. Have them toss around the items, still saying names.
• Keep adding until you have several items flying. If an item is dropped, all items stop being tossed. You then begin tossing all of the items again at the same time.
• Students may stay seated if you prefer.
General Discussion:
• Which was harder, focusing on the ball or focusing on the names?
• How do you feel when no one knows your name? (Left out, etc.)
• Is it hard for you to remember people’s names?
• Anyone have an embarrassing story of a time when you forgot someone’s name or your name was forgotten or even confused with someone else’s name?
We are continuing our study of Ruth today. She was a “nobody” in some ways, a foreigner in Israel and among its people. Today, we’re going to discover how she was noticed and cared for by a man named Boaz. We are also going to see how we can be loyal and faithful to the needy among us, just as Boaz was to Ruth.
DIGGING IN (30 minutes)
As you may remember, Ruth is Naomi’s daughter-in-law. They met in Moab, Ruth’s homeland, where Naomi, her husband, and her two sons had fled to find food during Israel’s famine. While there, Naomi’s husband died. Her sons each married a Moabite woman, but then the two sons also died. This left Naomi with her two daughters-in-law. When she decided to return to Israel, one daughter-in-law remained in Moab. Ruth, showing great loyalty to Naomi, left her own homeland for Naomi’s. Today, we will study chapter two of this book.
Read Ruth 2
Discussion Questions:
1. How does Ruth meet Boaz? (She is harvesting in his field and he shows up.)
2. When Boaz meets Ruth, what does he tell her? (Stay here and you’ll be safe, drink from my water jars, etc.)
3. How does Ruth respond? How do you think she felt? (She bows with her face to the ground. She may have felt humbled, honored, and perhaps embarrassed.)
4. In his words, what is Boaz’s reason for being kind towards Ruth? (Verse 11 says he saw Ruth’s loyalty and is asking for the Lord to reward her as she takes refuge in Him.)
From the beginning, Ruth and Boaz have an interesting relationship. Ruth is a foreigner, seeking the scraps of Boaz’s field. However, Boaz welcomes her. She works hard, gleans barley, and takes her harvest home to share with Naomi. Let’s focus on verse 19 and afterwards when Naomi discovers what has been occurring between Ruth and Boaz.
Discussion Questions (continued):
5. When Naomi sees and shares in Ruth’s harvest, what is her question to Ruth? (Where were you today? Blessed be the man who took care of you!)
6. When Ruth mentions Boaz, Naomi lights up with excitement. What does she say of him? (“He has not stopped showing his kindness to the living and the dead.”)
7. What kind of man does Boaz sound like to you? (Someone who is well-respected.)
8. Naomi reveals something about Boaz that Ruth does not yet know. What is it? (That he is a close relative, a “guardian redeemer.”)
9. By the end of Ruth 2, what is Ruth’s commitment to Boaz? (She stays close to him and works his land.)
In chapter 1, we read of Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi. Now, we are seeing Boaz show some loyalty toward Ruth. He is not just repaying kindness for kindness.Instead, he is honoring Israel’s traditions in two really important ways. He shows his faithfulness to foreigners and his faithfulness to family redemption.
Boaz is Faithful to the Tradition Regarding Foreigners
Read Deuteronomy 24:19
Discussion Questions:
1. What does this verse say a harvester should do when he or she is overlooking grain to harvest? (Leave it for the foreigner, the fatherless, and the widow to share.)
2. What will God do in return? (Bless the work of your hands.)
3. Is Boaz honoring this command? (Absolutely.)4. What character traits do you think this demonstrates? (Generosity, obedience, integrity, faithfulness, compassion, etc.)
I’m confident that Boaz knew this command—and others like it—that advised taking care of those in need of aid. But something else is going on here too. We’ll begin to see this development in chapter two.
Boaz is Faithful to the Tradition Regarding Family Redemption
Read Leviticus 25:47-55
The idea of a family redeemer is rooted in Leviticus 25. The law allowed for foreigners and the poor to be provided for in this way. Essentially, the closest relative took responsibility for his or her family members who needed care.
Discussion Questions:
1. Practically, how does Boaz demonstrate loyalty to this command? (Communicates with Ruth, promises to share with her, invites her to stay in his field, provides bread, etc.)
2. In Ruth 2:16, Boaz does more than is required. What does he do? (Instead of just allowing her to glean what is accidentally left behind, he instructs the harvesters to leave some for her on purpose.)
3. Naomi learns of this and rejoices, calling Boaz their kinsman redeemer. What does she say in verse 22? (It will be good for you to stick with Boaz, you’ll be safe, etc.)
4. What character traits do you see Boaz displaying in his care for Ruth? (Loyalty, responsibility, faithfulness, kindness, compassion, nobility, etc.)
In this chapter, it is clear that Boaz is a loyal man. It would have been easier and more convenient if he had neglected his responsibilities and gone about his business pushing Ruth and Naomi from his mind, but instead he steps up and does the right thing. Generally, he fulfills his obligation in caring for the poor foreigner. More specifically, he steps into his role as a kinsman redeemer of the family and cares for Ruth, who married into his family.
We’re not all the way through the story—there are two more chapters to go—but we’ve come far enough to learn from Boaz.
MAKING IT REAL (25 minutes)
Boaz’s faithfulness and loyalty are commendable. These character traits prompt two really interesting questions that we must ask ourselves: Towards whom are you a Boaz? and Who is your Boaz?.
Towards whom are you a Boaz?
Read Matthew 25:40
In this passage, Jesus talks to those who have provided help for those in need.
General Discussion:
• When we help those in need, who are we really helping? (Jesus.)
• How is Boaz’s generosity demonstrated? (He takes interest, he is generous, he goes above and beyond what is required.)
• This is a tough question, but I want to wrestle with it out loud: Who are some people around you who you may need to act as a Boaz toward? (The homeless, a single parent, an ignored kid at school, etc.)
• None of you are a farmer harvesting barley, but what could you give? How could you give? (Noticing people, interacting with the lonely, providing a meal or a service, etc.)
Boaz demonstrated great loyalty to “foreigners.” We honor God when we act as he acted.
General Discussion:
• Do you see this same kind of kindness in the Church today? (Allow students to share.)
• How might the Church improve its attitude toward people unlike its members? (Be more welcoming, be more generous, etc.)
• Since we are the Church, how can we work toward seeing more generosity among us? (Allow students to brainstorm.)
• Let’s be specific. Share out loud the name of someone whom you can take a step toward being a Boaz to today? (Encourage students to share.)
This leads to our second question:
Who is your Boaz? (Jesus)
General Discussion:
• In what ways spiritually are we like Ruth in this story? (We are all in need of help, protection, redemption, etc.)
• Who has been a spiritual help to to you similar to the way Boaz helped Ruth? (Parent, teacher, small group leader, coach, mentor, etc.)
• This “redeemer” language foreshadows a bit of what is coming to those who trust in Jesus. How does Boaz hint at Jesus-like qualities? (He steps in when he didn’t have to, he’s loyal to his people, he’s able to provide and deliver, he loves unconditionally, etc.)
Ultimately, our redeemer is Jesus. Though we may be able to help the helpless among us from time to time, we are also “foreigners, widows, the fatherless.” We need protection. We need salvation. We need someone to rescue us. Jesus does that.
Read Ruth 2:12
Discussion Questions:
1. Boaz commends Ruth for what? (Her loyalty to Naomi and for finding refuge among Israel and their God.)
2. How do we find refuge similarly? (We take shelter under the salvation of Jesus. We run to Him for protection and provision.)
We can be a Boaz but we also need a Boaz. Our redeemer is Jesus.
In Ruth 2, loyalty is on display as Boaz remains faithful to the traditions of his people. Sometimes, we may scorn past traditions or believe them to be outdated. After today’s lesson, it is clear that sometimes these traditions are not old-fashioned but in fact useful models for our lives.
CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)
Pray that your students become loyal just as Boaz demonstrated. Pray that they fully grasp the loyalty of Jesus towards His followers as well. Pray that they allow themselves to take shelter under His wings.
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Used by permission:www.kidssundayschool.com
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