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青少年教程 (路得记*第1课) | 路得对拿俄米的忠诚




  • 让学生对旧约中的路得记有一个概述性的理解

  • 帮助学生理解忠诚在信徒生活中的重要性

  • 鼓励学生过忠诚的生活




路得记 1:16







  • 是什么让这个游戏变得困难?(每个人都被拉向不同的方向,暂时一个人,找不到方向等)

  • 在生活中,你有没有感觉像在这个游戏中一样——有点迷失,被同时拉向几个方向等?(让学生分享)



选择三位读者,每人分配一段经文大声朗读:路得记 1:1-4,路得记 1:5-15,路得记 1:16-22



读 路得记 1:1


  • 从约书亚死后到扫罗被命名为王之间,士师统治以色列。

  • 这意味着路得的故事发生在这两个人之间的某个时期。

  • 士师记中的一个常见短语是“各人任意而行”。

  • 这是以色列一个混乱、罪恶和分裂的时期。

  • 在这一切中,路得记的作者告诉我们,一场饥荒袭击了很多人,他们不得不前往摩押地。


  1. 路得记的作者为什么要包括这个历史背景?(可以帮助我们理解路得、拿俄米和其他人所面临的绝望。)

  2. 以色列人离开家乡到另一个地方意味着什么?(不太好听。摩押不是一个友好的地方。)

  3. 以利米勒、拿俄米和他们的儿子们有多绝望?(他们非常非常绝望)



读 路得记 1:3-5


  1. 谁先去世?(以利米勒)

  2. 谁还在世?(拿俄米和她的两个儿子)

  3. 接下来发生了什么?(拿俄米的两个儿子各娶了一个摩押女子 - 一个叫路得,另一个叫俄珥巴。)

  4. 又发生了什么不幸的事?(拿俄米的两个儿子玛伦和基连死了)

  5. 现在谁还在世?(拿俄米、路得和俄珥巴)





读 创世记 19:30-38


  1. 谁是摩押?(罗得和他的一个女儿的儿子)

  2. 你是否已经看到了以色列人可能对摩押人持有不利的看法?(是的)

读 士师记 3:12-30


  1. 士师记中,以色列和摩押之间的关系是什么?(摩押人奴役以色列人,使他们成为摩押的臣民)

  2. 摩押如何反而成为了以色列的臣民?(以色列派出一名士师暗杀了摩押王)

  3. 士师时代之前,如何看待这两群人之间的关系?(两者之间有紧张关系)

  4. 以色列人通常如何看待摩押人?(不好)

  5. 摩押人通常如何看待以色列人?(不好)


读 路得记 1:16-18


  1. 路得为什么做出这个决定?(我们不能确定,可能的原因有信仰、忠诚、爱等)

  2. 路得坚持留下来的决心有多强?(尽管俄珥巴离开了,但路得“决心”要跟随拿俄米)

  3. 尽管困难重重,拿俄米决定了什么?(她决定让路得和她一起返回)





读 路得记 1:16-17



  1. 这五个陈述是什么?(1. 你往那里去,我也往那里去。2. 你在哪里住宿,我也在哪里住宿。3. 你的民就是我的民。4. 你的神就是我的神。5. 你在哪里死,我也在哪里死。)

  2. 路得对她的异国婆婆表现出如此忠诚的原因是什么?(不能确定,可能时间久了,她们已经建立了非常亲密的关系)

  3. 你能想到比这更强烈的忠诚表达吗?(允许讨论)

  4. 你曾经向任何人表现出这种忠诚吗?(允许讨论)




• 这个陈述是什么意思?(意味着无论在什么情况下你都会跟随某人)

• 路得如何应用了这句话?(尽管有风险,她跟随拿俄米到一个除了拿俄米之外谁都不认识的地方。路得通过冒险跟随拿俄米表现出了对她的忠诚)

• 我们如何在生活中展示这种承诺?(这可能意味着完成困难的任务来帮助朋友,或者确保亲人不感到孤单,等等)




• 这句话的意思是什么?(它意味着一种留下来的承诺。)

• 路得如何应用了这句话?(拿俄米在摩押,她和她在一起。拿俄米在以色列,她也和她在一起。)

• 我们如何在生活中展示这种承诺?(当时局艰难时,不要离开,尽管这可能对你不利;当你做出承诺时,即使出现了新的、更有吸引力的选择,你也坚持到底,等等)




• 这句话的意思是什么?(它是一种愿意牺牲自己的身份来认同另一个人的态度)

• 路得如何应用了这句话?(她放弃了摩押的身份,融入以色列的文化。她抛弃了所有熟悉和舒适的东西,和拿俄米在一起)

• 我们如何在生活中展示这种承诺?(收养,和与我们不同的人交往,等等)




• 这句话的意思是什么?(拿俄米信奉的任何神都会成为路得信奉的神)

• 路得如何应用了这句话?(她离开了摩押的神,去敬拜以色列的独一真神)

• 我们如何在生活中展示这种承诺?(有人在结婚时愿意转换宗教信仰;因为爱一个人而转换到不同的宗教信仰;移居到另一个国家融入其文化,而不是试图改变它,等等。)




• 这句话的意思是什么?(它意味着她的忠诚是无条件的 - 只有死亡能将其结束)

• 路得如何应用了这句话?(据我们所知,路得和拿俄米在以色列度过了余生)

• 我们如何在生活中展示这种承诺?(当我们对某人做出承诺时,我们要履行;我们要对我们承诺忠诚的人保持忠诚,直到我们去世,等等)






• 在你的生活中,你可以对谁说出这些话并且是真心的?谁是你的拿俄米?(让学生分享)

• 什么样的人值得这种忠诚?(具有高道德标准、正直、表现出忠诚的人,等等)

• 另一个棘手的问题:你是那种值得别人对你表现出这种忠诚的人吗?你需要改变什么才能成为这样的人?



**** 英文版 *******


Lesson 1: Ruth’s Loyalty to Naomi



1. To give students an overview understanding of the Old Testament book of Ruth

2. To help students understand the importance of loyalty in the life of a disciple

3. To encourage students to live a loyal life


Affliction, Character, Choices, Commitment, Dependability, Family, Relationships, Sacrifice

Scripture Memorization

Ruth 1:16

OPENING PRAYER (3 to 5 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (5 minutes)

We are going to test the bonds between pairs in this variation of tag. Every person should have a partner. The pairs move around attempting to tag others. However, when one person is tagged, he or she then joins the pair who tagged him or her, thereby leaving his or her original pair. Thus, once tagged, a pair may become an individual as one member leaves the original pair to join a new pair, which is now a group of three or more. It will become chaotic quickly as pairs grow into groups, groups grow larger, and groups lose members.

The game goes on without an end unless somehow among the chaos all groups end up as one, so it is best just to set a time limit. If you don’t have much room in your space, you can slow everyone down a bit by making them navigate the game while on their knees.


General Discussion:

• What made that game difficult? (Everyone was being pulled in different directions, being alone for a while, not being able to find your way, etc.)

• In life, do you ever feel like you just felt in that game—a little lost, pulled in several directions at once, etc.? (Allow students to share.)

Today we will discuss someone who could have easily been lost and pulled in different directions in life but instead chose loyalty. Today, we start the phenomenal story of Ruth. If you are not familiar with Ruth’s story, by the end of these four weeks, you will love this story. If you are familiar with the story, you will finish these four weeks with a greater understanding of Ruth and loyalty.

DIGGING IN (30 minutes)

Select three readers and assign them each a passage to read aloud: Ruth 1:1-4, Ruth 1:5-15, Ruth 1:16-22

To understand the first chapter of Ruth, we really need to wrap our minds around three things: the days, the tragedy, and the decision Ruth made to stick with Naomi.

Understand the Days

Read Ruth 1:1

What were “the days that the judges ruled” like? If you have not studied the book of Judges, here are some of the highlights:

• From the time of Joshua’s death to the naming of Saul as King, judges ruled Israel.

• This means the events of Ruth occurred sometime between those two men’s lives.

• A common phrase in the Book of Judges is that “everyone did what was right in their own eyes.”

• This was a chaotic, sinful, divided time in Israel.

• In the middle of all this, the author of Ruth tells us, a famine hits and many people travel to Moab.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why do you think the author of Ruth includes this historical background? (It helps us understand the desperation that Ruth, Naomi and the other characters are facing as we read this narrative.)

2. What do you think it means for the Israelites to leave their homeland and go to another land? (It is a little scandalous. Moab was not necessarily a friendly place.)

3. How desperate do you sense Elimelech, Naomi, and their sons are? (They are very, very desperate.)Now that we understand how desperate the situation was, let’s see how the story unfolds.

Understand the Tragedy

Read Ruth 1:3-5

Discussion Questions:

1. Who dies first? (Elimelech.)

2. Who remains? (Naomi and her two sons.)

3. What happens next? (Naomi's sons each marry a Moabite woman—one named Ruth and the other named Orpah.)

4. What unfortunate event happens again? (Naomi’s two sons, Mahlon and Kilion die.)

5. Now, who remains? (Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah.)

Naomi means “pleasant.” By the end of this chapter, she will insist people call her “Mara” which means “bitter.” The tragedy she endures is enormous. Naomi hears there is food in Israel again and decides to return to her homeland. Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah start back for Israel, but on the way Naomi realizes how difficult it will be for these two single Moabite women to live in Israel. Therefore, Naomi insists her two daughters-in-law remain in Moab while she travels to Israel alone. But Ruth won’t leave Naomi’s side and asserts that she will join Naomi on the journey to Israel.

Now that we understand the setting and the tragedy that Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah faced, let’s discuss their decision.

Understand the Decision

Before we can appreciate Ruth’s decision to follow Naomi back into Israel, we need to understand the relationship between Moabites and God’s chosen people.

Read Genesis 19:30-38

Discussion Questions:

1. Who was Moab? (The son of Lot and one of his daughters.)

2. Can you already see how Israel may have looked unfavorably upon Moab? (Yes.)

Read Judges 3:12-30

Discussion Questions:

1. In Judges, what is the relationship between Israel and Moab? (The Moabites enslaved the Israelites making them the subjects of Moab.)

2. How does Moab become subject to Israel instead? (Israel sends a judge to assassinate the Moabite King.)

3. Up until the time of the Judges, how do you see the relationship between the two groups of people? (There is tension between the two.)

4. How do you think the Israelites generally viewed the Moabites? (Poorly.)

5. How do you think the Moabites generally looked at the Israelites? (Poorly.)

Keep all of this hatred, tension, and resentment in mind as we consider Ruth’s actions.

Read Ruth 1:16-18

Discussion Questions:

1. Why do you think Ruth makes that decision? (We cannot be sure, but possible reasons are faith, loyalty, love, etc.)

2. How strongly does Ruth insist to stay? (Although Orpah leaves, Ruth is “determined” to go with Naomi.)

3. Despite the difficulty, what does Naomi decide? (She decides to allow Ruth to return with her.)

This is an interesting story, for sure. An Israelite family flees to a bordering nation to survive. In addition to living among their enemies, which was surely difficult, the three patriarchs of the family die, leaving behind three widows.

Naomi decides to return home. The daughters-in-law follow at first, but when encouraged to stop one turns back while Ruth stays. At the end of chapter, Ruth (who is consistently called “a Moabite” in this chapter, lest we forget how we are supposed to feel about her) is in Bethlehem (remember that fact) just as the harvest season begins.

Even in this chapter, which is sort of an introduction to the real meaning of the book, we see incredible lessons of loyalty form Ruth.

MAKING IT REAL (25 minutes)

Read Ruth 1:16-17

In those verses, Ruth states four items demonstrating loyalty to Naomi that serve as a guideline for how we can show loyalty to people in our lives.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are the five statements? (1. Whereever you go, I will go. 2. Where you stay, I will stay. 3. Your people are my people. 4. Your God is my God. 5. Where you die, I will die.)

2. Why do you think Ruth feels this amount of loyalty to her foreign mother-in-law? (We cannot be sure, perhaps enough time has passed that they have formed a very close relationship.)

3. Can you think of stronger statements of loyalty than these? (Allow for discussion.)

4. Have you ever demonstrated that sort of loyalty to anyone? (Allow for discussion.)

Let’s talk a little bit about each statement. Perhaps by modeling these five things, we can discover new opportunities to express loyalty in our lives.

Wherever You Go, I Will Go

General Discussion:

• What do you think this statement means? (It means you will follow someone no matter the circumstances.)

• How did Ruth apply it to her situation? (Even though it was risky, she followed Naomi to a foreign land where she knew no one except Naomi. Ruth showed loyalty to Naomi by following her despite the risks.)

• How can we demonstrate this type of commitment in our lives? (It could mean completing difficult tasks to help a friend in need, or making sure that a loved one does not feel alone, etc.)

Commitments to follow someone into risky situations are tough commitments to make, but that is a sure sign of loyalty between one person and another.

Where You Stay, I Will StayGeneral Discussion:

• What do you think this statement means? (It means a commitment to remain.)

• How did Ruth apply it to her situation? (She stayed with Naomi as long as she was in Moab. She will stay with Naomi for as long as she is in Israel.)

• How can we demonstrate this type of commitment in our lives? (Do not leave others when times are difficult though it may be inconvenient to you; when you make a commitment, you must stand by it even though a new, more-appealing option may present itself, etc.)

Commitments to remain are few in our world. If you want to be a loyal person, stop leaving all the time.

Your People Will Be My People

General Discussion:

• What do you think this statement means? (It is a willingness to sacrifice one’s own identity to identify with another person.)

• How did Ruth apply it to her situation? (She abandons Moab to be assimilated into Israel’s culture. She left behind all that was familiar and comfortable to her to remain with Naomi.)

• How can we demonstrate this type of commitment in our lives? (Adoption, associating with people different from ourselves, etc.)

Commitments to sacrifice your own identity for someone else’s good are often criticized in today’s world, but it is a sure way to practice loyalty.

Your God Will Be My GodGeneral Discussion:

• What do you think this statement means? (Whatever deity Naomi follows will be the god Ruth follows.)

• How did Ruth apply it to her situation? (She left the Moabite gods to worship the One True God of Israel.)

• How can we demonstrate this type of commitment in our lives? (Someone’s willingness to switch religions when that person marries; converting to a different religion because of someone you love; moving to a different country and assimilating into its culture instead of trying to change it; etc.)

A willingness to switch faith systems is an extreme example of loyalty to another person.

Where You, Die I Will Die

General Discussion:

• What do you think this statement means? (It means that her loyalty is unconditional—only death can end it.)

• How does Ruth apply it to her situation? (As far as we know, Ruth remains in Israel for the rest of Naomi’s and her lives.)

• How can we demonstrate this type of commitment in our lives? (When we make a promise to someone, we keep it; we remain faithful to those we have promised to be faithful to until we die; etc.)

A commitment to join someone in his or her place of death may be the ultimate expression of loyalty.

Life, death, faith, belonging—Ruth expresses strong words of loyalty towards Naomi. As the rest of the story unfolds, we will see how Ruth's loyalty is rewarded.

Your journey of loyalty is just beginning. To whom will you be loyal? Where will you belong? Whose God will you worship? What could disturb your loyalty to your friends, your family, or your church family? We all have to wrestle with these questions.

Have students re-read Ruth 1:16

General Discussion:

• Who in your life, you could say these words to and mean them? Who is your Naomi? (Allow students to share.)

• What type of person do you think is worthy of this kind of loyalty? (Someone who has a high moral code, is of high integrity, demonstrates loyalty themselves, etc.)

• Another tough question: Are you the type of person who is worthy of receiving this type of loyalty from another person? What needs to change about you to make it so?

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)

Invite students to pray silently for those whose names have just come into their minds. Have them ask God to make them a more loyal person. After some silent prayer, ask God on behalf of your group to make you a person others are willing to be loyal toward.


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