读 约翰福音12:12-19
读 启示录7:9-10
2.“和散那,在主名里来的以色列王,是当受颂赞的!” (第13节)
读 诗篇118:25-26
1.诗篇这段经文和约翰福音12:13之间有什么联系?(用词相同:“ 和散那”的意思是“拯救”,很明显,人群将其归于耶稣。)
读 撒迦利亚书9:9
读 约翰福音12:20-28
重读 约翰福音12:17-19
**** 英文版 *******
Gospel of John
Lesson 9: A King of A Different Kind
1. To provide students with an overview understanding of the Gospel of John
2. To introduce students to the way Jesus rules and reigns differently
3. To inspire students to “go after” Jesus
Humility, Kingdom of God, Zealousness
Scripture Memorization
John 12:19
OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)
GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)
The shoe relay is a simple way to get students moving. It has no direct link to our lesson today, but it is fun. Have students remove both shoes and put all the shoes in a big pile in the middle of your space.
Split your group into two teams (guys vs. girls, etc.) and have them line up at opposing sides of the room. When you say go, their job is to send a player (one at a time) to the middle of the circle to retrieve one of their shoes. Then they go to the back of the line. Each player retrieves a single shoe until everyone on their team has both shoes on.
If you want to make it more difficult, you can change the rules to include a level of difficulty. Have them retrieve the shoe of the person behind them in line, for example, or require them to crawl, etc.
Today, we shift from Jesus’ ministry leading up to the final week of His life to the first event of His final week. Within six days, Jesus will be dead. Before the events of His death, burial, and resurrection take place, Jesus has a huge statement to make — that He is King.
General Discussion:
• Who do you think of when you think of famous kings? (Elvis, Henry the VIII, etc.)
• What do you think a king’s job is to do? (Rule, reign, judge, etc.)
• What do you think makes a king a good king? (Control, power, compassion, etc.)
• If you were a king, what would be your first order of business? (Allow students to share.)
DIGGING IN (30 minutes)
In today’s study, we will learn that Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem the Sunday before He is crucified marked a very important moment in time. With one action — what we commonly call a Triumphal Entry — we see Him declaring Himself King.
But it’s not the kind of king everyone thought He would become.
Read John 12:12-19
You may not notice it, but in this passage Jesus is making a very clear statement: I am the Messiah.
Background: The Messiah was a long-awaited ruler of the Jews. He would free them from their captors once and for all and liberate them to rule and reign themselves as God’s chosen people. The expectation at the time of Christ was that the Messiah would come and overthrow the Roman government and the Jews would thrive in the Holy City of Jerusalem once again. People had waited for the Messiah for centuries. Many men had risen up claiming to be the Messiah, only to be struck down. There are several clues in this passage that indicate Jesus is making a clear statement that He is the Messiah and King.
1. Palm Branches (verse 13)
Read Revelation 7:9-10
Discussion Question:
1. What is the connection between Revelation 7 and John 12:13? (The palm branches are used to usher in a King, for worship, etc.)
2. “Hosanna! Blessed is the King of Israel!” (verse 13)
Read Psalm 118:25-26
Discussion Question:
1. What is the connection between Psalm 118 and John 12:13? (The phrasing is the same: ”Hosanna” means “Save!” and it’s clear that the crowd is attributing this to Jesus.)
3. Riding a donkey, your King is coming! (verse 14-15)
Read Zechariah 9:9
Discussion Question:
1. What is the connection between Zechariah 9 and John 12:14-15? (The prophecy stated that the Messiah would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey’s colt. In both cases, the reference is to a King.)
In addition, in Roman times, the people would gather to meet a conquering war hero. As they entered a capital city, the people would go out, pave the way, and shout praises upon the individual who had saved them in battle.
In this one action, Jesus is a threat to the Jewish leadership (He is claiming to be the Messiah) as well as to the Roman government (by allowing Himself to be called a King). A “great crowd” has gathered for the Passover (verse 12), so this is a very bold statement at such a hectic time.
As it turns out, the Jewish rulers and Roman government don’t have anything to worry about in terms of being unseated from their position of power. While Jesus is very much claiming to be King, it’s not the kind of King they think.
Read John 12:20-28
Discussion Questions:
1. Having entered the city to much fanfare what does Jesus say about Himself? (That He must die.)
2. Why must this happen? (So that as “fallen wheat” He may produce more “seeds”)
3. How do you think His speech about losing His life sounded to those who had just inaugurated Him king? (Probably pretty confusing, deflating, disappointing, etc.)
4. What is Jesus’ attitude in this passage? (He is “troubled.”)
5. Why would a king feel this way? (Because He is days away from the cross.)
6. What does Jesus say is His reason for being on the earth? (To die, to lay down His life.)
So, while Jesus appears to be a king, the type of king He is claiming to be is unconventional. He is a king not who will reign in power, but lay down His life. He is a king who will not dictate that people follow Him, but permit them to choose to do so of their own free will. Based on the crowd on this day, many are committing to do so. In fact, the Pharisees see people continuing to follow Jesus and are disturbed by it.
MAKING IT REAL (25 minutes)
Re-read John 12:17-19
Discussion Questions:
1. What events have caused people to cry out to Jesus? (Raising Lazarus from the dead, people spreading the word about Jesus, hearing about other signs, etc.)
2. What seems to be the Pharisees attitude? (They are frustrated at Jesus’ fame.)
3. What do the Pharisees say about the crowds attitude? (“the whole world has gone after him.”)
4. Given what we know about Jesus according to John, why do people “go after” Him? (He heals, He challenges oppressors, He teaches with authority, He tells the truth, He raises the dead, etc.)
I sometimes wonder how people would react to Jesus if He walked among us today. I sometimes wonder if my attitude would be like the Pharisees or like a person who believed. The Bible is clear about Jesus claiming to be God, King, and Messiah. We have talked a lot about Jesus the past few weeks of our study. As we start to move toward John’s talk about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, we must come face-to-face with our own relationships with Jesus.
General Discussion:
• What is it that makes Jesus a different kind of king? (He sacrifices for His people, He doesn’t seek earthly power, He is compassionate and merciful.)
• Do you think those characteristics are attractive to people today? (Yes, as we are skeptical of authority, but Jesus is benevolent and loving.)
• Do you think what was said of the world back then can be said today—that “the whole world has gone after him?” Why or why not? (Allow students to share.)
• If Jesus is who He said He was, why do you think the response is sometimes different? (Allow students do share.)
• What does it mean to “go after” Jesus? (To be transfixed, loyal to, devoted, rely upon, pursue.)
• In what ways are you pursuing Him? (Allow students to share.)
Jesus is, indeed, a King. But He is a king of a different kind. He is the Messiah. He has saved us. What is left to decide is if we will serve Him and allow Him rule and reign in our lives.
CLOSING PRAYER (3 minutes)
Pray for your students to “go after” Jesus as their King.
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Used by permission: www.kidssundayschool.com
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