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青少年教程 (约翰福音*第6课) | 耶稣引起争议













分发一些纸和笔,让学生写下他们真正相信的5件事。也许是家庭,或是对神的信仰,友谊,宠物等等。不用考虑别的 -只要求记录他们真正相信的五件事。让每个人都分享他们写下的内容。














阅读 约翰福音7:25-52

















阅读 约翰福音8:12-59







•“你的见证不真。” (第13节)

•“你的父在那里?” (第19节)

•“难道祂要自杀么?” (第22节)

• “你是谁?” (第25节)




•“我们不是从淫乱生的;我们只有一位父,就是神。” (第41节)

•“我们说你是撒玛利亚人,又有鬼附着,岂不正对么?” (第48节)

•“我们知道你有鬼附着……你将自己当作什么人!?!” (第52-53节)












阅读 提多书 3:9


重读 约翰福音 8:54-59




3.当耶稣说:“还没有亚伯拉罕,我就是”,你明白祂在说什么吗?(这是约翰福音中,另一句“我是”,这是神的名字。请参阅出埃及记 3:14。)





**** 英文版 *******

Gospel of John

Lesson 6: Jesus Causes Arguments



1. To provide students with an overview understanding of the Gospel of John

2. To introduce students to the reality that living for Jesus will place them in some tension

3. To inspire students to live for Jesus no matter the cost


Affliction, Believing, Boldness, Evangelism, Following Jesus, Hardship, Persecution, Perseverance

Scripture Memorization

John 8:58

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

Hand out some paper and pens and ask students to write down 5 things that they really, really believe in. Maybe it’s family, their belief in God, a friendship, a pet, whatever. Don’t qualify more than that—just ask them to record to record five things that they really believe in. Have everyone share what they wrote down.

Then, ask these questions:

1. What on your list would you be willing to give up for $10?

2. What on your list would you be willing to give up for $10,000?

3. What on your list would you be willing to give up for $1,000,000?

4. What on your list, if you were in danger of losing it, would you be willing to fight for? Get injured for?

5. What on your list, if you were in danger of losing it, would you be willing to die for?


General Discussion:

• How do you know when something is really important to you? (You are willing to stand up for it, sacrifice for it, etc.)

• When it comes to truth, what truth do you value the most? (Allow students to share.)

• What truth would you be willing to sacrifice — even die for? (Allow students to share.)

Today, we’re going to talk about a truth that Jesus was willing not only to cause division over, but also a truth he was willing to die for while defending it. Correspondingly, we also see that we should be willing to stand up for that same truth.

DIGGING IN (35 minutes)

Read John 7:25-52

Discussion Questions:

1. In the first part of this passage, with what are the people struggling? (Religious officials are leaving Jesus alone, despite His bold public speaking. In the first part of John 7, He has confronted and rebuked the religious leaders, but still He speaks without retribution.)

2. Why don’t the religious leaders believe He is the Messiah? (They know where He is from, and it was believed that it would not be known where the Messiah was from.)

3. What is the contrast in the crowd in verses 30-31? (Many believed in Jesus, while others tried to seize Him.)

4. What do the religious leaders do in response to this tension? (They send the temple guards to arrest Jesus.)

5. When the temple guards returned, what do they say to the Pharisees, etc.? (See verse 45-49. They said no one ever spoke the way Jesus did and did not arrest Him.)

The Pharisees were angry because Jesus was challenging the status quo. The “mob,”or non-leaders, believed in Him, but they claimed no “rulers” or “Pharisees” had believed in Him yet. But John re-introduces a character we met in John 3, Nicodemus, a Pharisee, in verse 50.

Discussion Questions (continued):

6. What does Nicodemus argue should be done? (That they should give Jesus a hearing before they attempt to arrest and kill Him.)

7. How do the Pharisees answer Nicodemus? (They accuse him of being ignorant of the Law, a Galilean, and too sympathetic.)

So the mob is being persuaded, the Pharisees are angry, some of them secretly believe in Jesus, and even those who were sent to arrest Jesus return claiming they’ve never heard anything like Him before.

Discussion Questions (continued):

8. Where is Jesus in this text? (In the temple, teaching.)

9. What sorts of things does Jesus say? (He links Himself to the Father, says He’s only with them for a while, tells them if they are thirsty to come to Him, etc.)

10. In the midst of the controversy does, Jesus show any sign from backing down? (Not at all. He continues to speak with authority.)

This resolve to teach the people and invite many to follow Him results in greater controversy later.

Read John 8:12-59

Discussion Questions:

1. What does Jesus say in the beginning of this passage? (That He is the light of the world.)

2. What do the Pharisees argue? (That He doesn’t offer up witnesses to support His claims.)

3. Where was Jesus when He taught this? (The temple, see verse 20.)

Commentators suggest that Jesus’ claim of being the Light of the World occurs with the backdrop of the menorah, which played a prominent role in the Feast of Tabernacles.

To finish summing up this passage, turn your students loose to count up the questions asked about Jesus and the things they say about him from John 8:12-59. A list follows:

• “Your testimony is not valid.” (verse 13)

• “Where is your Father?” (verse 19)

• “Will he kill himself?” (verse 22)

• “Who are you?” (verse 25)

• "They did not understand that He was telling them about His Father" (verse 27)

• “We are Abraham’s descendants” (verse 33)

• “Abraham is our father” (verse 39)

• “We are not illegitimate children, the only Father we have is God Himself.” (verse 41)

• “Aren’t we right in saying you are a Samaritan and demon-possessed?” (verse 48)

• “We know you are demon possessed…who do you think you are!?!” (verse 52-53)

General Discussion:

• Is it fair to say that Jesus has offended the religious elite He’s spoken to? (Positively.)

• What is it that they find so offensive? (He is claiming to be God.)

• Why do you think they go from arguing with Jesus on points of law (His testimony is not valid) to name-calling (He’s demon-possessed)? (They are frustrated, don’t understand, can’t comprehend what He is saying, feel threatened, He is claiming to be God, etc.)

MAKING IT REAL (15 minutes)

Jesus caused a lot of division, but He had the benefit of being God in the flesh. He had authority. His motivations were pure and just. He told the truth—He is the truth.

As Christ-followers, we should not be afraid of upsetting people, but sometimes the Church gets a bad reputation for arguing over things that aren’t that important.

General Discussion:

• What are some silly things you’ve heard Christians argue about? (Style of worship, various “Are Christians allowed to…” questions, how long a sermon should last, etc. There are lots of examples.)

• What do you think non-believers think when they see churches fighting about such things? (They think it’s pointless to be a follower of Christ because they don’t act any differently.)

There’s actually a passage of Scripture that talks about how Christians should avoid foolish arguments.

Read Titus 3:9

While there are some things we should avoid arguing about, there is one truth we must vigorously defend…It’s the whole point of John writing his gospel: Jesus is God. It should be the point that we return to again and again when we talk about Jesus, too. This is non-negotiable. If you don’t accept it, you cannot be a Christian.

Re-read John 8:54-59

Discussion Questions:

1. What does Jesus say about His relationship to God in verses 54-56? (That He knew the Father unlike they did, that Abraham would be excited to see His arrival, etc.)

2. Why are the religious leaders so upset? (Because Jesus is saying stuff that, if you don’t believe in His authority, sounds ridiculous. For example, He’s not even middle aged and He’s claiming to know Abraham in verse 56.)

3. When Jesus says, “Before Abraham was, I am,” do you understand what He is saying? (This is another of John’s “I am” statements, and it was a name used for God. See Exodus 3:14.)

4. Why did the Jews want to stone Jesus upon hearing this? (It was blasphemy to them, because Jesus was claiming to be God.)

Christians should stand up for what they believe in. But sometimes, we are stubborn and get into arguments about stuff that doesn't matter very much. But John is making it clear here that Jesus claimed to be God, is God, and Jesus did not hesitate to make those claims even though it would make people uncomfortable or even angry.

CLOSING PRAYER (3 minutes)

Pray for boldness for your students, that as they are convinced of Jesus’ deity, they will likewise not hesitate to share that with others, even when it is socially unacceptable to stand up for that truth.




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