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青少年教程 (约翰福音*第5课) | 耶稣是生命的粮

























阅读 约翰福音6:1-15








阅读 约翰福音6:25-40











阅读 约翰福音6:41-59








阅读 约翰福音6:60-71

















**** 英文版 *******

Gospel of John

Lesson 5: Jesus is The Bread of Life



1. To provide students with an overview understanding of the Gospel of John

2. To help students understand that you can follow Jesus for the wrong reasons

3. To help students make sure they are following Jesus for the right reason


Following Jesus, Selfishness, Stand Firm

Scripture Memorization

John 6:35

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

The paper folding challenge is that no piece of paper — no matter what size — can be folded in half more than 8 times. Challenge your students to beat that challenge. Provide various sizes of paper for them to attempt the feat. Most likely, none of them will.

(Mathematicians have solved this puzzle and successfully folded paper as many as twelve times on record, but most students will not figure out how on their own.)


General Discussion:

• How does it feel to attempt something that is impossible? (Frustrating.)

• What are some other things that seem impossible to you? (Allow students to share.)

• What miracle that you know Jesus performed seems most impossible? (Allow students to suggest miracles.)

• If you were to see someone do something that you know is impossible, what would you think of that person? (They were special, a magician, etc.)

In our study today, we’ll read about something that seemed impossible — Jesus feeding 5,000 people with a small amount of food. This miracle served as a platform for some tough teaching, which led to something that seemed impossible for many following Jesus — that they would continue to follow Jesus.

Today, we are continuing with our study of the Gospel of John. We will see opposition to Jesus’ teaching beginning to gather steam. So much so that even some of His “disciples” walked away from Him. As we read, we will see that maybe these people weren’t following Jesus for the right reasons.

DIGGING IN (35 minutes)

This chapter begins with a familiar story, one which is mentioned in the other 3 Gospels: the feeding of the 5,000.

Read John 6:1-15

What Jesus did here is a pretty impressive feat, and it's significance is not lost on the people He just miraculously fed.

Discussion Questions:

1. According to verse 15, what did the crowd want to do to Jesus? (Make Him king.)

2. How did Jesus respond to this? (He withdrew to a mountain by Himself.)

3. Why do you think He didn’t go along with the people’s plan and become king? (He wasn’t going to be king on their terms but rather on God’s terms; He rightfully didn’t trust their motives.)

Jesus recognized that their desire to make Him king had nothing to do with their genuine belief that He was their Messiah. He knew that they only wanted to do this because He had filled their bellies.

After Jesus left them, He made His way across the Sea of Galilee. The crowd He had fed the day before went looking for Him. Once they realized that He had crossed to the other side, they did the same.

Read John 6:25-40

Discussion Questions:

1. According to Jesus in verse 26, why was the crowd following Him? (Because He had fed them, He met a very real physical need: hunger.)

2. What do you think Jesus is talking about in verse 27 when He says the “food that endures to eternal life”? (Himself.)

3. What is so sad about what the crowd says in verse 30? (They seemed to have forgotten that He just fed 5,000 people with very little food.)

4. In verses 35 and 48, Jesus calls Himself “the bread of life.” Why do you think He calls Himself by this name? (Because when we feed on Him, we will be satisfied, and He will give us eternal life.)

5. What promise does Jesus give to those who will come to Him in verse 37? (He will never drive them away.)

In calling Himself “the bread of life” Jesus is trying to show the crowd that He is the answer to the spiritual hunger that they (and all of humanity) have. This hunger cannot be satisfied with anything or anyone else other than Jesus.

The feeding of the 5,000 was supposed to show them a picture of this in a tangible way.

Jesus is saying: As I have the power to feed 5,000+ of you with a small sack lunch, trust that I AM He who can fill your deepest spiritual need.

It is becoming apparent that they kind of missed the point.

Read John 6:41-59

Discussion Questions:

1. According to verse 41, how does the crowd react to Jesus’ generous invitation? (They grumbled, brought up His upbringing and began to argue with Him.)

2. Why do you think they reacted in this manner? (Allow for discussion.)

3. Look at verse 51, what is Jesus foreshadowing here? (His crucifixion.)

After the crowd starts debating what Jesus meant, Jesus uses very graphic, attention-getting imagery in verses 53-56. He talks about people eating His flesh and drinking His blood. (This would be shocking to a Jewish audience since in the Old Testament God strictly forbade them from drinking blood.)

4. Do you think Jesus is advocating cannibalism here? (Of course not, Jesus is using physical terms to teach about spiritual realities.)

5. What does He mean then? (To “eat” His flesh is to trust and believe in Him, to “drink” His blood is to trust that His death atones for our sin; by believing in Him our deepest hunger will be satisfied.)

Read John 6:60-71

Discussion Questions:

1. In verse 60, even some disciples start questioning Jesus’ teaching, and by verse 66, many have left. What is it about Jesus’ teaching that ultimately caused this? (It is a difficult teaching.)

2. According to verse 68, why did the 12 Apostles choose to stay with Jesus? (Because they, with the exception of one though he pretended to be, were all in with Jesus come what may.)

MAKING IT REAL (15 minutes)

Most of the people who followed Jesus here in John 6 did so because of what He could do for them (feed them). They were not following Him because He is worthy of our worship but because they needed food and He miraculously provided for them.

Or maybe some followed Him because they wanted to see what all the fuss was about and were not honestly seeking Him because He is worthy of our worship.

Here is also the trap for us: Are we seeking and seemingly following Jesus for the wrong reasons?

General Discussion:

• What are some wrong reasons to follow Jesus? (Allow students to share.)

• Are any of these wrong reasons to follow Jesus applicable to your life? (Allow students to discuss the ways that they are sometimes selfish in their pursuit of Jesus.)

• How can you tell if your motivations in following Jesus are selfish? (Often if we only go to Him when we’re desperate, if we don’t surrender all of our life to Him, if we refer to Him as “Savior” but never “Lord,” etc.)

• If following Jesus meant no benefits for you, but eternal worship of Him, would you still follow Him? Would you still want to be a Christian? Why/why not? (Allow students to share.)

• When Jesus teaches us difficult lessons (such as here in John 6, or when He says to take up our cross and follow Him), are you willing to follow Him during difficult times, or only when it’s easy? (Allow students to share.)

• If you find that you draw the line when things get tough, can you identify what is keeping you from stepping over that barrier and following Jesus no matter what? (Allow students to share.)

CLOSING PRAYER (3 minutes)

Pray that we follow Jesus for the right reasons.




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