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青少年教程 (约翰福音*第3课) | 耶稣公开身份





























重新 读约翰福音2:1-12





3.耶稣的回应分为三个部分。“妇人”,“我与你何干?”和“我的时候还没有到。” 祂的这些回应是什么意思?(祂似乎在说,还不是祂该公开露面的时候,祂不应该参与其中,等等。)











重读 约翰福音2:13-25





























• 为耶稣,你可以公开地作些什么?(在社交媒体上,通过提供一些无偿服务,邀请朋友参加教会;支持那些被欺负的人,等等)








**** 英文版 *******

Gospel of John

Lesson 3: Jesus Goes Public



1. To provide students with an overview understanding of the Gospel of John

2. To introduce students to the ministry of Jesus as it is typified by His first miraculous work

3. To inspire students to express their faith in Christ publicly


Boldness, Evangelism, Faith, Following Jesus, Light

Scripture Memorization

John 2:24-25

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

Have students write down one thing they don’t think anyone else in the group knows about them. As the leader, collect those things and read each of them out loud, allowing the group to guess who they think it belongs to. After everyone has guessed, have whoever wrote it reveal their identity. For fun, throw one in about yourself!


General Discussion:

• Are you surprised by anything you just learned? What surprised you?

• Are there things about yourself that you would never share? Why or why not? (Embarrassing, too personal, etc.)

• How would you feel if someone had written down that they are actually a millionaire? (Really shocked, surprised, impressed, etc.)

• How would you feel if someone had written down that they descended from royalty? (Surprised, etc.)

Today we’re going to study the second chapter of John, when Jesus goes public for the first time in His ministry. It’s surprising to some, outrageous to others, but it should inspire us to also go public also.

DIGGING IN (30 minutes)

Read John 2:1-25

Discussion Questions:

1. What have we already determined is John’s purpose in writing his Gospel? (To assert that Jesus is God and to persuade his listeners to believe and have eternal life.)

2. How do you see these two stories working together to fulfill that goal? (One is a miracle that Jesus performs, in the other He speaks truth about Himself many don’t understand.)

We want to re-examine each of these stories. They share two things in common:

• They show Jesus going public in His ministry.

• They help show that He is who He says He is.

Re-Read John 2:1-12

These events, John tells us, are three days after Jesus’ baptism. He is in a different region now, and He and His new band of disciples attend a wedding. At the celebration, they run out of wine. This was humiliating to the hosts and a bit of a social crisis.

Discussion Questions:

1. What does Mary ask Jesus to do and why? (She tells them there is no more wine. We can only expect that she wanted Him to do something about it.)

2. If Jesus had never performed a miracle before, why do you think Mary asks Him to intervene? What do you think she was expecting to happen? (She already believed in His power, etc.)

3. Jesus’ response has three parts. “Dear woman,” “why do you involve me,” and “my hour has not yet come.” What do you think He means by His response? (He seems to be communicating that it’s not time for Him to make a public entrance, He shouldn’t get involved, etc.)

One commentator notes that the three parts actually tell us a lot. “Dear woman” may be meant to differentiate Him from Mary. She must not look at Him as a son alone any longer, but as the Messiah.

“Why do you involve me” is a popular Hebrew phrase meaning, “What business is it of mine.” In other words, Mary is getting involved in — and trying to involve Jesus in — a social crisis on the part of the hosts. He’s simply pointing out that it’s not His problem, or perhaps that now that His ministry has begun, He has more pressing and concerning matters to deal with than a good party.

“My hour has not yet come” seems obvious, meaning it’s not His time to make a big splash.

Discussion Questions (continued):

4. Despite Jesus' response, what does Mary say to the servants? (Do whatever He tells you.)

5. What does Jesus do? (Turns water into wine.)

6. What is notable about the wine He creates? (It is better than what they had been drinking.)

7. What is the response of those who tasted it? (“you have saved the best for last.”)

8. How do the disciples, who saw this miracle in Cana, respond? (They believe in Jesus.)

This is the first miracle that John tells us about, the first of seven. Seven is considered a perfect number, another hint by John that Jesus is God. Then, John’s story shifts.

Re-read John 2:13-25

It is easy to focus on the corruption in the temple and the cleansing of the temple. But John does not necessarily tell us this story for that reason. Instead, he’s trying to show us that Jesus is the Messiah. This story goes a long way to do that.

Discussion Questions:

1. What does Jesus rage cause him to do? (Weave a whip and drive the animals from the temple, overturning the tables of money changers, etc.)

2. What do His disciples remember? (It’s Psalm 69:9 that says “zeal for your house will consume me,” which was a Messianic Psalm. They are starting to see who Jesus is.)

3. What is the Jews reaction? (What sign can you show us to prove that what you are doing is okay?)

4. How do the Jewish people react? (By saying He will rebuild the temple in three days.)

5. How do the Jewish people interpret His message? What is He actually saying? (They think Jesus means to rebuild the physical temple, but He is already alluding to His resurrection from death.)

6. What is the response by the people? (Both His disciples and others believed in His name.)

7. Still, what doesn't Jesus do, according to verse 24? (He “would not entrust Himself to them, for He knew all the people.”)

Jesus knew that the same crowd in awe of Him now would turn on Him eventually. In the early days of His ministry, He is hesitant to make a big deal out of Himself, it seems. However, He is also laying the foundation of communicating that He is God in the flesh. His “I will raise it again in three days” comment is one that the disciples remembered after the resurrection (verse 22). Remember, John is one of these disciples, and he’s telling us these things.

MAKING IT REAL (15 minutes)

Jesus going public in ministry here is instructive in two ways. First, it begins to build a case that He is, in fact, God in flesh. It also inspires us to go public for Jesus as well.

General Discussion:

• Which of the things that we read in John 2 do you find most persuasive in terms of Jesus being God? (Water to wine, prophecy about resurrection, authority in driving out the crooks in the temple, etc.)

• If you had been at the wedding and witnessed this miracle, what would you have thought about Jesus? (He was different, powerful, etc.)

• If you had been in the temple, what would you have thought of Jesus’ behavior? (That He was crazy, powerful, and was justified in His rage, etc.)

• Why do you think Jesus chose the miracle of changing water into wine and the cleansing of the temple to begin His ministry? (They were very obvious, noticeable, authoritative actions.)

• In both cases, the result was people “believing in Him.” Having read it, do you find that these pieces of evidence lead you to greater belief? Why or why not? (Allow students to share.)

John purposefully gives us this chapter immediately following Jesus’ baptism. These are two of the first things Jesus did to begin His public ministry. It prompts a really intriguing question:

Is your ministry public or secret?

General Discussion:

• If you are a Christian, when did you become a Christian? (Allow students to share.)

• How long after you became a Christian did you first publicly speak out or act out for Jesus? What did you say or do? (Allow students to share.)

• Do you find it difficult to stand up, speak up, or act out for Jesus? Why or why not? (Allow students to share.)

• Do you think it was difficult for Jesus to step out from the sidelines and make Himself known for who He was? (Allow students to share.)

• What would cause someone who is hesitant, shy, or scared, to make a statement for Jesus? (Holy Spirit, conviction, faith, purpose, etc.)

It should encourage us that Jesus struggled with the timing of revealing Himself. While we cannot perform miracles, and while we probably shouldn’t start whipping people, we can step out more boldly than we have in the past.

The encouragement we gain from His hesitation, knowing that we’re not alone in that, should pale in comparison to the encouragement we gain from His action. He got to work. He stepped out and made it known what His purposes were.

General Discussion:

• What is one way you could go public for Jesus that you haven’t before? (On social media, through an act of service, inviting a friend to church, sticking up for someone who is picked on, etc.)

• What might the act of going public with your faith cost you? (Ridicule, outrage, loss of popularity, etc.)

• Are those things Jesus had to face? (Of course and worse.)

• The actions of Jesus led to many people believing in Him as Messiah. Do you think your actions could lead to someone believing that Jesus is who He said He was? (Of course!)

• Who’s actions led you to belief, or have deepened your belief, in Christ? (Allow students to name some names of people who impacted them.)

Jesus said “My time has not yet come,” but then He turned the water to wine and cleansed the temple. What are you waiting for?

CLOSING PRAYER (3 minutes)

Pray that students will have the courage to stop hesitating, go public with their faith, and to be the kind of Christians who lead other people to believe in Christ.




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