约翰一书 3:9
• 同意或不同意:偷一个糖果,和对父母撒谎一样严重。
• 同意或不同意:没说出完整的真相,不叫撒谎。
• 同意或不同意:有些罪比其他罪更严重。
• 同意或不同意:如果你不理解某项法律,那么你可以不遵守它。
• 同意或不同意:假装一切都很完美比承认有弱点要好。
• 同意或不同意:只有一条达到真理的路。没有多条道路。
• 选择有多难?
• 你是否对自己的答案百分之百肯定,还是想在中间待一会儿?
• 是什么让你对自己有正确的答案如此确定?
• 说出一次你被发现做错事的经历。
• 是谁发现了你?结果如何?
• 当你被抓到时,你脑子里在想什么?
• 你感到尴尬吗?羞愧吗?如果你没有被抓到,你会有同样的感觉吗?
• 为得到智慧祷告
• 为在真理中被扶持祷告
• 为我们的罪得到宽恕祷告
读 约翰一书3:4-10
3. 根据这段经文,公义的定义是什么?(做正确的事)
这段经文提出了一个重要的问题:基督徒需要完全实现公义,再也不犯罪吗?毕竟,第6节说:“凡住在祂里面的,就不犯罪。” 约翰在这段经文中所指的罪是指一种习惯性、不悔改的罪恶生活。基督徒仍然会犯罪。他们将继续犯罪,直到生命结束。不同之处在于,那些真正被福音改变的基督徒会厌恶自己的罪,会要悔改,为自己的罪而悲伤。他们渴望过义的生活,爱神为他们所安排的一切。那些不是福音真正信徒的人不会因自己的罪而感到懊悔,而会过主动拒绝神的生活,过习惯性的不悔改的生活。
**** 英文版 *******
1 John
Lesson 3: No Room for Gray
1. To give students an overview of the New Testament book of 1 John 2. To convince students that there is a right and a wrong way of living 3. To inspire students to choose to live right
Behavior, Following Jesus, Forgiveness, Godliness, Guilt, Hypocrisy, Repentance, Sin, Truth
Scripture Memorization
1 John 3:9
OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)
GROUP BUILDING (5 minutes)
Have all students stand in the center of the room. On the wall to the left, post a sign that reads, “AGREE.” On the opposite wall, to the right, post a sign that reads, “DISAGREE.” Then, read the following scenarios and have students choose their answer by standing on the appropriate side of the room. The only rule is that players cannot stay in the middle.
• Agree or Disagree: If you steal a candy bar, it is just as bad as lying to your parents. • Agree or Disagree: If you don’t tell the whole truth, then you are not lying. • Agree or Disagree: There are some sins that are worse than others. • Agree or Disagree: If you don’t understand a law, it’s okay if you don’t follow it. • Agree or Disagree: It is better to pretend that everything is perfect, than to admit you have weakness. • Agree or Disagree: There is only one way to truth. There are not multiple paths.
Bring the groups back together. General Discussion: • How hard was it to choose a side? • Were you 100% positive of your answers or did you want to stand in the middle for a while? • What made you so sure you had the right answers?
GETTING STARTED (10 minutes)
General Discussion: • Name a time when you were caught doing something wrong. • Who caught you? What was the result? • What was going through your head when you were caught? • Were you embarrassed? Ashamed? Would you have felt the same way if you hadn’t been caught?
Today we are going to be talking about sin. Some of us may look at sin as just a slip up, but John tells us that all sin is lawlessness. There is no middle ground with God. His rule is black and white. This means that even though we may want to stand in the middle, there is always a clear truth with God.
Before we go any further, let’s pray. Let’s pray for three things:
• Prayer for Wisdom • Prayer to be raised up in truth • Prayer for forgiveness of our sins
(Have students pray.)
DIGGING IN (30 minutes)
John is once again leading us with bold truth. In 1 John 2:28-3:3, he describes our adoption as God’s children. This is something incredible that happens to us when we trust in the Gospel of Christ. Now in this next section of the letter, John talks about how our lives should and will change when we respond to what God did for us and in us through Christ. John gives another test to help distinguish true believers from the antichrists: practicing righteousness. Those who love Jesus will strive to live lives of holiness out of appreciation for receiving the truth through Him.
Read 1 John 3:4-10
Discussion Questions 1. What is the definition of sin according to this passage? (Lawlessness.) 2. What/who is the origin of sin? (The devil.)
Much of our culture downplays sin, turning it into nothing more than “a different perspective,” a “personality problem,” or “a lifestyle choice.” Sinfulness is overlooked and excused in the name of tolerance and acceptance. The picture that scripture paints of sin is much more grievous. In describing sin as lawlessness, John is saying sin is not something to be ignored or downplayed, and that sin is even more than simply “missing the mark.” Sin is an active rebellion and willful rejection of what God has declared to be good and right. Sin is rebellion against and rejection of God Himself. Discussion Questions: (Continued) 3. What is the definition of righteousness according to this passage? (Doing what is right.) 4. What/who is the origin of righteousness? (God.)
One of the strongest evidences of our faith will come when Jesus begins to destroy the sin living in us. Can you think of a time that Jesus has destroyed sin in your life?
Do you see how it is impossible to stand in the middle with a black and white God? Either people are adopted children of God, who strive to live righteous lives to His glory, or they are children of the devil, who are in active rebellion against God and live in the darkness.
This text raises a significant question: Do Christians need to achieve righteousness and never sin again? After all, verse 6 says that, “No one who abides in Him keeps on sinning.” The kind of sinning that John has in mind in this passage is a habitual, unrepentant, lifestyle of sin. Christians will still sin. They will commit sins for the rest of their lives. The difference is that Christians who are truly changed by the Gospel will hate their sin, will feel repentant, and grieve over their sin. They will desire to live righteous lives and love all that God desires for them. Those who are not true believers in the Gospel will not be remorseful over their sin and will live habitual and unrepentant lifestyles in active rejection of God.
MAKING IT REAL (10 minutes)
There’s another side of brokenness that we have to address. When you sin, the lie that will immediately follow is that this is your identity. Here are a few examples of how sin can overtake our lives and change our identity from the truth to a lie.
You are a drunk. You’ll never be anything else, but a drunk. You are dirty sick and twisted. No matter how many times you go to rehab, you won’t get clean.
You’re a liar. You lied and so that makes you a liar. You’ll never be forgiven and no one will ever understand why you lie.
You’re a pervert. You know what you’ve looked at and thought. God will never forgive what you did. You should be ashamed of yourself.
The solution of course is that Jesus takes away sin and gives us a new identity. When we are in Jesus, we will not sin, because we’re no longer who we used to be.
Here’s a question everyone has to answer: How is Jesus changing your identity?
Discussion Questions: 1. How do you downplay the sin in your life? Honestly. Do you: blame your sin on someone else, pretend it’s not a big deal, hide it and hope no one notices, focus only on your positives and hope they outweigh the negatives, lie and cover up your sin at any cost, or point out someone’s flaws which are worse? (Ask the students to share which one they do most often.) 2. What should we do when we don’t successfully practice righteousness? (Repent and ask God to forgive us.) 3. What is the proper response that a Christian should make when he or she sins? (Sorrow for the sin that was committed, a willingness to turn or reject the sinful behaviour, and confession of the sin to God.) 4. Are there any areas of your life where you have stubbornly refused to let Jesus be Lord? What are they? (Allow for discussion.)
Workbook Activity
Spend just a few minutes reflecting on your life. What aspect of your behavior looks more like practicing lawlessness than practicing righteousness? Spend your time asking the Spirit to show you one way that you are not allowing Jesus to be Lord of your life. Next, using your workbook, write this confession down. Write it as a letter to God. This will be between just you and God so be completely honest and as thorough as possible.
Try to include the following elements in your letter.
What is your sin specifically? Is there a certain time or place where you fall into this lawlessness? Why do you struggle with this issue? Did someone teach or lead you into this sin? Do you think this is something that Jesus can help you overcome? What are you specifically asking Jesus to do? What kind of path would Jesus lead you on without this sin?
Here’s Good news. 1 John 1:9 tells us that “if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” By simply writing a letter to God, we are dragging our darkness into the light. God will now keep His promise and begin healing us.
CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)
Pray for your students, asking that the Holy Spirit convicts them of their sins and that they earnestly seek forgiveness, so that God will purify each of them from all unrighteousness.
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