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青少年教程 (约拿的故事*第3课) | 与神同行


Updated: Jul 18, 2024



  • 将旧约中的先知书约拿书介绍给学生

  • 让学生看到约拿书第三章中约拿如何与神同行

  • 激励学生在日常生活中与神同行




弥迦书 6:8



用一个简单的任务挑战学生 - 走在前面那个人的脚步中。让一个人起身,随意地在房间里走动,可能做些特技,跳跃,走过家具等。




  1. 谁觉得这很容易?谁觉得这很难?为什么?

  2. 为什么很难准确跟随前面那个人?

  3. 要把你的脚步准确放在他们的位置上 - 这可能吗?



读 约拿书3:1-3


  1. 神的第二次呼召与第一次有何不同?(见约拿书1:2)

  2. 神为什么再次呼召约拿?(给他第二次机会)

  3. 这次约拿的反应是什么?(他顺服了)

读 约拿书3:3-5

这里说约拿去了尼尼微。但从他所在的地方去那里,这不是一件容易的事。尼尼微大约在东北方向500英里处 - 这段旅程大约需要一个月的时间。然而,这是故事中约拿第一次朝着正确的方向前进。


  1. 城市有何特点?(很大)

  2. 看完整个城市需要多长时间?(3天)

  3. 约拿的信息是什么?它有多长?(尼尼微将被毁灭;一句简短的句子)

  4. 是什么让尼尼微人立即产生如此大的反应?(自由回答)

读 约拿书3:6-10



  1. 王号召什么?(放弃邪恶的行为,禁食等)

  2. 神的回应是什么?(祂怜悯了他们)

  3. 如果约拿今天来到一个大城市,传讲同样的信息,人们会如何回应?(自由回答)










约拿没有很多指示。他只有一个简单的命令 - 去尼尼微传讲。他还有一段非常特殊的过去。不管发生了什么,这次他选择顺服。


3. 通常你需要什么才能顺服神真正听从并注意祂?

4. 你认为约拿这次为什么选择顺服?如果他愿意在后来顺服神,为什么一开始不呢?(自由回答)

5. 你觉得自己多常与神步调一致,就像我们之前做的那样?






**** 英文版 *******

The Story of Jonah

Lesson 3: Running With God


1. To introduce students to the OT prophetic book of Jonah

2. To expose students to the truth of Jonah’s third chapter, when he runs with God

3. To inspire students to run with God in their daily lives


Confession, Fearing God, Following Jesus, Forgiveness, Grace, Judging, Listening, Obedience

Scripture Memorization

Micah 6:8

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)


Challenge students with a simple task - to walk in the footsteps of the person before them. Have someone get up, walk around the room randomly, maybe doing stunts, skipping, walking over furniture, etc.

Then, have someone try to do EXACTLY what the person before them did. Have everyone else judge how well they did it. It’ll provide some laughs, and set you up for today’s talk.

GETTING STARTED (10 minutes)

Discussion Questions:

1. Who found that easy? Who found it to be difficult? Why?

2. Why was it hard to follow the person before you EXACTLY?

3. To put your steps exactly where theirs were - was it even possible?

Today we’re going to talk about Jonah. In chapters 1-2, we’ve seen him come a long way. Today, for the first time, we’ll see him walking in step with God. I want to challenge you from the start - examine your life. How much in step with God are you?

DIGGING IN (25 minutes)

Read Jonah 3:1-3

Discussion Questions:

1. How was the second call of God different from the first? (See Jonah 1:2.)

2. Why do you think God called Jonah again? (To give him a second chance.)

3. What was Jonah’s response this time? (He obeyed.)

Read Jonah 3:3-5

Sometimes the Scriptures don’t tell the whole story. Here it says that Jonah goes to Nineveh. But from where he was, this is no easy task. It was a distance of about 500 miles northeast - a journey that would have taken him about a month. However, it’s the first time in the story that Jonah is ever headed in the right direction.

Discussion Questions:

1. How is the city described? (It’s big.)

2. How long does it take to see the whole city? (3 days.)

3. What is Jonah’s message? How long is it? (Nineveh is going to be destroyed; A short sentence.)

4. What do you think it is that causes such an immediate impact upon the people of Nineveh? (Allow for answers.)

Read Jonah 3:6-10

Jonah preaches this brief message, and the people respond. In fact, even the king repents and calls upon the whole nation to do so.

Discussion Questions:

1. What is the call of the king? (To give up their wicked ways, fast, etc.)

2. What was God’s response? (He had compassion upon them.)

3. If Jonah came to a great city today, and preached the same message, how do you think people would respond to him?  (Allow for answers.) 

Nineveh was in a time of national crisis. There were famines, enemy attacks, and internal revolts. There was also a great number of gods worshipped and it was believed that any careless act could offend one of them greatly. These people were at a point where they were looking for an answer for the omens they lived and the danger they feared. They wanted some answers. Jonah’s message gave that to them and they accepted it.

It is not our job to “be God.” We cannot know what is right in every situation. We simply seek Him every day and let Him use us in situations where He needs us.  He will do the transforming.

God did not destroy Nineveh although that is what He promised from the beginning. This does NOT make Jonah a happy camper. But we have to wait until next time to get into that.

What really matters is how this applies to our lives today.

MAKING IT REAL (15 minutes)

Jonah did not have in depth instructions from God about what he was to do, exactly what words to say, what places to say them, etc. His instructions were very brief, but they were direct. This is an important aspect to this story, and a way that it intersects with our own life story.

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you ever felt like you didn’t understand what God was asking you to do? Will somebody share when?

2. Have you ever asked God for a sign of something? What happened?

Jonah didn’t have a lot of instructions. What he had was a simple command - go to Nineveh and preach. He also had quite an experience in his immediate past. Regardless of what had happened, this time he chose to obey.

Discussion Questions (continued):

3. What does it usually take for you to obey God, to actually listen and pay attention to Him?

4. Why do you think Jonah chooses to listen this time? If he was willing to obey God later, why didn’t he do it at first? (Allow for answers.)

5. How often do you see yourself as walking in step with God, like we did earlier?

We have read that Jonah runs from God and to God. In Jonah 3, we’re seeing Jonah, for the first time, running with God. It is probably true that each of you are doing one of those three things. Which is it?

Turn to Micah 6:8. This is a verse that should be memorized. There are three things mentioned that God asks of us. Do justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God. Did you catch that last one? We’re supposed to walk with God.

Today, and in each day that follows, look for ways to walk with (or “run with”) God like Jonah did. Don’t run from Him. And don’t be satisfied with just running to Him. Run with Him!

CLOSING PRAYER (5 minutes)

I want to give you a few minutes to commit Micah 6:8 to memory. Also spend some time praying that you could walk with God as Jonah did in chapter 3.


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