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青少年教程 (约翰福音*第8课) | 耶稣比死亡更有能力


Updated: Sep 3, 2022






















阅读 约翰11:1-16









阅读 约翰福音11:17-37









阅读 约翰福音11:45-57



















重新 阅读约翰福音11:41-44













**** 英文版 *******

Gospel of John

Lesson 8: Jesus Is More Powerful Than Death



1. To provide students with an overview understanding of the Gospel of John

2. To help students understand that Jesus’ signs have a deeper meaning

3. To help students understand that Jesus destroys death and brings life


Miracles, Resurrection

Scripture Memorization

John 11:25-26

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

With boys on one team and girls on the other, give each team a few rolls of toilet paper or paper towels. Their assignment is to “mummify” a selected member of their team. Give them 90 seconds to cover as much of their “mummy” as possible.

Whoever covers the most wins; whoever loses must clean up.


General Discussion:

• What would you say is the most powerful force on earth? (Hurricanes, nuclear weapons, hate, etc.)

• What makes those forces so dangerous? (They have the capacity to destroy, ruin, etc.)

• If the result of those forces is what makes them dangerous, can you see where death is actually the most powerful force? (Allow students to discuss.)

Today, we’re going to discuss a force more powerful than death and destruction — a force which overcomes death. As we continue our study of the Gospel of John, we’re going to talk about how death was no match for Jesus.

DIGGING IN (30 minutes)

This chapter details Jesus’ final signs according to John’s account. This sign is perhaps the greatest of the signs that Jesus performed during his ministry. John saved the best for last.

Read John 11:1-16

Discussion Questions:

1. What is wrong with Lazarus? (He is ill.)

2. How can Jesus be sure that this illness won’t kill Lazarus? (He is God.)

3. What do you think about the reason Jesus gives for this illness in verse 4? (Allow for discussion.)

4. What does verse 5 say about Martha, Mary, and their brother Lazarus? (Jesus loved them.)

5. Why do you think Jesus doesn't rush to help Lazarus? (Allow for discussion.)

6. Is what Jesus says in verse 15 cruel? Why or why not? (Allow for discussion.)

Jesus gives a very specific reason for Lazarus’ illness (“that the Son of God may be glorified through it”) but let us not assume that this is the reason for every illness. I like how the apostles continue to show how clueless they can be, it helps us relate to them better. Before He even headed towards Lazarus’ town, Jesus knew exactly what was going to happen once He arrived.

Read John 11:17-37

Discussion Questions:

1. Per verse 17, how long had Lazarus been dead when Jesus arrived? (Four days.)

2. What is ironic about Martha’s statement in verse 21? (She seems to base it on the premise that timing is everything but she makes the statement to the one person who is not limited by time.)

3. Why do you think Jesus responds the way he does in verse 25? (Allow for discussion.)

4. Jesus knows how all of this will end. So why do you think He weeps in verse 35 when He sees the misery that Lazarus’ death has caused? (Jesus is human.)

5. Does Martha's statement in verse 39 agree with her profession of faith in Jesus in verse 22? (It doesn’t seem consistent, but she’s going through a lot. Can you relate to having feelings of faith and doubt?)

6. How is what Jesus did with Lazarus different than what doctors do every day in hospitals around the world? (Lazarus had been dead for 4 days, whereas patients are resuscitated within a short time of having their hearts stop.)

There was on old Jewish belief that the soul stays near the grave of the deceased for up to 3 days hoping to return to the body. On the fourth day, the soul saw the body decay and left for good. It’s possible that Jesus waited to resuscitate Lazarus 4 days after his death to erase any doubt that Lazarus was really dead.

Read John 11:45-57

Discussion Questions:

1. How do people react to Jesus' sign in these verses? (Some believe, others informed on Him.)

2. Do the authorities react favorably to the sign? What is their main concern? (They are concerned about everyone believing in Jesus, if He keeps performing these signs.)

3. Why is this seen as a bad thing to this group of people? (Because they would lose power and the influence they have over the people.)

4. What did they set out to do from this point forward? (Put Jesus to death.)

These religious leaders show the sadness of complete and utter spiritual blindness. They don’t dispute whether Jesus raised a man from the dead, rather they dispute whether to kill Jesus for performing miracles. You cannot be anymore lost than that.

MAKING IT REAL (25 minutes)

While it is easy to criticize these guys for being lost and blinded to Jesus’ awesomeness, it is not so easy to reflect on the fact that all of humanity is in the same spiritual boat. Without Jesus, we are just as lost as this group of Jewish religious leaders.

Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead to show us that He has power over not only physical death but more importantly spiritual death. As with the other signs that John recorded for us Jesus does something miraculous to help someone physically (feeding people, making the blind see, etc.) to point us towards a deeper spiritual reality.

Jesus restored Lazarus’ physical life in such a way as to illustrate how He brings us from a state of spiritual death to eternal life. In the story of Lazarus, we are Lazarus in the spiritual sense. Before Jesus calls us, we are spiritually dead.

General Discussion:

• How dead was Lazarus? (Four days dead with no hope of reversal.)

• At this point, is there anything Lazarus could have done to bring himself back to life? (No.)

• Without Jesus, how spiritually dead are we? (Eternally dead with no hope.)

• When Lazarus was dead did he know it? Are lost people aware they are lost? (Allow for discussion.)

• How hopeful are Lazarus’ sisters that his death is reversible? (Not very hopeful.)

• Do you know anyone who is extremely unlikely to follow Christ? (Allow for discussion.)

Without God’s intervention, we have neither ability nor desire to know Him. We simply are incapable of loving God without God first calling us to Him. Let’s see how this plays out in the story of Lazarus.

Re-read John 11:41-44

Discussion Questions:

1. What was Lazarus doing when Jesus, “with a loud voice,” called out to him? (He wasn’t doing anything, just a corpse laying in a tomb; he lacked the ability to walk towards Jesus.)

When Jesus calls us to Himself, we are nothing more than spiritual corpses. We lack the ability to move towards Him.

Discussion Questions (Continued):

2. Why do you think John makes it a point that Jesus used “a loud voice” when calling out to Lazarus’ corpse? (To emphasize the power of Jesus’ word to destroy physical death as well as spiritual death.)

3. How did Lazarus’ corpse react to Jesus’ calling? (It came back to life and he came out of the tomb wrapped up in his burial clothes.)

4. When Jesus calls us we also come roaring to life, spiritual life, and respond to His call by walking towards Him and eventually with Him. Lazarus in a sense had a second birth here; do you see why Jesus used the phrase “born again” in describing the conversion experience back in chapter 3? (Allow for discussion.)

Lazarus eventually died again and stayed dead. However, he will rise to live again eternally when Jesus returns. When Jesus calls us to come to Him and we follow Him we will also be with Him one day.

However, we don’t have to wait for that day to live a life marked by Jesus’ transformative power.

If you have been raised from spiritual death by Jesus, how does your life reflect this? If your life doesn’t reflect this, why not?

CLOSING PRAYER (3 minutes)

Pray for those who are in a state of spiritual blindness, that they will hear Jesus’ call and respond by walking out of their spiritual tomb and towards Him. Pray also that God grants you the courage to speak up and tell others about what Jesus can and will do.




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