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青少年教程 (感恩节*第4课) | 感谢主





1. 帮助学生在心中和生活中有一个更大的感恩态度

2. 激励学生将感恩视为生活中的一种实践,而不仅仅是某一天的事。

3. 让学生看到神的同在/救赎/赞美,与感恩之间的联系。


感恩, 赞美, 感谢, 感恩节







1. 第一次感恩节,50名朝圣者和90名美国原住民一起庆祝的,是在哪一年举行的?(1621)

2. 哪位总统将感恩节定为美国的国定假日?(亚伯拉罕-林肯)

3. 每年的感恩节,美国总统都会赦免什么动物? (火鸡)

4. 由梅西百货公司赞助的第一次感恩节大游行是在哪一年举行的? (1924)

5. 美国人每年大约吃多少只火鸡?(4600万)





- 当说到 "感恩节"时,会想到什么画面?(朝圣者、火鸡、家庭、节日等)

- 感恩节更像是一个日子,还是生活中的一种习惯?(大多数美国孩子会认为它是一个日子)

- 你感恩吗?(允许学生回)

- 你在生活中经常感恩吗?(允许学生回答)



读 历代志上16:34-36


读 历代志上16:1-7


1. 这段说出我们所读的经文的背景是什么?(人们聚集在约柜周围)

2. 你对约柜的理解是什么?(它代表了神在以色列人生活中的存在)

3. 在约柜周围发生了什么? (以色列人、大卫王等向神献上了各种祭物)

4. 大卫让利未人在约柜周围事奉。他们的工作是什么?(颂扬,称谢,赞美耶和华以色列的神)


重读 历代志上16:34-36


1. 简单地说,这里的指示是什么?(应当称谢耶和华)

2. 为什么要感谢主? (因他本为善,他的慈爱永远长存)

3. 根据第35节,要向神求什么呢? (救赎)

4. 救赎会带来什么行为?(更多的感谢)

5. 在这段经文中,还有什么是感恩的同义词? (赞美)


1. 神的临在

2. 神的救赎

3. 对神的赞美





读 使徒行传2:25-28



1. 神的灵如何就像约柜一样?(它们都是神在神的子民生活中的临在)

2. 你怎么看出神在你生命中的临在?(在圣灵中,在其他信徒的生活中,通过神在世界的工作上,等等)

3. 神的临在是如何让你感恩的?(允许学生回答)


读 以弗所书1:13


1. 根据以弗所书,什么会带来我们的救赎?(听见关于耶稣的真理,福音)

2. 根据这节经文,当我们接受这个礼物时,我们被标记了什么?(受了所应许的圣灵为印记,神的临在)

3. 在这些早期信徒的生活中,救赎是如何让他们心存感激的?(允许学生讨论)

4. 如果你亲身经历过救赎,那么在你的生活中,救赎是如何让你有更大的感恩之心的?(允许学生分享他们的经验)


读 希伯来书13:15


1. 你认为赞美是一种献祭形式吗?为什么是/不?(大多数人不这么认为......它不需要我们付出任何代价,我们没有生活在献祭系统中,等等)

2. 根据这节经文,什么是赞美?(那承认主名之人嘴唇的果子)

3. 你认为是感恩带来赞美,还是赞美带来感恩?(允许学生讨论)



重读 历代志上16:34-36


1. 当你再次思考这些经文时,你对感恩的想法有什么变化?(允许学生分享他们的观点)

2. 你觉得神的临在、祂的救赎、或对祂的赞美会让你更加感恩吗?(给学生时间分享这三者中哪一个更能引起他们的共鸣)

3. 随着感恩节的临近,我们该如何将思想集中在神的临在上,并对祂的救赎表示感谢?(通过花时间在祷告和赞美中敬拜耶稣,并与他人分享祂的名作为感恩的中心)

在历代志上中,大卫正带着众人进入祷告和感恩。甚至第36节的结尾,人们都说:"阿门!"和 "赞美主"。让我们以同样的方式结束我们的时间。




**** 英文版 *******

Thanksgiving Lessons (Stand-a-lone) Lesson 4: Give Thanks to the Lord LESSON OBJECTIVES

God is good and His love for us endures forever. For this, we should be extremely thankful.


1. To help students assume a greater posture of thanksgiving in their hearts and lives 2. To inspire students to see thanksgiving as a practice in their life and not just a day 3. To show the connection between God’s presence, salvation, and praise with thanksgiving


Gratitude, Praise, Thankfulness, Thanksgiving

Scripture Memorization

1 Chronicles 16:34

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (15 minutes)

I want to give you a Thanksgiving quiz. I’ll ask a question. You right down your answer. Anyone who gets all five questions correct gets a prize!

Questions: 1. What year was the first Thanksgiving held with 50 Pilgrims and 90 Native Americans celebrating together? (1621) 2. Which president made Thanksgiving a national holiday in America? (Abraham Lincoln) 3. Every year the president of the United States pardons what animal on Thanksgiving? (A turkey) 4. In what year was the first Thanksgiving Day Parade, sponsored by Macy’s Department store? (1924) 5. Americans eat approximately how many turkeys each year? (46 million)

Award a prize to anyone with a perfect score.


Today we’re going to focus our hearts on the practice of thanksgiving. With the American holiday just around the corner, it is right and good to do this. Plus, the Bible has a lot to say about thanksgiving — what it is, why we should feel it, how we express it, etc.

General Discussion: • When I say “thanksgiving” what images come to mind? (Pilgrims, turkeys, family, holiday, etc.) • Do you think of thanksgiving more as a day or as a habit in your life? (Most American kids are going to think of it as a day.) • Would you say you feel thankful? (Allow students to answer.) • Would you say that you practice thanksgiving regularly in your life? (Allow students to answer.)

As we go through today’s study, I challenge you to allow thanksgiving to be less about the holiday and more about appreciating God.

DIGGING DEEP (20 minutes)

Read 1 Chronicles 16:34-36

This passage is nestled in the context of much thanksgiving. Let’s read the passage to see what is going on here:

Read 1 Chronicles 16:1-7

Discussion Questions: 1. What is the setting for the Scriptures we’ve read so far? (People are gathered around the Ark of the Covenant.) 2. What is your understanding of what the Ark of the Covenant is? (It represented the presence of God in the life of Israel.) 3. What is happening in 1 Chronicles 16 around the Ark? (Offerings and sacrifices are being offered to God by the people, King David, etc.) 4. David appoints Levites to minister around the Ark. What is their job? (To “extol, thank, and praise the Lord”)

What follows, in verses 8 - 36, are further instructions on how God’s people are to praise Him. This includes the passage we read in the beginning, which I’d like to re-read now.

Re-read 1 Chronicles 16:34-36

Discussion Questions: 1. What is the instruction here, simply put? (Give thanks to the Lord.) 2. Why is one to give thanks to the Lord? (Because He is good, and because His love endures forever.) 3. What was to be asked of God, according to verse 35? (Salvation and deliverance.) 4. Salvation would lead to what action? (More giving of thanks.) 5. What other action is synonymous with thanksgiving in this passage? (“Praise”)

It seems in this text that for Israel — and, as we’ll discover, for us also — that thanksgiving is directly related to three things:

1. The Presence of God 2. The Salvation of God 3. The Praise of God

As we approach the Thanksgiving season in America, let’s take a closer look at the three things which 1 Chronicles puts forth as reasons and results of thanksgiving. MAKING IT REAL (25 minutes)

Let’s start by looking at the presence of God in the life of a Christian, and how it prompts us to give thanks.

The Presence of God Read Acts 2:25-28

Luke quotes Peter here on the Day of Pentecost. Peter is quoting King David (the same guy who said what we read from 1 Chronicles) about the presence of God. But when Peter uses these words, he is applying them to the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Discussion Questions: 1. How is the Spirit of God like the Ark of the Covenant? (They are the presence of God in the lives of God’s people.) 2. How do you see God present in your life? (In the Spirit, in the lives of other believers, in seeing His work in the world, etc.) 3. How does God’s presence move you to thanksgiving? (Allow students to share.)

The Salvation of God Read Ephesians 1:13

Discussion Questions: 1. According to Ephesians, what leads to our salvation? (Hearing the truth about Jesus, the Gospel.) 2. When we receive that gift, what are we “marked” with, according to this verse? (The seal of the Holy Spirit, God’s presence.) 3. How do you think salvation led to thanksgiving in the lives of these early believers? (Allow students to share.) 4. How has salvation, if you’ve experienced it personally, led to greater thanksgiving in your own life? (Allow student to share from their experience.)

The Praise of God Read Hebrews 13:15

Discussion Questions: 1. Do you think of praise as a form of sacrifice? Why or why not? (Most people do not…it doesn’t cost us anything, we don’t live in a sacrificial system, etc.) 2. What is praise, according to this verse? (It is the “fruit of lips that openly profess His name.”) 3. Do you think thanksgiving leads to praise, or praise leads to thanksgiving? (Allow students to debate this.)

The truth is, thanksgiving and praise are two things that feed upon each other. Praising God will lead us to greater thanksgiving. And an attitude of thanksgiving is going to prompt greater praise. They have a symbiotic relationship, in a way.

Let’s go back to where we started once more. Re-read 1 Chronicles 16:34-36 Discussion Questions: 1. When you consider these verses once again, how is your thinking about thanksgiving changed? (Allow students to share their opinions.) 2. Do you find God’s presence, His salvation, or praise of Him something that makes you more grateful? (Give students time to share which of those three resonates more with them.) 3. As Thanksgiving approaches, how do you think you can focus your thoughts on God’s presence and express gratitude for His salvation? (By taking time to honor Jesus in prayer and praise and by sharing His name with others as the center of your gratitude.)

In 1 Chronicles, David is leading them into a time of prayer and thanksgiving. Even verse 36 ends with the people all saying, “Amen!” and “Praise the Lord.” Let’s close out our time the same way. CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)

Today as we close, I’d like to go around the room and each offer a simple, one-line prayer of thanksgiving. “God, thank you for…”

(Start the prayer for your students with your own prayer of thanksgiving, and then give each of them a turn, after which you an all say Amen!)


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