1. 对我们感恩的来源和做法给出圣经依据
2. 让学生们记住他们应该感恩的一切。
3. 激励学生要时时感恩。
感恩, 赞美, 感谢, 感恩节
- 你们对什么感恩?(朋友、家人、健康等)
- 我们更经常感谢的是人、事、还是物?为什么会这样?(允许学生讨论。)
- 当谈到你所感谢的事情时,你的脑海中是否出现了更多你不常想到的事情?(可能是吧......一旦动起来,我们常会想到更多的东西)
阅读 马太福音14:19
1. 耶稣在这里向谁感恩?(向天父)
2. 耶稣为什么要感谢?(他为饼和鱼感谢)
3. 马太没有具体告诉我们耶稣说了什么-你认为祂说的是什么?(对供给表示感谢,对即将发生的神迹表示感谢,等等)
阅读 马太福音26:26-27
1. 耶稣在这里向谁表示感谢?(向天父)
2. 耶稣为什么要感谢?(他为这顿饮食表示感谢.....这是逾越节的一餐)
3. 耶稣感谢了两次......你认为祂为什么这样做?(为饼感谢一次,为杯感谢一次)。
阅读 约翰福音11:38-44
1. 耶稣在这里向谁感恩?(向父)
2. 耶稣为什么要感谢?(因为父听了他)
3. 这种感恩的表达方式与其他的有什么不同?(允许学生分享,有趣的是,耶稣在感到悲痛的同时也在感恩)
阅读 路加福音10:17-23
1. 耶稣在这里向谁感恩?(向天父)
2. 耶稣为什么要感谢?(因为神通过门徒行了神迹)
3. 这段经文还给出了耶稣的哪些其他感恩方式? (赞美)
4. 赞美和感恩有什么相同之处?有什么不同之处?(允许学生分享)。
- 神是如何供应你的?让我们列出一些方法。(给学生一些时间,让他们说出四或五种神供应他们的方式)。
- 神通过谁来供应你?(父母、父母的雇主、朋友、邻居、老师等)。
- 你怎么知道神会听你的祷告?(让学生分享。)
- 你是否曾因神听到你的祷告而感谢他?(很多时候没有,但这是我们应该永远感恩的事情)。
- 你有没有因为看到神在你的生活中通过神迹或其他方式的行动而赞美和感谢?祂是如何在你的生命中行动的?(允许学生分享。)
**** 英文版 *******
Thanksgiving Lessons (Stand-a-lone)
Lesson 3: Jesus' Thanksgiving
Through this lesson, students learn to live lives of thanksgiving as Jesus does.
Goals 1. To give biblical overview of the source and practice of our thanksgiving 2. To overwhelm students with the memory of everything for which they should be thankful 3. To inspire students to commit to practicing Thanksgiving all year round
Topics Gratitude, Praise, Thankfulness, Thanksgiving
Scripture Memorization 1 Thessalonians 5:18 OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes) GROUP BUILDING (5 minutes) Split your group into groups of 3-4. Give them 3-4 minutes to write down as many things as they can think of that they are thankful for. After the time is up, move on to the questions in the “Getting Started” section. GETTING STARTED (5 minutes)
General Discussion:
• What did your groups say that you were thankful for? (Friends, family, health, etc.)
• Do you think we’re more often thankful for people, things, or situations? Why do you think that? (Allow students to discuss.)
• As you talked about what you were thankful for, did more things pop into your mind that you don’t often think about? (Probably so…once we get going we usually think of more)
We don’t often stop and take stock of all that we have to be thankful for. We also don’t often think about all that Jesus gave thanks for.
Today, we’re going to look at a few passages of Scripture in the Gospels where Jesus gives thanks. As we do, it’s my prayer that we can learn from Jesus and become more thankful people, too.
DIGGING DEEP (25 minutes)
Read Matthew 14:19
Discussion Questions:
1. To whom does Jesus give thanks here? (To the Father.)
2. Why does Jesus give thanks? (He gives thanks for the bread and fish.)
3. Matthew doesn’t tell us specifically what Jesus said — what do you think His words were? (Gratitude for the provision, for the miracle about to happen, etc.)
Read Matthew 26:26-27
Discussion Questions:
1. To whom does Jesus give thanks here? (To the Father,)
2. Why does Jesus give thanks? (He gives thanks for the meal…this is the Passover meal.)
3. Jesus gives thanks twice…why do you think He does this? (He does it once for the bread and again for the cup.)
Read John 11:38-44
Discussion Questions:
1. To whom does Jesus give thanks here? (To the Father)
2. Why does Jesus give thanks? (Because the Father heard Him.)
3. How is this expression of gratitude different from the others? (Allow students to share, but it’s interesting here that Jesus is thankful even though He also feels grief.)
Let’s look at one more example of gratitude on Jesus’ part:
Read Luke 10:17-23
Discussion Questions:
1. To whom does Jesus give thanks here? (To the Father)
2. Why does Jesus give thanks? (Because God had done miracles through the disciples.)
3. What other ways does this text express Jesus’ thanksgiving? (He gives praise.)
4. How are praise and thanksgiving alike? How are they different? (Allow students to share.)
So, in the Gospels we see that Jesus twice gives thanks for provisions — food and drink. On another occasion, He gives thanks that the Father hears Him when He raises Lazarus from the dead. In the last passage we read, Jesus praises and thanks the Father for working through the disciples in a miraculous way.
General Discussion:
• How has God provided for you? Let’s list some ways. (Give students time to name off four or five ways God provides for them.)
• Through whom does God provide for you? (Parents, parent’s employers, friends, neighbors, teachers, etc.)
• How do you know God hears your prayers? (Allow students to share.)
• Do you ever thank God for hearing your prayers? (Many times no, but it’s something for which we should always be thankful.)
• Do you ever give praise and thanksgiving for seeing God move in your life, through miracles or otherwise? How has He moved in your life? (Allow students to share.)
MAKING IT REAL (15 minutes)
It is a good thing to recognize that we should be thankful. But today, we want to equip you with the ability to express this gratitude in a practical, visible way.
Earlier, we worked as a group to brainstorm some of the things you’re thankful for. Now, I want you to work alone to do something very specific.
I want you to express your gratitude to one person for whom you are grateful. I’m going to give you ten minutes, and I want you to write that person a note of thanks. At the top of the page, I want you to write 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
(Read 1 Thessalonians 5:18 for your group.)
After you write that verse, express your gratitude to that person sincerely and specifically. Take your time. Be creative (do a poem, a list, etc.), and let the person know that you are grateful for him or her. Then make plans to give it to that person or mail it to him or her in the next 24 hours.
CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)
Pray that your students can live lives of thanksgiving like Jesus.
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