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青少年教程 (属灵习惯1*第5课) | 写日记




1. 帮助学生了解与神沟通的重要性。

2. 向学生介绍写日记的做法。

3. 让学生有机会练习这一属灵习惯,鼓励他们下一周里继续练习。


操练, 习惯, 祷告, 属灵成长







- 你们有多少人喜欢写作?

- 有多少人不喜欢写作?

- 你认为写作如何能帮助你更接近神--即使你并不喜欢?

- 你们中有多少人愿意尝试至少一个星期?





1. 根据这段经文,如果有人要过纯洁的生活,他们该怎么做?(按照神的话生活。)

2. 本诗篇的作者对神的命令有什么承诺?(强烈的承诺;他不想偏离。)

3. 把神的话 "藏 "在心里是什么意思?

4. 第15节提到了对神的话的默想。当你想到默想的时候,你会想到什么?

5. 第16节中,作者向神做出了承诺,是什么?(他不会忽视神的话。)



圣经作者实际上很重视写下他们对神的思考,这很显然 -《圣经》就是这些著作的合。但似乎没有作者像诗篇作者们那样更珍视与神的书面交流。




1. 总结一下诗人在这里说了些什么?

2. 为何这种诚实是尊重神

3. 这与你的日记有什么不同?



1. 总结一下诗人在这里说了些什么?

2. 为何这种诚实是尊重神?

3. 这与你的日记有什么不同?



1. 总结一下诗人在这里说了些什么?

2. 为何这种诚实是尊重神?

3. 这与你的日记有什么不同?






写日记的方式没有对错之分。而且,写日记并不适合所有人。你可以在今天和本周尝试,但并不觉得它适合你作为与神沟通的方式,但有些人在尝试的那一刻就会喜欢上它:这真是太棒了! 这只是另一个属灵习惯,我们可以用它来增进与神的关系。







我要你们现在写日记。我将给出三段经文供选择。在读完每段经文后,你们选择一段经文重新阅读,然后写日记。这很简单--读两遍经文,然后写一页对它的感受。记住,这不是家庭作业! 这是与宇宙之神的互动。你可以写下祷告、问题、诗歌,或者只是对那段经文的思考。然后重读你写的东西。

- 诗篇1

- 约翰福音6:1-15

- 腓立比书2:12-18







1. 这么做困难吗?

2. 若有下次,你会如何提高?

3. 你从写日记的过程中学到了什么?

4. 你听到神对你说了什么?

5. 你打算什么时候再写日记?



**** 英文版 *******

Spiritual Habits (Part 1)

Lesson 5: Journaling


1. To help students understand the importance of communicating with God

2. To introduce students to the practice of journaling

3. To give students a chance to practice this spiritual habit, and encourage them to continue it for the next week


Discipline, Habits, Prayer, Spiritual Growth

Scripture Memorization

Psalm 119:11

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (15 minutes)


We’ve been talking about strengthening our relationship with God through the practice of Spiritual Habits. Today we’re going to talk about getting closer to God through writing.• How many of you like to write?

• How many of you hate writing?

• How do you think writing can help you get closer to God—even if you don’t like it?

• How many of you are at least willing to give it a try for one week?Well let’s get started. Hopefully we can discover some ways that writing makes us draw closer to the God who loves us.

DIGGING IN (25 minutes)

Read Psalm 119:9-16Discussion Questions:

1. According to this passage, if someone is going to live a pure life, how do they do so? (By living according to God’s Word.)

2. What commitment to God’s commands does the author of this Psalm have? (A strong one; he doesn’t want to stray.)

3. What do you think it means that he “had hidden” God’s Word in his heart?

4. Verse 15 mentions mediation upon the Word of God. What do you think of when you think of meditation?

5. In verse 16 the author makes a promise to God. What is it? (That he will not neglect His Word.)This is a passage about a commitment to God—in particular to God’s Word. We’ve talked about studying the Bible already in this lesson series. But this passage seems to indicate something deeper—a meditation upon the Word of God and a focus on keeping one’s communication with God clear.I want to talk to you today about journaling. Some of you like to write, and others don’t. But journaling is a time-tested way of communicating with God and allowing His word to soak down deep into our hearts—much like the psalmist describes.It is kind of obvious to point out that the Biblical authors actually valued writing their reflections on God—the Bible is a collection of those writings. But no author seems to appreciate written communication with God like the Psalmist.(You’ll want to give ample time for your group to cover the three Psalms below. However, if you have time to spare, you can explore a couple more passages in the Psalms that represent heart-felt, God-honoring exploration of feelings, emotions, and other communication with God—such is the purpose of keeping a journal.)

Read Psalm 42Discussion Questions:

1. What does the psalmist say here, in summary?

2. How is this honesty honoring God?

3. How might this be like the journaling you do?

Read Psalm 51Discussion Questions:

1. What does the psalmist say here, in summary?

2. How is this honesty honoring God?

3. How might this be like the journaling you do?

Read Psalm 150Discussion Questions:

1. What does the psalmist say here, in summary?

2. How is this honesty honoring God?

3. How might this be like the journaling you do?

Ways to Journal

One way to journal is to journal from God’s Word. We will practice this in a few minutes. It’s just like it sounds—you read a passage of Scripture, reflect on it, and allow it to inspire your journaling.

An alternate path is to journal prayers. These are all over the psalms, as we’ve seen. It’s important to realize that you don’t have to journal good stuff—sometimes the psalmist is angry or in doubt. Honesty is important in journaling, for sure.

You can also journal through your day. Notice the ways God has moved throughout your day—opportunities He gave you that you passed up, or moments when you saw Him active in a unique way.

You can also journal using art. Maybe you like to sketch—can you draw how you feel, create something that represents what your emotions, etc.?

There is no right or wrong way to journal. And journaling is not for everyone. You may try it today and this week and not feel like it works for you as a way of communicating with God—but some of you are going to love it the second you try it. That’s awesome! This is just another spiritual habit that we can use to grow in our relationship with God.

MAKING IT REAL (25 minutes)

There is no better way to make an idea real than to practice it. Not every thing we learn about can be so easily rehearsed, but journaling can. For the rest of our time together, I want to challenge you in two ways:

Journal Challenge

(Provide pens and about three sheets of paper for each student. There is also some space provided for this activity in the lesson workbook.)

Challenge 1

I want you to journal. I’m going to give you three passages of Scripture to choose from. After reading each, I want you to select one passage to re-read and then journal about. It’s simple—read the passage two times, then write one page of reaction to it. Remember—this isn’t homework! It’s interacting with the God of the universe. You can journal prayers, questions, poems, or just regular old reflections on that passage. Then re-read what you wrote.

• Psalm 1

• John 6:1-15

• Philippians 2:12-18

Challenge 2

I want you to try journaling all this week. You don’t have to journal every day, but try to journal for five out of the next seven days. During your solo time right now, plan a time when you can journal. Decide when you have time to do it, and commit to doing so. If you wait to do it on a whim, you’ll probably fail. If you plan to do it now, you’re guaranteed to succeed. Take time to plan ahead now.

You’ve got 20 minutes to do each of these things. After that, I’ll call you back together.

(Give students 20 minutes. Call them back together and close up with the following questions.)

Discussion Questions:

1. What was hard about that experience?

2. What are you going to do different, if anything, next time?

3. What did you learn, if anything, from your journaling time?

4. What did you hear God saying to you?

5. When did you plan to journal next and for the rest of this week?

CLOSING PRAYER (10 minutes)

Select a couple of students to pray for the rest of your group to close out your time together.



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