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青少年教程 (属灵习惯1*第2课) | 学习圣经(第一部分)


Updated: Aug 2, 2022



1. 帮助学生看到,学习圣经是他们直接听从神的一种方式。

2. 帮助学生看到,他们与神的关系就像圣经人物与神的关系一样好。

3. 给学生一个机会,让他们在一起时练习一些做法,从而开始养成学习圣经的习惯。


操练,习惯, 安静的时间, 关系, 神的话语


提摩太后 3:16






例如,"今天将是阳光灿烂的一天!" "同义词又可称为什么?" "美国需要提升信仰。"


- 是否很难猜到谁在说哪句话?

- 是什么让你难以或容易正确识别每个人?

今天我们要讨论的是,学会好好学习圣经为什么可以帮助建立我们与神的关系,因为这是我们直接听从神的方式。没猜测的必要! 我们可以相信,神正在通过祂的圣经与我们交谈。





1. 神与亚当和夏娃的关系如何?

2. 他们的接触有多直接?

3. 这种接触在哪些方面与我们今天的接触不同?



1. 神与摩西的关系如何?

2. 他们的接触有多直接?

3. 这种接触在哪些方面与我们今天的接触不同?



1. 神与保罗的关系如何?

2. 他们的接触有多直接?

3. 这种接触在哪些方面与我们今天的接触不同?



- 你曾经从这个角度来看读经吗?

- 有多少人认为读经是枯燥的、搞不清的、困难的,或者是一件苦差事?

- 这种看法对你的读经行为会有什么影响?

- 你读圣经的程度如何?

- 这种看法会如何影响你与主的关系?




  • 一日一箴言






  • 镜子里的经文






  • 圣经博客




在网上寻找类似上述的博客。如果你简单地在谷歌上搜索 "穿越圣经的博客",就有好几个。如果你有办法,给你的学生看一个,甚至帮助他们建一个。更妙的是,也许你可以以小组的形式建立一个,并分担任务--可以是一个讨论区,学生们在网上分享他们对圣经经文的解释,以帮助整个班级消化所读内容。


  • 慢读/慢思






  • 找一个读经计划






**** 英文版 *******

Spiritual Habits (Part 1)

Lesson 2: Studying the Bible (Part 1)



1. To help students understand that Bible study is a way they can hear directly from God

2. To help students understand that the relationship they can have with God is just as good as the relationship Biblical characters had with God

3. To give students an opportunity to start the habit of Bible study by practicing some ideas with them during your time together


Discipline, Habits, Quiet Time, Relationships, Word of God

Scripture Memorization

Timothy 3:16

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

Whose Voice is That? (Game)

Send three students to a separate part of the room where they cannot be seen. Perhaps you can put them behind a curtain or wall. If nothing else have the rest of the students turn away.

The object is for each of the selected students to say a particular phrase. Each of them says it, and the rest of your group has to guess whose voice is whose. To make it more difficult, you can have the selected students try to disguise their voices. Use humorous phrases to add some laughter to the mix.Examples: "It's gonna be bright and sunny all day!" "Why do they call it a pew?" "What's another word for thesaurus?" "America needs a faith lift."


• Was it hard to guess who was saying which statement?

• What made it difficult or easy for you to identify each person correctly?Today we’re going to discuss how learning to study the Bible well can build up our relationship with God because it is how we hear directly from Him. There’s no guessing necessary! We can have confidence that God is talking to us through His Scriptures.

DIGGING IN (25 minutes)

Let's look at this in more detail, starting back in the book of Genesis.Read Genesis 2:7-22 (Have one or more students read this passage.)Discussion Questions:

1. What type of relationship does it seem like God had with Adam & Eve?

2. How direct was their contact?

3. In what ways is that contact different from ours today?

Read Genesis 12:1-7Discussion Questions:

1. What type of relationship does it seem like God had with Abraham?

2. How direct was their contact?

3. In what ways is that contact different from ours today?

Read Exodus 3:1-10Discussion Questions:

1. What type of relationship does it seem like God had with Moses?

2. How direct was their contact?

3. In what ways is that contact different from ours today?Now, let’s go to the New Testament. Find Acts 9.

Read Acts 9:1-8Discussion Questions:

1. What type of relationship does it seem like God had with Paul?

2. How direct was their contact?

3. In what ways is that contact different from ours today?Sometimes people are jealous of

Adam, Abraham, Moses, or Paul. But not even the disciples have the fullness of God’s revelation that we have. We have the Bible—God’s complete revelation to mankind. There are things we know that Adam didn’t, promises we have that didn’t belong to Abraham. There are facts about God that Moses wasn’t privy too, and a closeness to God that not even Paul enjoyed. Bible study is the way we hear from God—directly, thoroughly, and closely.

MAKING IT REAL (20 - 40 minutes)

• Have you ever thought about Bible study this way?

• How many of you think of reading the Bible as boring, confusing, difficult, or a chore?

• How does this change the act of reading from the Bible?

• How much do you read the Bible?

• How do you think this effects your relationship with the Lord?If you want a close relationship

with God, you need to hear from Him. The best way to hear from Him is by reading the Bible. I told you last week that I didn’t want to guilt you into anything, and I don’t. So instead of telling you that you don’t read the Bible enough, I want to help you start hearing from God more.

Start a Habit:

I want to share with you a variety of ways that you can begin the habit of hearing from God through the Bible. As we go through these, you may want to jot down a few ideas.

A Proverb a Day

You’ve probably heard of the book of Proverbs. It’s an Old Testament book that is full of wise sayings and guidance for life. What’s cool is that there are 31 of them. Try reading a Proverb for every day of the month. Start on the first, and read one every single day. If it’s already the ninth, just start with Proverbs 9. Also challenge yourself and memorize one verse from proverbs each week. You’ll find them pretty easy to memorize, and then those truths will be in your head for good.

A Proverb a Day (Optional Activity)

Give students a chance to read one chapter of Proverbs for today. If it is the 15th, have them read Proverbs 15. This will help them see how long it takes, and there will be some truth they can glean from that passage afterwards. Invite them to share one thing they’ve learned.

A Verse in the Mirror

There’s a pretty good chance you spend time in front of the mirror each day. Whether you’re brushing your teeth, fixing your hair, or putting on make-up, you spend enough time in front of the mirror to actually read some Scripture. Look up some verses that are inspiring, helpful, or powerful, and write them on an index card or scrap paper. Then, tape them to your bedroom mirror or over your bathroom sink. As you get ready in the morning, repeat these verses in your mind. It’s a great way to start the day, and an easy way to memorize Scripture. Plus, you won’t fuss over your appearance so much!

A Verse in the Mirror (Optional Activity)

Pass out some index cards and have students look up and actually write down one or two of their favorite verses. Challenge them to keep one card up each week, replacing it with a new one once the first one is committed to memory.

Blog Through the Bible

In the old days, one of the most helpful disciplines in reading Scripture was by journaling. Some people still journal—putting pen to page and reflecting on what they’ve just read. But free online journals put your thoughts out there to share in the form of blogs. Maybe you can blog through the Bible, or a book of the Bible, and help yourself digest what you’re reading. Start with one of the Gospels and reflect on the life of Jesus. Or begin with the book of Acts and compare what you read with the modern-day church. Reflect on what you read, record prayers, or encourage other readers. Invite friends to follow your blog and post comments.

Blog Through the Bible (Optional Activity)

Look online for a blog like that described above. There are several if you simply Google “blog through the Bible.” If you have the means, show your students one—or even help them set one up for themselves. Better yet, maybe you can set one up as a group and share the task—it can be a discussion board of sorts with students sharing their interpretations of Bible passages online to help the entire class digest the readings.)

Read Slow/Think Slow

Don’t feel like you have to read a bunch of stuff at once. Focus on understanding, not plowing through the whole Bible. Read a verse, then think about it for a few minutes. What does it mean? What are you learning new? Read the same verse again. Did you notice or learn anything more upon your second reading? This practice will help you get the most out of your Bible reading instead of just reading the most of the Bible you can.

Read Slow/Think Slow (Optional Activity)

Have students pick a Psalm to read. Have them take it slowly, reading verse by verse, contemplating what they’re reading. Maybe even have them pause after each verse to really soak in what they've read. Then, have them share what they learned. They might have different insights, but this practice will show them how easy it is to do this.

Get a Bible Reading Plan

There are a ton of Bible reading plans out there. You can read through the whole Bible in a year, or just the New Testament. These plans split up the Bible in parts and have you read sections of Scripture each day. There are also Bibles that are produced with these plans included. Most plans can get you through the Bible in one year spending around 20 minutes reading per day. The New Testament takes even less time.These are just some ideas. There are many others. But as we’ve practiced them here today, hopefully you’ve found one that you can adopt as a permanent habit.Next week we’re going to check up on each other and see how we’re doing with our new habits. Try them out! Start developing the habit of Bible study now.

CLOSING PRAYER (10 minutes)

Pray that your students develop a life-long passion for Bible study.



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