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青少年教程 (属灵习惯1*第1课) | 与神建立关系


Updated: Aug 2, 2022



1. 向学生介绍属灵操练的做法

2. 帮助学生渴望与神建立更深的关系

3. 教学生建立深层关系的技巧


操练, 习惯, 认识神, 关系





******* 活动 *******



在这些人的旁边,写下三个数字。- 第一,你每周有多少天见到这个人?- 第二,你每天和那个人在一起多少个小时(闲逛、交流等)?- 最后,你花多少时间默想那个人,即使你没和他/她在一起?




******* 可选活动 *******







完成后,说:"你们可能想知道这与我们今天的课程有什么关系。让我解释一下。" (继续下面的 "课堂起头"部分)。


理查德-福斯特(Richard Foster),一位多年来在属灵操练上有服事的基督徒这样说。


我今天想挑战你,思考你与神的关系。正如理查德-福斯特所说,你是一个 "有深度的人 "吗?让我们用不同的方式来表述。如果神观察你的生活(当然,祂也正在这么做),祂会觉得你与祂的关系是陈旧的,还是新鲜活泼的?




1. 诗篇的作者是如何表达他对与神的关系的需要的?他渴望,渴求)

2. 这种对神的热情在你的生活中明显吗?

3. 你认为要怎样做才能使你也以这种方式渴望与神建立关系?



- 为什么你觉得你和这个人关系密切?

- 你和他/她在一起的时间有多少?

- 在一个星期里,你有多少天见到这个人?

- 一天中你与他/她交流的频率如何?

- 你发现自己和这个人交谈的次数有多少?









1. 如果你要列一个朋友的名单,耶稣会在名单上什么位置?现在谁是比祂更亲近的朋友?

2. 如何衡量你与耶稣的 "亲密程度"?

3. 你花了多少时间与神交流?

4. 你每周有多少天与神在一起?

5. 你有多长时间在默想神?

读:利未记 26:12








**** 英文版 *******

Spiritual Habits (Part 1)

Lesson 1: Having a Relationship With God



1. To introduce students to the practice of spiritual disciplines

2. To help students crave a deeper relationship with God

3. To teach students skills to form deep relationships


Discipline, Habits, Knowing God, Relationships

Scripture Memorization

Psalm 42:2

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

Workbook Activity


In your workbooks (or on a separate sheet of paper if not using the workbooks), I want everyone to write down the names of four people in your life to whom you are the closest. They can be family, friends, whatever—just write four people to whom you are the closest.Next to those people, I want you to write three numbers:

• First, how many days a week do you see that person?

• Second, how many hours a day do you spend with that person (hanging out, communicating, etc.)

• Last, how much time do you spend thinking about that person, even if you’re not with him or her?Be as honest as possible. When you finish, hold onto this information. We will use it later.

GETTING STARTED (10 minutes)

Optional Activity

Stale Crackers

The purpose of this activity is to compare stale food with having a stale relationship with God, and fresh food to having a fresh and active relationship with Him.

Set out a pack of crackers or a bag of chips for three or four days before your meeting time. Bring some of those crackers or chips—enough for everyone to share—to your meeting. Also bring some crackers or chips that are fresh.Say, "Before we get started on our lesson for today, I want to share a little snack with you guys. Everyone can have some."

Pass out the stale snacks and invite students to take a bite. Chances are they’ll react. After they do, let them know that those are snacks that you decided to bring last week but then forgot about it—go ahead and tell them they sat out for a few days.Next, pass out the fresh snack. Let them know that they are fresh and tasty—not stale and gross like the other batch.

When finished, say, "You may be wondering what this has to do with our lesson. Let me explain." (Continue with Getting Started below.)

Richard Foster, a Christian who for years worked in the area of spiritual disciplines (not discipline like getting in trouble, but discipline like practice or exercise), says this:“The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people.”

I want to challenge you today to think about your relationship with God. Are you, as Richard Foster put it, a “deep person"? Let's phrase that differently. If God looked at your life (and He does, of course), would He find a person who is stale in his or her relationship with Him, or fresh and active?

DIGGING IN (30 minutes)

Read Psalm 42:1-2Discussion Questions:

1. How does the author of that Psalm express his need for a relationship with God? (he longs, thirsts)

2. Is that kind of passion for God evident in your own life?

3. What do you think it would take for you to desire a relationship with God in that way?

FOUR PEOPLE (Continued)

Earlier I asked you to list the people to whom you were closest. Get out that list again. Who would like to share few things about one or two of the people on your list? (Let everyone share one or two people, if they're willing. Ask them the following questions.)• Why do you think you are close to this person?

• How much time do you spend with him or her?

• How many days in a normal week do you see this person?

• How often do you communicate with him or her during the day?

• How much do you find yourself talking to this person?

There is a correlation between how much time we spend with people and how deep our relationship with them is. It would not be good on a marriage if a husband and a wife never saw each other. A friendship would suffer if one of the friends moved away. It’s not to say the relationship would end—it would just be harder to be as close.If we are going to be people who follow Jesus, we need to try to be deep followers, not just fans of His. We need to thirst for a relationship with Him, like the psalmist did. I think if we’re honest, we’ll admit that our relationship with God is not as strong as it should be. The truth is, we’ve all got growing to do.

MAKING IT REAL (20 minutes)

Before we go any further, let me say this—I’m not trying to lay down a guilt trip. God loves us right where we are. But that doesn’t mean He wants us to stay there. He desires for us to grow.

The next few weeks, we’re going to talk about habits—activities in our life that can help deepen our relationship with God. Spiritual Disciplines, as they’ve been called, are ways that we can relate to God and other Christians in a way that strengthens our relationship with God. We’ll talk about a lot of stuff—studying the Bible, praying, being a part of the Church, having accountability in our life, etc.

Starting Points

Today, we need to realize we’re at the starting point of a journey.

Discussion Questions:

1. If you were making a list of friends, where would Jesus fit on the list? Who is a closer friend to you than Him right now?

2. How do you measure your “closeness” with Jesus?

3. How much time do you spend communicating with God?

4. How many days a week do you hang out with God?

5. How often do you find yourself thinking about Him?

Read Leviticus 26:12

The point of spiritual disciplines is to foster relationship-strengthening habits in our lives that allow us to walk with God, as we were intended to.

God’s presence in our lives is something we should aspire to. It’s not that He is a part of our life—but that He is our life. Our life centers around Him. In Genesis 3, we’re told God walked in the Garden with Adam and Eve. God commanded ancient Israel to construct a tabernacle so His presence could dwell there (Exodus 40). Later, a temple was constructed, and in it was the Holy of Holies, where the presence of God would dwell (1 Kings 5). And ultimately, in the person of Jesus Christ, God came to earth to dwell with us (John 1).

God wants a relationship with you. That is not in question. The matter that remains unsettled is this—how badly do you desire a relationship with Him?

Before you can spend any time learning about spiritual disciplines—or habits that can help you become closer to God—you have to decide if you want that. So let’s talk about it—I want to hear from each of you. And please—be honest. How badly do you want to have a relationship with God? Enough to work at it?

CLOSING PRAYER (10 minutes)

(Ask each student to share how close they believe they are to the Lord. Then challenge each student to go home and think about it more. The desire has to exist before learning about relating to God can do much good. Last of all, challenge each of them to spend some time right now praying about it.)

Allow a few minutes of prayer for everyone in silence, then close by praying to God for your students to earnestly desire a deeper walk with Christ.



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