1. 使学生相信,耶稣的复活确实发生了。
2. 使学生有能力与他人分享这一证据。
3. 激励学生过彰显复活的生活。
复活节, 复活
- 在你的生命中发生的最重要的事件是什么?
- 该事件是如何改变你的生活方式的?
- 你认为整个圣经中最重要的事件是什么?
- 你为什么会选那个事件?
- 这个事件是如何改变你的生活的?
在我们要读的经文中,将看到保罗认为 "最重要的" 是什么。今天的挑战是确定这一说法的真实性,并了解这一事件如何改变了我们。
读 哥林多前书15:1-8
1. 为什么会有一个基督教会?
- 如果耶稣没有从死里复活,那我们如今在做什么?
- 为什么会有教会?
- 为什么这个信息会传播?
- 除了耶稣从死里复活,你还能想到其他解释吗?
2. 为什么圣日从星期六转为星期天?
- 为什么人们放弃了星期六而开始在复活日星期天做礼拜?
- 除了在星期天发生了一些重要的事情之外,你还能想出其他的解释吗?
3. 为什么基督教的经文,如新约,说这件事发生了?
- 如果他们在撒谎,他们的动机是什么?
- 他们会有什么动机去说谎呢?
- 为什么这些文件能经受住时间的考验?
- 除了这是事实之外,你还能想到什么解释吗?
4. 身体在哪里?
- 为什么?是为了出去传一个不真实的福音,并为之而死吗?
- 怎么做到的呢?他们是如何殴打守卫、搬动石头、运送尸体的?
- 为什么尸体没有被找到?
- 你说这比复活的可能性大还是小?
- 如果耶稣从未被埋葬,那么他的尸体发生了什么?
- 你认为这比复活的可能性大还是小?
- 你对这个理论有什么看法?
- 你认为这比用复活来解释空墓的可能性大还是小?
- 你认为这些妇女会不会搞错?
- 你认为这是个靠得住的论点吗?
5. 如何解释耶稣的显现?
保罗记录了耶稣向门徒,向500人,向他自己,向其他人显现。哥林多前书中的这段话实际上是一个古老的信条,保罗把它复制到自己的信中。这使其离复活的实际事件更近,使它更可靠。有人提出,因着这批人很痛苦,他们都是在幻觉里看到耶稣的。心理学家对这一理论不屑一顾,认为大规模的幻觉极为罕见(祂如何能同时向500人 "显现 ")。
- 如果他们产生了幻觉,为什么没有人直接去坟墓,指着尸体,解决这个问题?
- 幻觉是比复活更可能的解释吗?
- 除了耶稣还活着,还能想到其他解释这些显现的方法吗?
6. 为什么都是殉道者?
- 如果他们不相信复活,为什么他们要自由地献出自己的生命?
- 你会为你知道是谎言的东西而死吗?
- 可靠的来源,如哥林多前书中的早期教会信条,称复活发生了。
- 如果坟墓不是空的,如果它是一个骗局,有人就会找到坟墓,揭穿谎言。
- 复活的故事很简单,不像后来的虚构故事那样:耶稣在众目睽睽之下背着一个会说话的十字架走出坟墓。
- 妇女发现坟墓的记载说明了它的真实性,因为在那个文化中,这样一个重要的角色是不会虚构给妇女的。
- 犹太人最早的立场是,耶稣不见了。问题是 "尸体在哪里?" 他们想出了一个理论,那就是尸体被偷走了。然而,这恰恰证明了坟墓是空的这一点。他们不得不发明一个理论,因为他们知道它是空的!
读 哥林多前书15:12-19
1. 根据这段经文,如果基督没有复活,什么事情是徒然的?(我们的信仰和传道)
2. 为什么保罗说我们会是最可怜的?(因为今生还有更多的东西)
3. 如果基督的复活是我们希望的基础,我们的生活应该如何改变?
4. 我们应该如何因着复活而生活?
5. 复活如何改变耶稣的第一批跟随者?
6. 你是否想以同样的勇气和信心跟随祂?
**** 英文版 *******
Easter Lessons
Lesson 3: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
This Easter Sunday school lesson reveals the Truth about the Resurrection. It explains how the Resurrection is the foundation to our faith and hope, and how it should change the way we look at life.
1. To convince students that the Resurrection of Jesus actually happened 2. To equip students to share this evidence with others 3. To inspire students to live lives reflective of the Resurrection
Easter, Resurrection
Scripture Memorization
1 Corinthians 15:17
OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)
GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)
Take turns going around the room and having each student answer these two questions: • What is the most significant event that ever happened in your life? • How did that event change the way you live? (If you have a large class, you may want to split into smaller groups and have the students share with others within their own group.)
General Discussion: • What do you think is the most significant event in the entire Bible? • Why did you pick that one? • How has that event changed your life?
In the verses we are about to read, we’ll see what Paul considers “of first importance.” The challenge for today is to determine the truth of that claim and to understand how this event has changed us.
DIGGING DEEP (30 minutes)
Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-8
There is a lot of evidence in favor of the Resurrection. Let’s ask a series of questions as we seek out the Truth. (The lesson workbook provides space for students to record comments or answers to each of these questions.)
1. Why is there a Christian Church? We are here doing something that hasn’t always been done. The Christian Church did not always exist.
• If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then what are we doing? • Why did a church begin? • Why did the message spread? • Can you think of an explanation besides that Jesus rose from the dead?
2. Why did the holy day switch from Saturday to Sunday? The Jews worshipped on the Sabbath (Saturday). Now, Christians gather on the first day of the week to worship.
• Why did people abandon Saturday and start worshipping on the supposed Resurrection day of Sunday? • Can you think of an explanation besides that something significant happened on a Sunday?
3. Why do we have Christian Scriptures, such as the New Testament, claiming it happened? Three men (Matthew, Peter, and John) contribute to the Scriptures. Luke, a well-known and trustworthy historian, traveled with Paul, and he accounts for the Resurrection as well.
• If they were lying, what was their motivation? • What motivation would they have had for lying? • Why have these documents stood the test of time? • Can you think of an explanation besides that it was the truth?
4. Where is the body? There are many theories trying to explain what happened to the body of Christ.
The Disciples Stole the Body • Why? Was it to go out and preach a gospel that was not true, and to die for it? • How? How did they beat up the guards, move the stone, and transport the body? • Why wasn't the body ever recovered? • Would you say this is more or less likely than the Resurrection? Jesus Was Never Buried This is highly unlikely. All four Gospels state that He was buried and all by Joseph of Arimathea. Not only that, but Mark’s burial account was likely taken from an even earlier source, making it highly reliable.
• If Jesus was never buried, what happened to His body? • Do you think this is more or less likely than the Resurrection? Jesus Survived and Escaped This theory is ridiculous considering Jesus' physical state of being. Not only would He had had to survive His punishment, He also would have had to unwrap Himself out of about 75 pounds of burial garments and spices, which were typical for that time. He would have had to roll a stone out of the groove on which it sat, beat up or sneak around the guards, and hide out without leaving a blood trail, getting tired, or passing out. Remember, He would have been walking around with exposed bones, pierced hands and feet, a burst heart and lung, and dislocated shoulders. That is impossible for a human.
• What do you think of this theory? • Do you think it is more or less likely than explaining the empty tomb with the Resurrection? The Women Went to the Wrong Tomb This theory is that the women were so upset that they mistakenly visited the wrong tomb—an unused tomb. Jesus had not risen—He was just forgotten. This is ridiculous because (1) even in emotional distress, people would’ve remembered where they buried Him and (2) once people began claiming that He rose from the dead, the officials would’ve found the right tomb and corrected them.
• Do you think the women could have been confused? • Do you think this is a realistic argument?
5. How do you explain Jesus' appearances? Paul records that Jesus appeared to the apostles, to 500 people, to himself, and to others. This passage in Corinthians is actually an ancient creed that Paul copies into his letter. That puts it much closer to the actual event of the Resurrection, making it more reliable. It has been proposed that in their distress, all the Christians saw Jesus as a hallucination. Psychologists discount that theory, citing mass hallucinations as extremely rare (so how did He “appear” to 500 people at once.)
• If they were hallucinating, why did someone not just go to the tomb, point at the body, and settle the issue? • Is hallucination a more likely explanation than the Resurrection? • Can you think of another option to explain these appearances other than that Jesus was alive?
6. Why the Martyrs? Every apostle besides John died a martyr’s death.
• If they weren’t convinced of the Resurrection, why did they give their lives freely?
• Would you die for something you knew was a lie?
Summary of Additional Affirmative Evidence • Reliable sources, such as early Church creeds in 1 Corinthians, claim the Resurrection happened. • Mark, using an account of the Resurrection from as early as 37 B.C., writes about the Resurrection, meaning legend could not have spread without being contradicted with the truth. • If the tomb were not empty, if it was a hoax, someone would’ve known where to find it and expose the lie. • The Resurrection story is simple, unlike later embellished fictional accounts where Jesus exits the tomb with a talking cross on His back in full view of everyone. • The account of women finding the tomb speaks to its truth, because in that culture such a prestigious position would never be given to women fictionally. • The earliest Jewish position was that Jesus had risen. The question was “Where’s the body?” They came up with the theory that it had been stolen. However, that proves the point that the tomb was empty. They had to invent a theory because they knew it was empty!
We can know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus really did rise from the dead. Furthermore, it should change the way we look at life. That’s what we want to talk about next.
MAKING IT REAL (20 minutes)
Read 1 Corinthians 15:12-19
In Corinth, there seems to be some teachings that the Resurrection could not have happened. Paul’s argument is simple. If there is no rising from the dead, Christ did not rise. Moreover, if Christ did not rise, we’re wasting our time!
Discussion Questions: 1. According to this passage, what things are useless if Christ did not rise? (Our faith and preaching.) 2. Why is it that Paul says we should be pitied? (Because there’s more to this life.)
The Resurrection of Jesus from death is foundational to our faith and hope. It is not just for this life, but also for after this life ends.
3. If Christ’s Resurrection is the foundation of our hope, how should our lives change? 4. How should we live in light of the Resurrection? 5. How did the Resurrection change Jesus’ first followers? 6. Do you follow Him with that same boldness and faith?
Today, in light of the Truth of the Resurrection, let’s allow God to change us.
CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)
Pray for your students to live with the boldness of faith founded in the hope of the Resurrection.
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