1. 比较各福音书中对复活的描述。
2. 使学生相信复活是一个真实的历史事件。
3. 激励学生生活在对即将到来的复活的盼望中。
复活节, 复活
- 圣经里有什么东西是你难以相信的?
- 是什么让你难以相信?
- 要怎样才能使你相信你目前难以相信的事?
马太福音 28:1-10
马可福音 16:1-8
路加福音 24:1-12
约翰福音 20:1-10
1. 这是一周中的第几天(第一天)
2. 他们一大早就来到坟墓前。
3. 去坟墓的目的(看尸身)
4. 天使的衣服发着白光。
1. 谁在场
2. 当石头被滚开时,他们是否感到地震。
3. 年轻人/天使的数量(1对2)以及他们出现的地点。
4. 天使到底说了什么(不是大致)。
5. 在场妇人的确切反应。
1. 为什么福音书作者对复活事件的记录会不同?(他们是在不同时间向不同听众写的,有不同的写作来源。)
2. 是否有任何细节与其他作者的观点直接矛盾或被证明错误?(没有。虽然细节不同,但没有任何东西可以反驳彼此的说法。)
3. 圣经在历史细节方面的可靠性如何?(相当准确和值得信赖。这些记载是在事件发生后几十年才写成的。)
4. 马太福音、马可福音、路加福音和约翰福音所提供的信息是否足以让我们相信耶稣真的从死里复活了? (是的)
读 罗马书8:9-11
1. 第11节对使耶稣从死里复活的灵是怎么说的? (它如果住在你们里面,也会赐你们生命。)
2. 第10节,罪会使我们的身体如何?(使我们死)
3. 你有没有想过自己需要复活?为什么/为什么不?(允许讨论)
4. 我们对复活的唯一希望是什么?(耶稣的复活)
5. 这是在物质范畴的复活吗?(不,也是属灵的。)
读 哥林多前书15:19
1. 这节经文说,如果基督只给我们今生的指望,我们算什么??(可悲!)
2. 基督的复活应该也给我们今生的指望,还是只给我们天国的盼望? (复活应该也给我们今生的指望。)
3. 复活的大能如何给你对这个世界和这个生命的希望?(允许讨论)
**** 英文版 *******
Easter Lessons
Lesson 2: Why Does the Resurrection Matter?
This Easter Sunday school lesson convinces students that the Resurrection was a historical event and inspires them to live in the hope of the Resurrection to come.
1. To compare the accounts of the Resurrection in the Gospels 2. To convince students that the Resurrection was an actual historical event 3. To inspire students to live in the hope of the Resurrection to come
Easter, Resurrection
Scripture Memorization
Romans 8:11
OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)
GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)
Don't Blow Your Nose! (Game) Click here
General Discussion: • What is something from the Bible that you find hard to believe? • What do you think makes something hard to believe? • What would it take for you to believe something that you currently find hard to believe? Today we are going to talk about something that—for some people—is hard to believe. That is, the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
DIGGING DEEP (30 minutes)
We will begin by reading all four Gospel accounts of the Resurrection. As we read them, keep tabs in your workbook of some of the things mentioned in each account that are the same and those that are slightly different.
(Select four students to read the following passages.)
Matthew 28:1-10
Mark 16:1-8
Luke 24:1-12
John 20:1-10
(Below is a brief list of some of the more significant details. Your group may discover more variants.)
Workbook Activity
The Same Yet Different Things that are the same: 1. What day of the week it was (The first day.) 2. They came to the tomb early in the morning 3. The purpose of going to the tomb (Look/anoint the body.) 4. Clothes of angels were gleaming white Things that are different: 1. Who was present 2. Whether they felt an earthquake when the stone was rolled away 3. Amount of young men/angels (1 vs. 2) and where they appeared 4. What precisely the angel said (Though not generally.) 5. The precise reaction of the women present
Discussion Questions: 1. Why do you think the Gospel authors recorded the events of the Resurrection differently? (They are writing to different audiences, at different times, with different sources for their writing.) 2. Are there any details here that directly contradict or prove false the accounts given from the other authors' point of view? (No. While the details vary, there is nothing to disprove another's account.) 3. How reliable do you think the Bible is when it comes to historical detail? (It is pretty accurate and trustworthy. These accounts were written just a couple decades after the events took place.) 4. Do you think Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John give us enough information that we can be confident that Jesus actually rose from the dead? (Yes.)
MAKING IT REAL (15 minutes)
It is important that we can trust what the Bible says about the Resurrection. It is equally important for us to know how the Bible says we should be changed because of the Resurrection. Read Romans 8:9-11 Discussion Questions: 1. What does verse 11 say about the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead? (If it lives in you, it will also give you life.) 2. What does verse 10 say about how sin makes our bodies? (It makes us dead.) 3. Do you ever think of yourself as needing a resurrection? Why/why not? (Allow for discussion.) 4. What is our only hope for a resurrection? (Jesus' Resurrection.) 5. Do you think this means only a physical resurrection? (No, it is spiritual, too.) There is one more verse I would like for us to look at together. Read 1 Corinthians 15:19 Discussion Questions: 1. This verse declares that if Christ gives us hope for this life only, what are we? (Pitiful!) 2. That said, should Christ’s Resurrection give us hope for this life, or just for Heaven? (The Resurrection should give us hope in this life, too.) 3. How does the power of the Resurrection give you hope for this world and for this life? (Allow for discussion.) The truth is we can have confidence that the Resurrection actually happened. Furthermore, we can have confidence that there are little resurrections happening all around us every day. People who were dead in their sin rise to a new life. Marriages that were dead receive fresh breath because of the power of the Gospel. Again and again, the power of the Gospel changes things. Not just for our eternity, but for our here and now. In that way, it’s Easter every day. Jesus is risen from the grave and He is risen in us as we surrender to Him daily.
CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)
Pray for your students to live lives that are surrendered to Jesus Christ.
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