1. 进一步提高学生对旧约传道书的认识。
2. 让学生看到智慧和愚拙之间的区别。
3. 鼓励学生在生活中把神放在第一位。
敬畏神, 愚拙, 智慧
- 害怕是一件坏事还是一件好事?
- 害怕如何能成为一件好事?
读 传道书10:1-20
1. 根据第1节,什么重过智慧?(愚拙)
2. 根据第6节,傻子总是输吗? (不,有时他们身居高位)
3. 所罗门为什么要花这么多时间来比较智者和愚者? (他想弄清生命的意义)
读 传道书11:1-10
1. 为什么在你幼年之时记住神很重要?(如果在幼年之时忘记了神,随着时间的推移,你的心很容易对神的事变硬)
2. 你现在追求神的过程中有哪些障碍?
有些人试图把本章结尾的这段话变成一个借口,让人可以随心所欲地生活,简单地过自私的生活。 然而,传道者在第九节指出了我们对神的责任。
3. 传道者在第九节的话与这些行为的判断有什么关系?
所罗门显然相信遵循自己的欲望,在这一生中寻求幸福。 然而,他并没有忘记把神放在中心的重要性。 我们会受到审判的提醒使我们不至于简单地丢掉了我们生命中的青春。
读 传道书12:1-14
所罗门的隐喻部分基本上是描述我们是如何消磨时光的。 年轻的日子是短暂的。
1. 为什么所罗门觉得有必要警诫年轻人要亲近神?
2. 为什么他要说年轻是多么短暂?
3. 你能想到有谁在年轻时很有优势,但随着年龄的增长而失去了这种优势?
许多人在年轻时想做什么就做什么,不考虑神和后果,后来为之付出代价。当面对一个人做一些明知是错误的事时,我常听到这样的回答:"必须趁着年轻好好活一遭"或 "只为现在而活"。痛苦的是,人们在高中、大学或青年时期给自己带来的许多后果会伴随他们的余生。
我敢打赌,所罗门的生活被他在年轻时给自己带来的痛苦后果所困扰着。想一想吧。他年轻、富有、英俊(大卫和拔示巴的儿子,我想可以这么假设)、强大,而且 "不可阻挡"。最终,让所罗门堕落的是他自己。他终于认识到,尽管其他人可能无法搞他,但他正在摧毁自己的生活。
他对我们的警告是,不要到了晚年,不得不说:"我希望那件事可以重来。" 经常使用的拉丁语短语:"Carpe Diem " 可能被过度使用,但却是一个很好的生活准则。 如果我们能够真正地 "抓住今天",我们生命中的每一天,我们将永远不会在回顾往事时想,"如果我当时不那么做就好了"。
神想要的是我们生命中最美好的时光。在生活中获得真正满足的方法不是用无用和无意义的东西来填充生活。 相反,我们需要认识到基督在我们生命中的重要性,并把祂放在第一位。
读 马太福音6:33
1. 这节经文与所罗门的信息有什么关系? (要想真正幸福,就要过一个讨神喜悦的生活)
1. 对今天的我们来说,"敬畏神 "意味着什么?(认识到神的权能和地位,并给祂应有的尊重)
2. 遵守神的诫命如何体现我们对神的爱? (我们都想取悦自己所爱的人)
**** 英文版 *******
Ecclesiastes Lesson 8: Fear God LESSON OBJECTIVES Goals 1. To further the students' knowledge of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes 2. To expose students to the difference between wise and foolish living 3. To inspire students to put God first in their lives
Topics: Fearing God, Foolishness, Wisdom
Scripture Memorization Ecclesiastes 12:13 OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes) GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes) Allow time for your students to share their fears. Also, don't be afraid to share some of your own fears with the class. Chances are some in your group will have fears in common. Some might be strange or funny. Encourage as many students as possible to participate in the discussion. GETTING STARTED (5 minutes) General Discussion: • Is fear a bad thing or a good thing? • How can fear be a good thing? Today we’re going to finish our study of Ecclesiastes by talking about wisdom, foolishness, and fearing God. Let’s get to it! DIGGING IN (35 minutes) Read Ecclesiastes 10:1-20 In chapter 10, Solomon compares wisdom and folly in numerous ways. Discussion Questions: 1. According to verse 1, what outweighs wisdom? (Folly) 2. Do fools always lose according to verse 6? (No, sometimes they are in high positions.) 3. Why do you think Solomon spends so much time comparing the wise and foolish? (He was trying to figure out the meaning of life.)
One of the reasons is that chapter 10 is followed by chapter 11, and he is about to give some advice that the wise person will embrace. Read Ecclesiastes 11:1-10 Discussion Questions: 1. Why is it important to remember God while you are young? (If you forget God while young it is easy for your heart to become hardened to the things of God over time.) 2. What are some of the obstacles in your pursuit of God now? Some people try to turn this passage in the end of this book into an excuse to live anyway one chooses and simply live a selfish life. However, the teacher points out in verse nine our responsibility to God. 3. How do the teacher's words in verse 9 relate to the judgment of those actions?
Solomon obviously believes in following your desires and seeking happiness during this life. However, he does not forget the importance of keeping God in the center. The reminder that we will be judged keeps us from frugally throwing away the youth of our lives. Now let’s turn to chapter 12 as we finish up the book of Ecclesiastes. Read Ecclesiastes 12:1-14 Solomon’s metaphor section is a description of how we are basically wasting away. The days of youth are short-lived.
Discussion Questions: 1. Why would Solomon feel the need to warn young people about staying close to the Lord? 2. Why would he bring up how brief youthfulness is? 3. Can you think of someone who was dominant when they were young but lost that dominance with age?
Young people often feel indestructible and think that their youthfulness will last forever. However, we know that this is not true. Solomon thought it was important to help keep people from making the same mistakes in their youth that he made.
Many people live their youthful lives doing whatever they feel like doing without considering God and the consequences, and end up paying for it later. When confronted about doing something that a person knows is wrong, I have often heard responses like, “you have to live while you are young” or “this is just for fun for right now.” The painful part is that many of the consequences that people bring on themselves during high school, college, or young adulthood stay with them the rest of their lives.
I bet that Solomon was living a life plagued by painful consequences that he had given himself during his youth. Think about it. He was young, rich, handsome (son of David and Bathsheba, I think you can assume that), powerful, and “unstoppable.” Ultimately, Solomon’s downfall was himself. He finally recognized that even though other people might not be able to touch him, he was destroying his own life.
His warning to us is that we do not get to our old age and have to say, “I wish I had that to do over again.” The often-used Latin phrase: “Carpe Diem” is probably overused, but is a great rule to live by. If we can truly “Seize the Day” every day of our lives, we will never look back on things and think, “if I only would have acted differently.”
God truly wants the best years of our lives. The main way to have true fulfillment in life is not to fill life with useless and meaningless things. Instead, we need to recognize Christ’s importance in our lives and keep Him first. Read Matthew 6:33 Discussion Question: 1. How does this verse relate to Solomon's message? (To be truly happy, live a life that pleases God.) Perhaps this should be the theme verse for all of us--especially while we are young. MAKING IT REAL (15 minutes) Solomon, like every good writer, finishes his work with a brief summary. Silencing all of the critics that think the teacher says that life is worthless, Solomon gives the true meaning of life: fear God and keep His commandments.
Discussion Questions: 1. What does it mean for us today to “fear God"? (Recognizing the power and position of God and giving Him proper respect.) 2. How does keeping His commandments demonstrate our love of God? (We want to please those whom we love.)
Even though Solomon dealt so much with the mortality and ignorance of man, his conclusion is that humanity is truly made up of one thing: its dependence on God.
In Genesis 2-3, humanity tried to become like God by disobeying Him. Instead, they lost the one thing that made them truly human. We are made to need and depend on God. If you try to live your life without Him, you will end up nowhere. Life is made with a God-shaped hole in the middle.
Object Talk (5 minutes) Important Things Come First Have a clear pitcher, rocks, gravel, sand, and water handy. Put the rocks into the pitcher first, so that the pitcher appears full. Explain that although it appears full, other things can still fit into the pitcher. Add the gravel. Again, suggest that it looks full, but it is not. Then add the sand, and ask everyone if it is finally completely full. Reveal that is not by adding water. The water will seep in around the rocks, gravel, and sand.
Explain that if you were to start this activity in reverse order, there would be no room for the rocks. Adding only one rock would cause some of the water to overflow.
Just like this, our lives need God in them first. If you don’t put Him in your life first, at the root, your life will hold little value and you will never reach true peace and fulfillment.
Adapted from the story told by Stephen Covey in his book "First Things First." Let’s learn from Solomon--through his mistakes and his wisdom.
CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)
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