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青少年教程 (传道书*第1课) | 一切都没有意义吗?




1. 让学生了解旧约传道书。

2. 看到离开了神,生命就毫无意义。

3. 鼓励学生将他们的信心放在耶稣身上,祂是唯一能使生命有意义的人。


信仰, 敬畏神, 幸福, 智慧, 价值





智慧箴言 (活动)

让每个学生想出他们最喜欢的 "至理名言"。 他们可以用从别人那里听来的名言,也可以自己当场创作。让每个学生与大家分享他/她的至理名言,然后大家投票决定哪句话是最智慧的。





- 我们从哪里得到智慧的谚语?

- 什么是智慧或不智慧的事?

- 智慧如何在生活中帮助我们?

我们今天要开始学习一本智慧书 --《传道书》。在这之前,我们也许应该了解一下其作者所罗门的一些情况。


读 列王纪上3:5-15


1. 如果神问你和所罗门一样的问题,你会怎么回答? (名利,财富,等等)

2. 所罗门求智慧的目的是什么?(这样他就可以很好地治理国家。)

3. 在第14节中,神对所罗门的祝福有什么条件? (遵守神的律例诫命)

读 传道书1:1-11


我们必须理解传道书中 "日光之下 "这个短语,这很重要。我们会经常看到它。任何时候你读到这个短语都要想到 "在神之外"。"日光之下"的意思是 "在神之外"。


1. 所罗门在书的开头是如何描述自己的?(作为传道者,大卫的儿子,以及耶路撒冷的国王)

2. 根据所罗门的说法,什么是没有意义的?(一切)

3. 根据第10-11节,地上有什么新事物吗?(没有)

4. 如果三千年前是真的,你认为今天仍然是真的吗?(当然)


5. 所罗门说没有新东西是什么意思?他是指发明东西吗?他可能是什么意思?


读 传道书1:12-18


1. 在这段经文中,所罗门的心情如何? (有点沮丧和灰心)

2. 根据第18节,他的智慧给他带来了什么? (愁烦和忧伤)

3. 对知识的追求,所罗门称之为 "捕风"。这是什么意思? (毫无意义;你永远无法抓住风)


选一个认为自己善于抓取东西的志愿者。给这位志愿者一个棒球手套,让他戴上以获得戏剧性的效果。然后,插上风扇,让志愿者尝试抓住风。以此作为所罗门说 "你抓不住风 "的视觉演示。你总是空手而归。




读 传道书12:13


1. 根据所罗门的说法,所有听到的结论是什么?(要敬畏神,遵守祂的诫命)

2. 根据我们之前从传道书第1章中读到的内容,应该怎么看其他的事物?(毫无意义)

3. 有一个强有力的问题,我们都必须面对的--你的生活是有意义的,还是没有意义的?










- 你在哪一项上花的时间最多?

- 你在哪一项上花的时间最少?

- 我们在某件事上花费的时间如何表明了该事情对我们的重要性?

- 神在各清单上的位置是什么?如果你把祂放在你的优先级的首位,但祂在你的时间列表中却处于低位,那么你真正敬畏祂的程度如何?




1. 爱神如何能成为你友谊的一部分?

2. 敬畏神如何成为你在学校生活的一部分?

3. 顺服神如何影响你对待家人的方式?

4. 如果对自己诚实,如果你把传道书12:13放在心上,你的清单上是否有什么需要去掉的?如果有,是什么?

5. 如果没有神存在的那些事都毫无意义,我们为什么要花那么多时间在那些事上?




**** 英文版 *******

Ecclesiastes Lesson 1: Is Everything Meaningless? LESSON OBJECTIVES Goals 1. To give students an overview of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes 2. To assert that life is meaningless apart from God 3. To challenge students to place their faith in Jesus, the only One who can make life meaningful

Topics: Faith, Fearing God, Happiness, Wisdom, Worthiness

Scripture Memorization Ecclesiastes 1:2 OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes) GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

Wise Sayings (Activity) Have each student come up with their favorite "wise saying." They can use a quote they've heard from someone else or something they invent on the spot. Have each student share his or her wise saying with the group while everyone votes on which one is the wisest saying. If you have a large number of students, split up into smaller groups of 5 to 10 and have the members of each group vote for the wisest saying in their group. Then, let each group winner repeat their saying to the entire class, and vote for the wisest saying of all. Give the winner a pack of Smarties for a prize.

GETTING STARTED (5 minutes) General Discussion: • Where do we get wise sayings? • What makes something wise or not? • How can wisdom help us in life? We’re going to start a study of a book of wisdom, Ecclesiastes, today. Before we do, we probably should know a thing or two about its author, Solomon. DIGGING IN (30 minutes)

Read 1 Kings 3:5-15 Discussion Questions: 1. If God asked you the same question He asks Solomon, how would you answer? (Fame, riches, etc.) 2. For what purpose did Solomon ask for wisdom? (So that he might rule well.) 3. What condition does God place on His blessing to Solomon in verse 14? (He would have a long life if he kept God’s commands.) Read Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 The meaning of "Under the Sun" It is important that we understand the phrase “under the sun” in Ecclesiastes. We will see it a lot. Anytime you read this phrase think "apart from God.” The phrase in Hebrew meant something that was not plainly stated. Kind of like when we say, “the whole enchilada,” we mean “everything.” Or when we say, “go all out” we mean try our best. So, "under the sun" means "apart from God."

Discussion Questions: 1. How does Solomon identify himself at the beginning of the book? (As the teacher, son of David, and the King of Jerusalem.) 2. According to Solomon, what is meaningless? (Everything.) 3. According to verses 10-11, is there anything new on earth? (No.) 4. If that was true 3,000 years ago, do you think it is still true today? (Certainly.)

Wait a minute. There are new things. There was a time when there was no way to record music. Now, we can play back recorded music on iPods, CD players, and over radio waves. There used to be a time when there was no medicine that could fight cancer. Now there are many of cancer-fighting strategies. 5. What do you think Solomon means when he says there is nothing new? Do you think he means inventions and stuff? What could he mean? (Allow for answers.) Solomon is talking about the ways of the world, the heart of man, and the repetition of nature, etc. In a way, new inventions are not really that new. They just improve upon things that we could already do.

Read Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 Discussion Questions: 1. How does Solomon’s mood sound here in this passage? (Kind of depressed and discouraged.) 2. What did his wisdom bring him, according to verse 18? (Sorrow and grief.) 3. This pursuit of knowledge Solomon calls, "Chasing after the wind." What do you think that means? (It is meaningless; you can never catch the wind.) Optional (Object Talk) Choose a volunteer who believes he or she is good at catching things. Give the volunteer a baseball glove to wear for dramatic effect. Then, plug in a fan and have the volunteer attempt to catch the wind. Use this as a visual demonstration of when Solomon says, "You can’t catch the wind." You always come up empty. In Ecclesiastes 1, Solomon makes a simple point: Knowledge, wealth, and life is meaningless apart from God. MAKING IT REAL (20 minutes) So, if everything in this life is meaningless apart from God, how can life have meaning? The answer is at the end of Ecclesiastes, which we will jump to right now, and periodically during this series. Read Ecclesiastes 12:13 Discussion Questions: 1. According to Solomon, what is the conclusion to all that has been heard? (To fear God and keep His commandments.) 2. Based on what we read earlier from Ecclesiastes 1, what should everything else be considered? (Meaningless.) 3. There is a powerful question we must all confront with this in mind--are you living a life that is rich in meaning, or one that has no meaning? All anyone really wants is for life to mean something. But are you willing to do what it takes to make it so?

Workbook Activity (10 minutes)

What Does Your Life Mean? Part 1 (My 10 Most Important Things) Have the students write down in their workbooks or on a sheet of paper the 10 most important things in their life. Some common things will be God, family, church activities, friends, etc. However, they will probably include some things that are more personal, such as music, dancing, sports, video games, etc. Encourage everyone to be honest and then to prioritize their list 1 to 10 in order of importance. Allow about 5 minutes to complete this portion of the activity. Part 2 (How I Spend My Time) Then, in the next section, or on another sheet of paper, ask the students to list the 10 things they spend most of their time doing. Again, have them prioritize their list 1 to 10 in order of time spent. A good chunk will be devoted to sleeping, school, hanging out with friends, etc. Allow about 5 minutes to complete this portion of the activity. Ask everyone to compare his or her two lists. Then, conclude with the following questions: • On which item did you spend the most amount of time? • On which item did you spend the least amount of time? • How does how much time we spend on something indicate what priority that has for us? • Where is God on each list? If you put Him high on your priority list but He is low on your time list, how much do you really fear Him?

This does not mean that you should only have one thing on each list: God. However, we do need to think about how fearing God and obeying His commandments can be the foundation for everything on our list and everything in our life.

Discussion Questions: 1. How can loving God be a part of your friendships? 2. How can fearing God be a part of your life at school? 3. How does obeying God’s commandments affect the way you treat your family? 4. Being honest with yourself, is there anything on your list that you would need to eliminate if you were to take Ecclesiastes 12:13 to heart? If so, what? 5. If everything that is absent of the presence of God is meaningless, why do you think we spend so much time on those things?

So, we can conclude from this lesson that loving God and obeying His commandments are the only things that really matter. With this in mind, we all probably have some repenting and changing to do. CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes) Have the students pair up with a partner and spend some time praying for each other. Then, suggest they set up a time during the week to check in on one another to ask how things are going.


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