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青少年教程 (人生不是一场游戏*第4课) | 旅程




  • 帮助学生理解人生不是游戏,而是一段旅程

  • 学习使徒行传第5章中使徒的奇妙逃脱,以及他们尽管受迫害仍热情地顺服神

  • 激励学生以同样的热情顺服神




使徒行传 5:29






  • 你们中有多少人曾经迷路?

  • 你们当时在哪里?发生了什么?

  • 你们是怎么被找到的?




读 使徒行传 5:17-25


  1. 根据这段经文,使徒为什么被关进监狱?(有人嫉妒他们)

  2. 在第19节发生了什么?(使徒被救了出来)

  3. 神告诉他们要做什么?(去传道)

  4. 从第21节开始,使徒做了什么?(他们去传道了)

读 使徒行传 5:26-32


  1. 当有人发现使徒再次传道时,他们对使徒做了什么(见第26节)?(把他们带了进来)

  2. 他们对使徒说了什么(见第28节)?

  3. 使徒如何回应?(“我们必须顺服神,而不顺服人。”)

  4. 你怎么看他们的回应?你会屈服吗?



  • 申命记 4:1

  • 申命记 28:1

  • 约翰福音 14:15

  • 罗马书 2:13

  • 约翰一书 2:3


  1. 关于顺服,这些经文各自说了什么?

  2. 在基督追随者的生活中,顺服和爱是如何相关的?

  3. 你认为你有多好地顺服了神?



















**** 英文版 *******

Life: It's Not A Game

Lesson 4: The Journey



1. To help students understand that life is not a game, but a journey

2. To educate students about the miraculous escape of the apostles from jail in Acts 5, and their passion to obey God in spite of persecution

3. To inspire students to obey with equal vigor


Anxiety, Apostles, Boldness, Courage, Guidance, Obedience, Persecution,

Scripture Memorization

Acts 5:29

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

Do you have a good meeting space? Play a good, old-fashioned game of hide and seek. If you meet at night, add to the fun by turning out all the lights.  You know the rules, now go have fun!

GETTING STARTED (10 minutes)

General Discussion:

• How many of you have ever gotten lost?

• Where were you? What happened?

• How were you found?We’ve been talking about how life is not a game.

Today, I’m going to challenge you to think of life as a journey, one where we can’t afford to lose our way. Luckily, we don’t have to. There is a map to guide our steps. But the map may not be what you think it is.Let’s jump in and see!

DIGGING IN (25 minutes) 

Read Acts 5:17-25

Discussion Questions:

1. According to the passage, why were the apostles jailed? (The leaders were jealous.)

2. What happened in verse 19? (The apostles were rescued.)

3. What did God tell them to do? (Go preach.)

4. What did the apostles do, starting in verse 21? (They went and preached.)

Read Acts 5:26-32

Discussion Questions:

1. What did the leaders do to the apostles when they discovered the apostles preaching again (see verse 26)? (Brought them in.)

2. What did they say to the apostles (see verse 28)?

3. How did the apostles respond? (“We must obey God, not you.”)

4. What do you think about their response? Would you have given in?

The apostles, despite great danger, decided to obey God. Their obedience is admirable, but it should come as no surprise. Neither should obedience in our life be rare or surprising.

(Have students look up the following texts. Have them read on their own. Then ask the questions that follow.)

•    Deuteronomy 4:1

•    Deuteronomy 28:1

•    John 14:15

•    Romans 2:13

•    1 John 2:3

Discussion Questions:

1. What do each of these passages say about obedience?

2. How are obedience and love related in the life of a Christ follower?

3. How well do you think you obey God?

MAKING IT REAL (20 minutes)

We’ve all been lost, and we’ve all used a map. But you probably didn’t realize that life is sort of like that, too. To obey in life is similar to consulting a map. Life is a journey, and we need directions to follow so we don’t feel lost.

General Discussion:

1. Have you have ever felt “lost” in life? When? What happened to make you feel that way?

2. What are some of God’s most important directions for life?

3. Which of God’s laws do you think are relatively easy to follow? Which are more difficult to follow?

4. What is one way you really struggle to obey God? (Try to get everyone to answer this one.)

5. What influenced the apostles to feel so strongly about obeying God?

6. If you were in their situation, would you have been tempted to obey the people questioning you instead? Why?

7. There are lots of people and situations that will call for your obedience, and be sure about one thing - you’re always obeying SOMEONE. Why is it better to obey God over anyone else?

8. How can obeying other influences (friends at school, stuff online, rumors, or gossip) bring you down?

9. How can obeying other voices in your life lead to becoming lost?

If you find yourself getting lost in life, try obedience. But the only way you can obey is by knowing the map. In the life of a Christian, the Bible is that guiding force.  

David says in the Psalms, “I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”

I want to challenge you to look up some verses that relate to one of your greatest struggles and memorize scripture concerning it. This will help you not get lost in that particular area. In fact, let’s do that now.

(Ask students to get out their Bibles and look up verses concerning the rules they find hardest to obey. Have some concordances ready, and be ready to help students wade through the options of verses. Help them memorize, and remind them to be in the Word, the map, the rest of the week.)

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)

I want to pray for each of you one by one, that you can obey God over anyone or anything else. As you leave today, know that God is with you. You should fear no man, but God alone. (Pray for your students)


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