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In the Right Direction
We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete. - Hebrew 12:2
When you learn to ride a bike, you quickly learn to keep your eyes on where you want the bike to go. If you look away, then you're likely to go off in the wrong direction - and crash into a ditch or a tree! Wherever your eyes go, your bike soon follows.
Your thougths are much the same. Keep your thoughts focused on Me and My will for you. People and situations change all the time. And the world whirls around like the scenery flying past a car window. If you focus too long on the world, you will get dizzy and confused. But I never change. Keep your thoughts on Me, and I will keep you moving in the right direction.
Read on Your Own
Psalm 102:27
But You are the same, And Your years are without end.
望断以及于耶稣,就是我们信心的创始者与成终者。- 希伯来书 12:2
学自行车时,你很快就会学到,要把目光投向你想要自行车去的地方。如果你目光飘离,那么你很可能就会偏离正确的方向 - 并撞到沟渠或树木!无论你的目光转向哪里,你的自行车很快就会跟随。
诗篇 102:27