12:11 我成了愚妄人,是你们强逼我的。我本该为你们所推荐,因为我即使算不了什么,也没有一点赶不上那些超级的使徒。
I have become foolish; you yourselves have compelled me. For it is I who should have been commended by you; for in nothing am I inferior to the super-apostles, even though I am nothing.
12:12 我使徒的记号,确已在你们中间,以全般的忍耐,藉着神迹、奇事和异能,完全显出来了。
Indeed the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all endurance by signs and wonders and works of power.
12:13 因为除了我自己不累着你们以外,你们还有什么事不及其余的教会?这不公之处,你们饶恕我吧!
For what is there in which you were treated in a manner inferior to the rest of the churches, except that I myself was not a burden to you? Graciously forgive me this injustice!
12:14 看哪,这是我第三次预备好,要到你们那里去,也必不累着你们,因我所寻求的不是你们的东西,乃是你们自己。因为儿女不该为父母积蓄,父母乃该为儿女积蓄。
Behold, this third time I am ready to come to you, and I will not be a burden; for I do not seek what is yours but you. For the children ought not to store up for the parents, but the parents for the children.
12:15 我极其喜欢为你们花费,并完全花上自己。难道我越发爱你们,就越发少得你们的爱么?
But I, I will most gladly spend and be utterly spent on behalf of your souls. If I love you more abundantly, am I loved less?
12:16 罢了!我并没有加给你们担子,你们却有人说,我是狡猾诡诈,用诡计牢笼你们。
But let it be so! I did not burden you; but, as some of you say, being crafty, I took you by guile.
12:17 我所差到你们那里去的人,我藉着其中一个占过你们的便宜么?
Did I take advantage of you through anyone whom I have sent to you?
12:18 我劝了提多,又差了那位弟兄同去。提多占过你们的便宜么?我们行事,不是在同一的灵里么?不是在同一的脚踪里么?
I entreated Titus and sent with him the brother. Titus did not take advantage of you, did he? Did we not walk in the same spirit? In the same steps?
12:19 你们一向以为我们是向你们分诉,我们乃是在基督里当着神面前说话。亲爱的,一切的事都是为建造你们。
All this time you have been thinking that we are defending ourselves to you. Before God in Christ we speak; but all things, beloved, are for your building up.
12:20 我怕我来的时候,或许见到你们不合我所想要的,你们见到我也不合你们所想要的;又怕有争竞、嫉妒、恼怒、私图好争、诽谤、谗言、自高自大、混乱的事;
For I fear that perhaps when I come, I may find you not such as I wish, and I may be found by you not such as you wish; that perhaps there may be strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, slanders, whisperings, demonstrations of being puffed up, tumults;
12:21 且怕我再来的时候,我的神在你们面前卑屈我,我还要为那许多从前犯罪,还没有悔改他们所行污秽淫乱邪荡之事的人哀恸。
That when I come again my God may humble me before you and I may mourn over many who have sinned before and who have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication and licentiousness which they have practiced.
13:1 这是我第三次要到你们那里去,凭两三个见证人的口,句句都要定准。
This third time I am coming to you; at the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.
13:2 我从前说过,现今不在的时候,事先又对那些从前犯了罪的,和所有其余的人说,正如我第二次同在的时候所说的;我若再来,必不宽容,
I have previously said and I say beforehand, when I was present the second time and being absent now, to those who have sinned before and to all the rest, that if I come again, I will not spare,
13:3 因为你们寻求基督在我里面说话的凭证。基督向着你们不是软弱的,在你们里面乃是有大能的。
Since you seek a proof of the Christ who is speaking in me, who is not weak unto you but is powerful in you.
13:4 祂固然由于软弱被钉十字架,却由于神的大能仍然活着。我们在祂里面也是软弱,但由于神向着你们的大能,必与祂同活。
For indeed He was crucified out of weakness, but He lives by the power of God. For indeed we are weak in Him, but we will live together with Him by the power of God directed toward you.
13:5 你们要试验自己是否在信仰中;你们要验证自己。岂不知你们有耶稣基督在你们里面么?除非你们是经不起试验的。
Test yourselves whether you are in the faith; prove yourselves. Or do you not realize about yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you, unless you are disapproved?
13:6 我却盼望你们晓得,我们不是经不起试验的。
But I hope that you will know that we are not disapproved.
13:7 我们求神,叫你们一件恶事都不作。这不是要显明我们是经得起试验的,乃是要你们行善,让我们就像是经不起试验的吧!
Now we pray to God that you do nothing wrong, not that we may appear approved, but that you yourselves may do what is good and we may be as if disapproved.
13:8 因为我们不能作任何事抵挡真理,只能拥护真理。
For we are not able to do anything against the truth but rather for the truth.
13:9 无论何时我们软弱,你们有能力,我们就喜乐了;我们还祈求一件事,就是你们被成全。
For we rejoice whenever we are weak and you are powerful; this also we pray for, your perfecting.
13:10 所以我不在的时候,写这些事,好叫我同在的时候,不必照着主所赐给我的权柄,严厉的待你们;这权柄是为着建造人,并不是为着拆毁人。
Therefore I write these things while being absent in order that when present I would not have to use severity, according to the authority which the Lord has given me for building up and not for overthrowing.
13:11 末了,弟兄们,要喜乐,要被成全,要受安慰,要思念相同的事,要和睦,如此那爱与和平的神,必与你们同在。
Finally, brothers, rejoice, be perfected, be comforted, think the same thing, be at peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.
13:12 你们要用圣别的亲嘴彼此问安。
Greet one another with a holy kiss.
13:13 众圣徒都问你们安。
All the saints greet you.