2:1 我要站在我的守望所,立在堡垒上观望,看耶和华要对我说什么,我要怎样为我的诉冤有所回应。
I will stand at my watch And station myself on the fortress, And I will watch to see what He will speak to me And what I will reply concerning my complaint.
2:2 耶和华回答说,将这异象明明的写在版上,使读的人容易读。
Then Jehovah answered and said, Write the vision, and render it plainly upon tablets, That even he who runs by may read it.
2:3 因为这异象有一定的时期,快要达到终局,并非虚谎;虽然迟延,还要等候;因为必然临到,不再耽延。
For the vision is yet for the appointed time, And it hastens toward the end and will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will surely come; it will not delay.
2:4 看哪,自高自大的人,心不正直;只是义人必本于信得生。
See, he who is puffed up, his soul is not upright within him, But the righteous one will live by his faith.
2:5 然而,那因酒诡诈,狂傲之人,不住在家中,扩充欲望好像阴间,又像死亡不能知足,却聚集万国,堆积万民,都归自己。
Furthermore his wine is treacherous: A boasting man, he does not abide at home, He who enlarges his appetite like Sheol, And is like death and cannot be satisfied, But gathers to himself all the nations And collects for himself all the peoples.
2:6 这些国的民岂不都要题起比喻,就是讥诮歌和谜语,指着他说,祸哉,那增添不属自己之财物,满载别人抵押品的;他这样作,要到几时呢?
Will not all of these take up a parable against him, Indeed a mocking song and a riddle against him, and say, Woe to him who increases what is not his (For how long?) And who loads himself with the burden of pledges?
2:7 咬伤你的岂不忽然起来,搅扰你的岂不醒起,你就成了他们的掳物么?
Will not those who bite you rise up suddenly, And those who shake you awake, And you will become booty to them?
2:8 因你抢夺许多的国,杀人流血,向地上城邑,并其中一切居民施行强暴,所以各族余剩的人都必抢夺你。
Because you have plundered many nations; All the remnant of the peoples will plunder you, Because of the bloodshed of men and the violence done to the land, To the city, and to all the inhabitants in it.
2:9 为自己的家强夺不义之财,在高处搭窝,为要脱离灾祸的有祸了!
Woe to him who by violence takes evil gain for his house, So as to place his nest on high That he may be delivered from the hand of evil!
2:10 你剪除多族的人,正是图谋使自己的家蒙羞,犯罪自害己命。
You have devised shame against your own house By cutting off many peoples, And have sinned against your own soul.
2:11 墙里的石头必呼叫,木料中的椽子必应声。
For the stone will cry out from the wall, And the rafter will answer from the timber.
2:12 藉流人血建城,以罪孽立邑的有祸了!
Woe to him who builds a city by bloodshed And establishes a town by iniquity!
2:13 众民所劳碌得来的被火焚烧,列国由劳乏而得的归于虚空,不都是出于万军之耶和华么?
Indeed is it not of Jehovah of hosts That the peoples toil for the fire And the nations weary themselves for vanity?
2:14 对耶和华之荣耀的认识,要充满遍地,好像水充满洋海一般。
For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of Jehovah As water covers the sea.
2:15 给邻舍酒喝,又加上他的毒物,使邻舍喝醉,好看见他赤身的,有祸了!
Woe to him who makes his neighbor drink, Adding in his poison, And also making him drunk In order to look at their nakedness!
2:16 你满受羞辱,不得荣耀。你也喝罢,显出是未受割礼的!耶和华右手的杯必传到你那里,你的荣耀就变为极大的羞辱。
You are sated with shame, not glory. You also, drink and be shown to be uncircumcised! The cup of Jehovah's right hand will come around to you, And disgrace will be upon your glory.
2:17 你向利巴嫩所行的强暴,与残害惊吓野兽的事,必遮盖你,因你杀人流血,向地上城邑,并其中一切居民施行强暴。
For the violence done to Lebanon will cover you, As well as the destruction of the beasts which frightened them, Because of the bloodshed of men and the violence done to the land, To the city, and to all the inhabitants in it.
2:18 雕制的偶像,人将他雕制出来,有什么益处呢?铸造的偶像,就是虚谎的师傅,制造者倚靠所造的,他制造哑吧偶像,有什么益处呢?
What profit is the graven idol that its maker should engrave it, Or the molten idol, even the teacher of lies, That he who forms its form depends on it To make dumb idols?
2:19 对木头说,醒起,对哑吧石头说,起来,那人有祸了!这东西能教训人么?看哪,是包裹金银的,其中毫无气息。
Woe to him who says to wood, Awake! And, Arise! to silent stone. Will it teach him? Behold, it is set in gold and silver, And there is no breath at all within it.
2:20 惟耶和华在祂的圣殿中:全地都当在祂面前静默无声!
But Jehovah is in His holy temple: Be silent before Him, all the earth!