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(每日读经5/22) 何西阿书 Hosea 7.8–8.14 /附音频


Updated: May 21, 2024

何西阿书 7.8–8.14

7:8 以法莲与列邦人搀杂;以法莲是没有翻过的饼。

Ephraim-among the peoples He mixes himself; Ephraim is a cake Not turned.

7:9 外邦人吞吃他力量得来的,他自己却不知道;满头白发,他自己也不晓得。

Strangers have devoured his strength, And he himself does not know it; Indeed gray hairs are all over him, And he himself does not know it.

7:10 以色列的骄傲当面见证自己;虽遭遇这一切,他们仍不归向耶和华他们的神,也不寻求祂。

And the pride of Israel testifies to his face; Yet they have not returned to Jehovah their God, And they have not sought Him, because of all this.

7:11 以法莲好像鸽子愚蠢无知:他们呼求埃及,投奔亚述。

And Ephraim has become like a silly dove Without understanding: They call to Egypt; They go to Assyria.

7:12 他们去的时候,我必将我的网撒在他们身上;我要打下他们,如同空中的鸟;我必按他们会众所听见的,管教他们。

When they go, I will spread My net over them; I will bring them down like the birds of heaven; I will chasten them according to the report given to their assembly.

7:13 他们有祸了!因他们飘离了我。他们必遭毁灭,因他们违背我。我虽要救赎他们,他们却向我说谎。

Woe to them! For they have wandered from Me. Devastation to them! For they have transgressed against Me. And I would have redeemed them, But they have spoken lies against Me.

7:14 他们心中并不哀求我,乃在床上呼号。他们为求五谷新酒聚集,仍然悖逆我。

And they did not cry unto Me in their heart When they howled in their beds. For grain and new wine they assemble themselves; They rebel against Me.

7:15 我虽训练他们,坚固他们的膀臂,他们竟图谋恶事抗拒我。

Though I trained them and strengthened their arms, They devise evil against Me.

7:16 他们归向,却不归向至上者;他们如同诡诈的弓。他们的首领,必因舌头的狂傲倒在刀下。这在埃及地必为人所讥笑。

They return, but not to Him who is on high; They are like a deceitful bow. Their princes will fall by the sword Because of the rage of their tongue. This will be their derision In the land of Egypt.

8:1 你用口吹角罢!敌人如鹰来攻打耶和华的家,因为这民违背了我的约,干犯了我的律法。

A trumpet to your lips! Like an eagle he comes against the house of Jehovah, Because they have trespassed My covenant And have transgressed against My law.

8:2 他们必呼叫我说,我的神阿,我们以色列认识你了。

They will cry unto Me, My God, we know You, we Israel.

8:3 以色列丢弃良善,仇敌必追逼他。

Israel has cast off what is good; The enemy will pursue him.

8:4 他们立君王,却不是由于我;他们立首领,我却不承认。他们用金银为自己制造偶像,以致被剪除。

They have set up kings, but not by Me; They have set up princes, but I did not acknowledge it. With their silver and their gold they made Idols for themselves, That they might be cut off.

8:5 撒玛利亚阿,你的牛犊已经丢弃你!我的怒气向拜牛犊的人发作。他们到几时才能无罪呢?

Your calf has cast you off, O Samaria; My anger burns against them. How long will they be incapable of innocence?

8:6 这牛犊竟然出于以色列!是匠人所造的,并不是神;撒玛利亚的牛犊,必被打碎。

For from Israel is this! A workman made it; Thus it is no God. The calf of Samaria Will be shattered to pieces.

8:7 他们所种的是风,所收的是旋风。所种的不成禾稼,就是发苗也产不出面, 便产出,外人也必吞吃。

For they have sown wind, And they will reap a whirlwind. It has no stalk; should there be a sprout, It will not produce flour; If it should produce, Strangers will swallow it up.

8:8 以色列被吞吃;他们现今在列国中,好像人不喜悦的器皿。

Israel has been swallowed up; Now they have become among the nations Like a vessel in which no one takes pleasure.

8:9 因为他们上亚述去,如同独行的野驴;以法莲有雇来的爱人。

For they have gone up to Assyria Like a wild ass gone alone by itself; Ephraim has hired lovers.

8:10 他们虽在列邦中雇了这样的人,现在我却要聚集他们;他们因君王和首领所加的重担,必渐渐衰微。

Indeed though they have hired such among the nations, I will now gather them; And they will begin to be diminished because of the burden Of the king of the princes.

8:11 以法莲筑了许多祭坛取罪,因此,祭坛使他犯罪。

Because Ephraim has multiplied altars for sin, Altars will be to him for sin.

8:12 我为他写了律法万条,却被看如外人的事。

I wrote for him the ten thousand things of My law, But they are considered as a strange thing.

8:13 至于献给我的祭物,他们虽然宰献祭牲并吃祭肉,耶和华却不悦纳他们。现在祂必想起他们的罪孽,惩罚他们的罪;他们必归回埃及。

As for the sacrifices of My offerings, They sacrifice flesh and eat it, But Jehovah has no delight in them. Now He will remember their iniquity, And He will punish their sins; They will return to Egypt.

8:14 以色列忘记造他的主,建造宫殿,犹大多造坚固城;我却要降火焚烧他的城邑,烧灭其中的宫殿。

For Israel has forgotten his Maker And has built palaces, And Judah has multiplied fortified cities; But I will send fire into his cities, And it will devour its palaces.






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