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(每日读经5/21) 何西阿书 Hosea 6.1–7.7 /附音频


Updated: May 20, 2024

何西阿书 6.1–7.7

6:1 来罢,我们归向耶和华;祂撕裂我们,也必医治;祂打伤我们,也必缠裹。

Come and let us return to Jehovah; For He has torn us, but He will heal us, And He has stricken us, but He will bind us up.

6:2 过两天祂必使我们活过来,第三天祂必使我们兴起,我们就在祂面前活着。

He will enliven us after two days; On the third day He will raise us up, And we will live in His presence.

6:3 我们务要认识耶和华,竭力追求认识祂;祂出现确定如晨光,祂必临到我们像甘雨,像滋润大地的春雨。

Therefore let us know, let us pursue knowing Jehovah: His going forth is as sure as the dawn, And He will come to us as the rain, As the latter rain which waters the earth.

6:4 主说,以法莲哪,我可向你怎样行呢?犹大阿,我可向你怎样作呢?因为你们的慈爱如同早晨的云雾,又如速散的甘露。

What shall I do with you, O Ephraim? What shall I do with you, O Judah? For your lovingkindness is like a morning cloud And like dew that departs early.

6:5 因此,我藉申言者砍伐他们,以我口中的话杀戮他们,我的审判如光发出。

Therefore I hewed them to pieces by the prophets; I slew them by the words of My mouth, And My judgments went forth as light.

6:6 我喜悦慈爱,不喜悦祭祀,喜悦认识神,胜于燔祭。

For I delight in lovingkindness and not sacrifice, And the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.

6:7 他们却如亚当背约,在那里向我行事诡诈。

But they like Adam have transgressed the covenant; There they have acted treacherously against Me.

6:8 基列是行罪孽之人的城,被血沾染。

Gilead is a city of those who commit iniquity; It is tracked with blood.

6:9 强盗成群,怎样埋伏杀人;祭司结党,也照样在示剑的路上杀戮行邪恶。

And like bands of robbers lying in wait for a man, The company of priests murder on the way to Shechem; Indeed they commit wickedness.

6:10 在以色列家,我见了可怕的事:以法莲在那里有淫行;以色列玷污了自己。

In the house of Israel I have seen a horrid thing: The harlotry of Ephraim is there; Israel has defiled itself.

6:11 犹大阿,我使被掳之民归回的时候,必有为你所命定的收成。

Also, O Judah, there is a harvest appointed for you, When I will turn the captivity of My people.

7:1 我想医治以色列的时候,以法莲的罪孽和撒玛利亚的恶行就显露出来;因为他们行事虚谎。内有贼人入室偷窃,外有强盗成群抢劫。

When I would heal Israel, Then the iniquity of Ephraim is discovered As well as the evil deeds of Samaria; For they practice falsehood. And the thief comes inside; The band of robbers makes raids outside.

7:2 他们心里并不说,我记得他们的一切恶。他们所行的现在缠绕他们,都在我面前。

And they do not say in their hearts That I remember all their evil. Now their doings are all around them; They are before My face.

7:3 他们以邪恶使君王欢喜,以谎言使首领喜乐。

They make the king glad with their evil, And the princes, with their lies.

7:4 他们都是行奸淫的,像火炉被烤饼者烧热:从抟面到发面的时候,他暂不使火发旺。

All of them practice adultery; They are like an oven heated by the baker: He ceases from stirring the fire, After kneading the dough, until it is leavened.

7:5 在我们王宴乐的日子,首领因酒的烈性成病;王与亵慢人拉手。

On the feast day of our king The princes made themselves sick with the heat of wine; He stretched out his hand with scorners.

7:6 他们埋伏的时候,心中热如火炉:就如烤饼者整夜睡卧,到了早晨,火炉烧旺,火气炎炎。

For they have made their heart ready Like an oven while they lie in wait: All night long Their baker sleeps, But in the morning the oven burns Like a flaming fire.

7:7 众人也热如火炉,吞灭他们的审判官;他们的君王都仆倒而死;他们中间无一人呼求我。

All of them are hot like an oven, And they devour their judges; All their kings fall; There is no one among them who calls on Me.






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