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(每日读经 8/8) 诗篇 Psalm 105.23-45 /附音频


Updated: Aug 7, 2024

诗篇 105.23-45

105:23 于是以色列到了埃及,雅各在含地寄居。

Then Israel came into Egypt, And Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham.

105:24 耶和华使祂的百姓极其繁多,使他们比敌人强盛;

And He made His people very fruitful, And caused them to be mightier than their adversaries.

105:25 使敌人的心转去恨祂的百姓,并用诡计待祂的仆人。

He turned their heart to hate His people, To deal craftily with His servants.

105:26 祂打发祂的仆人摩西,和祂所拣选的亚伦。

He sent Moses His servant, And Aaron, whom He had chosen.

105:27 他们在敌人中间施行祂的神迹,在含地施行祂的奇事。

They set His signs among them, And wonders in the land of Ham.

105:28 祂打发黑暗,使那地黑暗;他们没有违背祂的话。

He sent darkness and made it dark; And they did not rebel against His words.

105:29 祂叫埃及的水变为血,叫他们的鱼死了。

He turned their waters into blood, And killed their fish.

105:30 在他们的地上,甚至在他们君王的内室,青蛙多多滋生。

Their land teemed with frogs, Even in the chambers of their kings.

105:31 祂说一声,苍蝇就成群而来,并且他们四境之内都有了虱子。

He spoke, and a swarm of flies came; There were gnats within all their borders.

105:32 祂给他们降下冰雹为雨,在他们的地上降下火焰。

He gave them hail for rain, And flaming fire in their land.

105:33 祂也击打他们的葡萄树和无花果树,打坏他们境内的树木。

He struck their vines and their fig trees, And He broke the trees of their borders.

105:34 祂说一声,群蝗和舔蝗就来,不计其数,

He spoke, and the swarming locusts came, And the licking locusts, even without number.

105:35 吃尽了他们地上各样的菜蔬,和土地的出产。

And they ate every herb in their land, And they ate the fruit of their ground.

105:36 祂又击杀他们那地一切的长子,就是他们强壮时头生的。

He struck all the firstborn in their land, The first of all their vigor.

105:37 祂领自己的百姓带银子金子出来,祂支派中没有一个软弱的。

And He brought them out with silver and gold, And there was none among His tribes who stumbled.

105:38 他们出来的时候,埃及人便欢喜;因为埃及人惧怕他们。

Egypt rejoiced at their going forth, For a dread of them had fallen upon them.

105:39 祂铺张云彩当遮盖,夜间使火光照。

He spread a cloud for a covering, And a fire to give light by night.

105:40 他们一求,祂就使鹌鹑飞来,并用天上的粮食,叫他们饱足。

They asked, and He brought quails; And He satisfied them with the bread of heaven.

105:41 祂打开磐石,水就涌出;在干旱之处,水流成河。

He opened the rock, and water gushed forth; It ran in the dry places like a river.

105:42 这都因祂记念祂的圣言,和祂的仆人亚伯拉罕。

For He remembered His holy word And Abraham His servant.

105:43 祂带领百姓欢乐而出,带领选民欢呼前往。

And He brought forth His people with gladness, His chosen ones with a ringing shout.

105:44 祂将列国的地赐给他们,他们便承受众民劳碌得来的,

And He gave them the lands of the nations, And they took possession of the labor of the peoples,

105:45 好使他们谨守祂的律例,遵守祂的律法。阿利路亚。

So that they might keep His statutes And observe His laws. Hallelujah.






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