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(每日读经 7/19) 诗篇 Psalm 119.121-144 /附音频


Updated: Jul 18, 2024

诗篇 119.121-144

119:121 我行过公理和公义;求你不要把我撇给欺压我的人。

I have performed justice and righteousness; Do not leave me to my oppressors.

119:122 求你为仆人作保,使我得好处;不容骄傲人欺压我。

Guarantee Your servant's well-being; Do not let the proud oppress me.

119:123 我的眼因盼望你的救恩和你公义的话,以致昏蒙。

My eyes faint while longing for Your salvation And for Your righteous word.

119:124 求你照你的慈爱待仆人,将你的律例教训我。

Deal with Your servant according to Your lovingkindness, And teach me Your statutes.

119:125 我是你的仆人;求你赐我悟性,使我得知你的法度。

I am Your servant; give me understanding, That I may know Your testimonies.

119:126 这是耶和华行事的时候,因为人干犯了你的律法。

It is time for Jehovah to act, For they have broken Your law.

119:127 所以我爱你的诫命,胜过金子,且胜过精金;

Therefore I love Your commandments More than gold, indeed, more than fine gold;

119:128 因此你一切的训辞,在万事上,我都以为正直;我恨恶一切虚假的行径。

Therefore I esteem all Your precepts concerning all things to be right, And I hate every false way.

119:129 你的法度奇妙;所以我全魂谨守。

Your testimonies are wonderful; Therefore my soul keeps them.

119:130 你的言语一解开,就发出亮光,使愚蒙人通达。

The opening of Your words gives light, Imparting understanding to the simple.

119:131 我张口喘气,因我切慕你的诫命。

I opened my mouth wide and panted, For I longed for Your commandments.

119:132 求你照着你待那些爱你名之人的常例,转向我,恩待我。

Turn to me, and be gracious to me, As is Your custom with those who love Your name.

119:133 求你用你的话使我脚步稳当,不许什么罪孽辖制我。

Establish my footsteps in Your word, And do not let any iniquity have dominion over me.

119:134 求你救赎我脱离人的欺压,使我遵守你的训辞。

Redeem me from man's oppression, That I may keep Your precepts.

119:135 求你用脸光照仆人,又将你的律例教训我。

Cause Your face to shine on Your servant, And teach me Your statutes.

119:136 我的眼泪像河水流下,因为他们不守你的律法。

My eyes shed streams of water, Because men do not keep Your law.

119:137 耶和华阿,你是公义的;你的判语也是正直的。

You are righteous, O Jehovah; And Your judgments are upright.

119:138 你凭公义和至大的信实,命定了你的法度。

You have commanded Your testimonies in righteousness And great faithfulness.

119:139 我心里焦急,如同火烧,因我的敌人忘记了你的言语。

My zeal has consumed me, For my adversaries have forgotten Your words.

119:140 你的话极其精炼,为你的仆人所爱。

Your word is very pure, And Your servant loves it.

119:141 我微小被人藐视,却不忘记你的训辞。

I am small and despised, But I do not forget Your precepts.

119:142 你的公义是永远的公义,你的律法尽是真理。

Your righteousness is an eternal righteousness, And Your law is truth.

119:143 我遭遇患难窘迫,你的诫命却是我的喜乐。

Distress and anguish have come upon me, But Your commandments are my delight.

119:144 你的法度永远是公义的;求你赐我悟性,我就活了。

Your testimonies are righteous forever; Give me understanding, and I will live.






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