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My Wonderful Works
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. -Psalm 139:14
I carefully crafted every detail of the human body - the way the mind thinks, the way the heart pumps blood to the body, and the way the nerves and senses all work together. I created everything just the way I wanted it. And then I said, "It is very good!"
I created you just the way I wanted you. The shade of your hair, the shape of your eyes, the crook of your grin, the slant of your nose - all good. Yet looking in the mirror of this world, you may think you don't measure up.
You look at pictures of movie stars and magazine models - pictures created by computer imaging, not Me - and you feel like they're better than you. Look at Me instead. Look in the mirror of My Love.
As My Life flows into you, you become more and more attractive, on the inside most of all. My works are wonderful - especially you!
Read on Your Own
Colossians 1:29
For which also I labor, struggling according to His operation which operates in me in power.
1 John 1:7
But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from every sin.
我要称谢你,因我受造,奇妙可畏。你的作为奇妙。-诗篇 139:14
我精心设计了人体的每一个细节 - 大脑的思维方式、心脏向全身供血的方式,以及神经和感官协同工作的方式。我按自己的意愿创造了一切。然后我说:“这一切都很好!”
我创造了你,正如我想要的样子。你的发色、眼睛的形状、微笑的弧度、鼻子的角度 - 一切都很好。然而,在这个世界的镜子中,你可能觉得自己不够完美。你看着电影明星和杂志模特的照片 - 那些由电脑合成的照片,不是我创造的 - 你觉得他们比你好。但请转眼看我,转眼看我爱的镜子。
当我的生命流入你内心时,你变得越来越吸引人,尤其是你的内心。我所有的作品都很奇妙 - 尤其是你!
歌罗西书 1:29
约翰一书 1:7