编者按 这是一套在美国很受欢迎的教材,按年龄共分三部分:0-6岁学龄前儿童教程,6-12岁学龄儿童教程,和12岁以上青少年教程。我们将陆续翻译成中文,分享给大家。 这套教材里的每一篇,无论是教程还是各种活动,都独立成篇,没有先后顺序,大家可以按需要和负担选择使用。 *更多内容:thedoorofsheep.com/6-12岁
等孩子(10分钟) 字谜游戏 | 生命之路
读 创世记3:17-19,23-24,启示录21:1-5(暂时的诅咒,永远的更新)
1. 地为什么会被诅咒?(因为亚当和夏娃违背了神,犯了罪)
2. 地是如何因为诅咒而改变的?(荆棘、蒺藜等--使生活艰难的各种挑战和困难)
3. 人是如何因诅咒而改变的?(他们不再与神有完美的关系,与神分离,并面临肉身和灵性上的死)
4. 神为什么派天使看守生命之树?(如果人们在有罪的情况下吃了它,就会永远被罪困住)
5. 神提供了一个脱离罪诅咒的方法,是什么? (差派耶稣为我们的罪死在十字架上)
6. 神将如何更新恢复一切?(通过造新天新地)
7. 在事物完全更新之前会发生什么?(耶稣将回到地上,打败神的敌人/敌基督)。
总结: 尽管目前我们生活在一个被罪所诅咒的世界上,但我们可以满怀希望地期待神对完美恢复的应许。将会有新天新地,我们将作为神更新的孩子而生活。本周,让我们向他人传讲耶稣,与朋友和家人分享这一好消息,将这作为我们对神的事奉。
*** 英文版 *******
God renews us from the curse sin and promises to renew the world. by Leah Pittsinger
TOPICS Sin, Renewal, Restoration, Salvation AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes) Path to Life (Maze) Click here
OPENING PRAYER AND PRAISE (5 minutes) Further info? Click here
MEMORY WORK (10 minutes)
He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new! …These words are trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21:5 NIV Write one to two words at a time onto cardstock paper. Then make a “memory verse trail” throughout the room by taping the cards to walls and furniture. Ask the children to practice reciting the verse by following the trail. Then remove one paper at a time and repeat the activity as time allows or until the class can recite the verse from memory.
SCRIPTURE READING AND DISCUSSION (15 minutes) Introduction: Today is our last lesson about God’s restoration (how He plans on making everything right again). The world is greatly affected by a curse, and everything from nature, to behaviors, to circumstances have changed from God’s original, perfect plan because of the curse. However, God’s word also teaches about the hope of a future renewal from the curse. We’re going to learn how God will restore all of creation once and for all.
Read Genesis 3:17-19, 23-24, Revelation 21:1-5 (Temporary curse, eternal renewal.) Discussion Questions: 1. Why is the earth cursed? (Because Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God.) 2. How is the earth changed because of the curse? (Thorns, thistles, etc. – challenges and hardships that make life hard.) 3. How are people changed by the curse? (They no longer have a perfect relationship with God, are separated from Him, and face physical as well as spiritual death.) 4. Why does God send an angel to guard the Tree of Life? (Because if people eat from it while in their sinful condition they will be forever trapped by sin.) 5. How did God provide a way to escape the curse of sin? (By sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.) 6. How will God renew, or restore, everything in the future? (By creating a new heaven and a new earth.) 7. What will happen before things can be completely renewed? (Jesus will return to earth and defeat God’s enemies/those who oppose God.)
Conclusion: Even though we currently live in a world that is cursed by sin, we can look forward with hope to God’s promise of perfect restoration. There will be a new heaven and a new earth, and we will live as renewed children of God. Let’s share this wonderful news with our friends and family this week as we serve God and tell others about Jesus. CLASS EXERCISE (15 minutes) A New Earth (Craft) Click here
ALTERNATE CLASS EXERCISE (10 minutes) Old or New? (Activity) Click here
APPLICATION (4 minutes) Tell the children about a time you received something really special and new (such as a car, job, home, etc.). Explain how you felt about the new object/event, and perhaps even discuss whether or not you expressed thankfulness to God. Then ask for volunteers to talk about a time when they received something new. Help the class understand that being excited about something new gives us an idea of how amazing it will be when God restores all of creation one day. And we can find comfort in God’s promise and praise Him!
NEXT WEEK Come back next week for another lesson from Kids Sunday School Place! CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes) Further info? Click here
TAKE HOME PAGE Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home. Click here for NIV or KJV [PDF]
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