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6-12岁教程 (发现耶稣*第4课) | 我们可以为耶稣而活 (附中文反馈单)


编者按  这是一套在美国很受欢迎的教材,按年龄共分三部分:0-6岁学龄前儿童教程,6-12岁学龄儿童教程,和12岁以上青少年教程。我们将陆续翻译成中文,分享给大家。 这套教材里的每一篇,无论是教程还是各种活动,都独立成篇,没有先后顺序,大家可以按需要和负担选择使用。 *更多内容岁 




跟随耶稣, 耶稣, 永恒的生命, 灵性的成长




我是葡萄树,你们是枝子;住在我里面的,我也住在他里面,这人就多结果子;因为离了我,你们就不能作什么。 -约翰福音15:5




读 约翰福音15:1-12


1. 不结果子的枝子会怎么样?

2. 对那些结了果子的枝子做什么会使它们结得更多?(被修剪)

3. "住在"耶稣里意味着什么? (意味着相信祂,顺服祂,并在生活中每天寻求祂的指引。)

4. 耶稣希望我们如何结出果实? (通过帮助他人,与他人分享耶稣,有良好的态度,顺从父母等方式来服事祂。)

5. 我们怎样才能保持在耶稣的爱中?(通过顺服祂。)

6. 为什么耶稣要告诉我们要住在祂的爱里?(这样我们就会有满满的喜乐。)





你是否曾在餐厅或聚会上不小心打翻了一杯苏打水。哎呀! 所有的汽水都浪费了。下周我们将了解到一个女人把一整瓶昂贵的香膏倒在别人的脚上。但这一切没有被浪费。




*** 英文版 *******


In this lesson, children will learn that apart from Jesus, we have no life, and when we are living for Jesus we can bear much fruit.

TOPICS Following Jesus, Jesus, Eternal Life, Spiritual Growth

AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes) Tangram Verse Puzzle (Activity) Click here Write John 15:5 on the board. As each child arrives, give them a copy of the Tangram verse puzzle, scissors and a Bible. Assist the kids with the scissors when necessary, or cut the pieces before class, placing them in separate envelopes. Have the kids put all the pieces upside down on the table and see if they can put the puzzle together into a perfect square. After a few minutes, most likely without success, have them turn the pieces over and look up the verse in their Bible. Then have them put the puzzle together while looking at the verse, which should be quite easy. For kids who arrive late, you can skip the first part.

OPENING PRAYER AND PRAISE (5 minutes) Further info? Click here

MEMORY WORK (12 minutes) "I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remains in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5 NIV The children will be familiar with this verse from the opening activity. Ask the children, Who is the Vine? Who are the branches? What can we do so long as we remain in Jesus? After discussing and repeating the verse a few more times, see if anyone is able to say it from memory.

CLASS EXERCISE (10 minutes) Plugged In (Object Talk) Click here

SCRIPTURE READING AND DISCUSSION (15 minutes) Read John 15:1-12 Discussion Questions: 1. What happens to branches that do not bear fruit? (They are cut off.) 2. What is done to the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more? (They are pruned.) 3. What does it mean to "remain" in Jesus? (It means to believe in Him, obey Him, and seek His guidance everyday of our life.) 4. How does Jesus want us to bear fruit? (To serve Him by helping others, by sharing Jesus with others, by having a good attitude, by obeying parents, etc.) 5. How can we remain in the Love of Jesus? (By obeying Him.) 6. Why did Jesus tell us about remaining in in His love? (So we will be filled with overflowing joy.)

CLASS EXERCISE (15 minutes) Stay Connected (Game) Click here

APPLICATION (4 minutes) We have learned today that staying connected to Jesus is very important. Jesus gives us abundant life. A branch of a fruit tree cannot grow or produce any fruit if it is not attached to the tree. The branch gets all of its nourishment from the tree. Likewise we cannot do good things, or bear good fruit if we are not part of Jesus. Our life comes from Him. Jesus said, "My flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me." (John 6:55-57 NIV) This week, let's feed on Jesus by reading our Bibles, praying in His name, and by sharing with others what a wonderful, joyful life they can have when they belong to Jesus.

NEXT WEEK Have you ever been in a restaurant or at a party and you accidentally knocked over a glass of soda. Oops! All that soda wasted. Next week we will learn about a woman who emptied a whole bottle of expensive perfume on someone's feet. But none of it was wasted.

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes) Further info? Click here

TAKE HOME PAGE Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home. Click here for NIV or KJV [PDF]


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