编者按 这是一套在美国很受欢迎的教材,按年龄共分三部分:0-6岁学龄前儿童教程,6-12岁学龄儿童教程,和12岁以上青少年教程。我们将陆续翻译成中文,分享给大家。 这套教材里的每一篇,无论是教程还是各种活动,都独立成篇,没有先后顺序,大家可以按需要和负担选择使用。 *更多内容:thedoorofsheep.com/6-12岁
圣灵, 耶稣, 顺服
等孩子(10分钟) 上课前,为每个孩子印制足够多的岛屿着色页。在孩子们到达之前,在桌子上准备好以下颜色的蜡笔或签字笔:黄色、深蓝色、浅蓝色、棕色、绿色和白色。当孩子们到达时,给他们一份着色表,告诉他们按照指示,尽努力涂出漂亮的图片。按照指示,其实图片会被涂错颜色。完成后,讨论孩子们遵循指示的感受。
1-深蓝色 2-黄色 3-浅蓝色 4-绿色 5-棕色 6-白色
读 约翰福音14:15-21;23-27
1. 如果我们爱耶稣,我们会怎么做? (顺服祂的命令。)
2. 耶稣以一种特殊的方式提到了圣灵。祂给圣灵起了什么名字?(保惠师。)
3. 在第21节中,当我们遵守祂的命令时,耶稣是如何向我们展示祂自己的?(祂不是通过视觉来显示自己,而是通过圣灵住在我们里面的生命来显示自己。)
4. 圣灵将在我们的生活中做什么?(教导我们一切,提醒我们耶稣所说的一切。)
5. 耶稣留给我们的平安与世界所给予的不同吗?(是的) 如何不同? (允许讨论。)
*** 英文版 *******
After completing this lesson, the children will learn that we can obey Jesus, because He gives us the Holy Spirit to help us recognize the truth.
TOPICS Holy Spirit, Jesus, Obedience
AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes) Before class, print enough copies of the Island coloring sheet for each child. Before the kids arrive, have crayons or markers of only the following colors laid out on the table. Yellow, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Brown, Green and White. As the kids arrive, give them a copy of the coloring sheet, and tell them to follow the directions, and do the best they can to make a pretty picture. By following the directions, the items in the picture will be colored wrong. When finished, discuss how the kids felt following the instructions. Explain that sometimes it is easy to obey, especially when it is something you want to do in the first place. But at other times, obeying may not make sense, like going to bed when you're not tired or coloring a silly picture. Today we will find out why it always feel good when we obey Jesus. Click here for coloring sheet
OPENING PRAYER AND PRAISE (5 minutes) Further info? Click here
MEMORY WORK (12 minutes)
"If you love me, keep my commands." John 14:15 NIV
On the board, draw a line to represent each letter of this verse. Have the kids in turn choose a letter, and if the letter is part of the verse, place it above the corresponding blank line. Letters that are called and not used can be written on the board also. The first child to correctly say the entire verse can be given a prize. (Played like the popular game "hangman").
SCRIPTURE READING AND DISCUSSION (15 minutes) Introduction: When you came to Sunday school class today, you colored in a picture using a guide. You were asked to follow the directions, even though they didn't make sense. But by following them, you probably didn't feel like you were disobeying. The commands that Jesus asks us to obey do make sense. Unfortunately, the devil will do his best to make us do the wrong thing anyway. He tempts us with all sorts of things. Fortunately, Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to live in us, to teach us and guide us to do what is right. In our Bible story today, we find Jesus talking to his disciples about the Holy Spirit.
Before reading the scripture, look up the word Counselor in a Bible dictionary, or refer to the following definition:
Counselor: An adviser in any matter. The Holy Spirit is the presence of the Father within us, and therefore our Comforter who not only consoles but also strengthens, helps, and counsels, with such authority as a highly trained legal advisor has for his client.
Read John 14:15-21; 23-27 Discussion Questions: 1. If we love Jesus, what will we do? (Obey His commands.) 2. Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit a special way. What name does He give the Holy Spirit? (Counselor.) 3. In verse 21, How does Jesus show Himself to us when we obey His commands? (He shows Himself not by sight, but by the life He lives in us through the Holy Spirit.) 4. What will the Holy Spirit do in our lives? (Teach us all things and remind us of everything Jesus said.) 5. Is the peace that Jesus leaves with us different from what the world gives? (Yes) How so? (Allow for discussion.)
CLASS EXERCISE (20 minutes) Mini Roles in Obedience (Activity) Click here
ALTERNATE CLASS EXERCISE (5 minutes) World Without Rules (Object Talk) Click here
APPLICATION (4 minutes) So how can we obey Jesus? First of all by doing what He teaches us, through His Words in the Bible. But Jesus asked the Father to give us someone very special to help us obey. The Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, the devil would easily get us to do bad things, lie, steal, cheat, corrupt our minds. But the Holy Spirit actually shows us these things are wrong. He doesn't hit us over the head with a hammer, no, but He does give us a bad feeling when we do something bad. He also gives us a good feeling when we do what is right, even when it doesn't make sense to us at the time. Jesus calls this good feeling, love.
The Holy Spirit speaks to us through many ways. Prayer is a great way to prepare your heart to hear the Holy Spirit speak. He also speaks to us when we read the Bible, or when we listen to someone used by God to speak the truth, such as our pastor. Sometime we hear the Holy Spirit speak to us through things that happen in our life. However, we must be careful not to confuse what we think is the Holy Spirit talking when it really is not.
The best way to know for sure is to compare what we think we hear to what the Bible says. The Holy Spirit always agrees with God’s Word.
NEXT WEEK Did you know that in the Bible we are called branches? Come back next week to learn what that means.
CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes) Further info? Click here
TAKE HOME PAGE Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home. Click here for NIV or KJV [PDF]
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