老师 嗨,三木,你上学迟到了。你答应我今天会准时到的。
三木 对不起,我今天又迟到了,我妈妈忘记给我做午饭,所以我不得不自己做。
老师 真的吗?你妈妈给我发电子邮件,说你迟到是因为你在上学前玩电子游戏。三木,为什么你要对我撒谎编造借口?
三木 我也不知道。我想我是因为没遵守对你的承诺而失望。
老师 三木,你必须开始讲真话,否则我不知道我是否还能相信你。
朋友 (假装给三木打电话)嗨,三木在吗?
三木 我就是。
朋友 三木,我放学后一直在学校等你。
三木 你等我了。为什么?
朋友 记得你答应过要帮我做作业。
三木 哦,是的。我妈叫我马上回家照看妹妹。对不起。
妈妈 三木,挂掉电话。你什么作业都没做。你整个下午都在和旦踢足球。是时候挂掉电话做作业了。
朋友 你放学后和旦踢足球了?你说你妈妈要你回家。三木,我真不知道是否还能相信你。你从不遵守承诺,总是编借口。再见。
妈妈 三木,你说回家后要做家务的。
三木 是的,妈妈,我知道,但我在放学后忙着帮老师了。
妈妈 三木,你要告诉我真相。你忘了我发现你放学后和旦踢足球的事吗?你为什么放学后没直接回家?
三木 你可以给我的老师打电话,妈妈。我发誓我是在放学后帮助她的。我们开始踢足球,但后来老师看到我们在玩,就要我们两个回教室帮她。
妈妈 三木,你的老师放学后给我打电话告诉我你又对她撒谎了。现在你又对我撒谎。请不要再撒谎了,三木。你的声誉正在受损。如果你不能守信不能诚实,没人会信任你的。
三木 妈妈,对不起。
妈妈 三木,过来。我给你看圣经中的一段经文。(打开圣经,读箴言12:22)你看,主痛恨撒谎,喜悦那些值得信任的人。我希望你能记住这段经文,它会帮助你不再撒谎。
三木 谢谢,妈妈,我不再撒谎了。我现在就开始背这段经文。(三木拿起圣经,开始背箴言12:22。)

*** 英文版 *******
This skit will show children how lying can stain their reputation. (Skit for four: Sam, Mom, Teacher, Friend.)
TOPICS: Accountability, Honesty, Promises, Reputation, Trust
MATERIALS: White T-Shirt Piece of charcoal Bible Skit handout [PDF] Click here
DURATION: Approximately 10 minutes
PREPARATION: Have the boy playing Sam put the white T-shirt on over his regular clothes. Scene 1 (Late for School)
Teacher Hi Sam, you are late for school. You promised me that you were going to be on time today.
Sam I'm sorry I am late again today, but my mom forgot to make my lunch so I had to make it myself.
Teacher Really? Your mom just emailed me and said that you were late because you were playing video games before school. Sam, why do you feel you must lie to me and make up excuses?
Sam I don’t know. I think I was disappointed that I didn’t keep my promise to you.
Teacher Sam, you have to start telling the truth, or I don’t know if I will be able to trust you.
(Adult leader smears the charcoal across Sam's white T-shirt.)
Scene 2 (Back at Home)
Friend (Pretend to call Sam on the phone) Hi. Is Sam there?
Sam This is Sam.
Friend Sam, I waited for you after school today.
Sam You did. Why?
Friend Remember, you promised that you were going to help me with my homework.
Sam Oh, yeah. My mom asked me to come home right away to watch my baby sister. Sorry.
Mom Get off the phone Sam. You have not done any of your homework. All you have done is play football with Dan all afternoon. It is time to get off the phone and do your homework.
Friend You played football with Dan after school? You said your mom wanted you home. Sam, I just don’t know if I can trust you anymore. You never keep your promises and you always make up excuses. Goodbye.
(Adult leader smears the charcoal across Sam's white T-shirt, making another stain.)
Mom Sam, you said you were going to do your chores when you got home.
Sam Yes, I know Mom, but I was busy helping my teacher after school.
Mom Sam, you need to tell me the truth. Did you forget that I found out you were playing football with Dan after school? Why didn’t you come straight home after school?
Sam You can call my teacher, Mom. I swear on my life that I was helping her after school. I started playing football with Dan, but then my teacher saw us playing and asked us to both come back in the classroom to help her.
Mom Sam, your teacher called me after school to inform me that you lied to her again. Now you are lying to me. Please, Sam, you have to stop lying. Your reputation is being stained. No one is going to trust you if you can’t keep your word and be honest.
(Adult leader smears the charcoal across Sam's white T-shirt, making another stain.)
Sam I'm sorry, Mom.
Mom Sam, come here. I want you show you a passage in the Bible. (Open the Bible and read Proverbs 12:22) You see, the Lord condemns lying, but takes joy in those who are trustworthy. I want you to memorize this verse; it will help you stop lying.
Sam Thanks, Mom, no more lying for me. I am going to start memorizing that verse right now. (Sam takes the Bible and begins memorizing Proverbs 12:22.)
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