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6-12岁*游戏 | 救赎游戏 The Redemption Game


这是一套在美国很受欢迎的教材,按年龄共分三部分:0-6岁学龄前儿童教程,6-12岁学龄儿童教程,和12岁以上青少年教程。我们将陆续翻译成中文,分享给大家。 这套教材里的每一篇,无论是教程还是各种活动,都独立成篇,没有先后顺序,大家可以按需要和负担选择使用。 *更多内容岁 








红色和黑色的卡纸(分别制作 5 张红色和 5 张黑色卡片)




课前,从卡纸上裁剪出 5 张红色和 5 张黑色的卡片(例如 3 英寸 x 4 英寸)。打印一份问题页。

游戏的目标是故意让一队总是回答简单的问题,从而获得红色卡片;而另一队只能回答难的问题,而获得黑色卡片。让孩子们从 1 到 10 中选择一个数字,让他们相信分配到的问题完全是随机的。通过问题页顶部的数字追踪已选过的问题,在每个问题被问过后做个记号,以免重复。无论队伍选择哪个数字,始终给其中一队简单问题,而另一队则是难的问题。被分到难题的队伍可能会抱怨,但这种情绪很有用,可以借此说明我们多么需要耶稣成为我们的救赎主。



  1. 分组:将孩子们分成两队。告诉他们总共有 10 道不同的问题。每队依次选择一个数字(1 到 10),不能重复选择。

  2. 问答规则

    • 如果队伍答对了问题,他们将获得一张红色卡片

    • 如果答错了问题,他们将获得一张黑色卡片

  3. 获胜条件:解释游戏规则:游戏结束时,红色卡片最多的队伍获胜,每位成员都会得到一份零食作为奖励。

    • 如果某个队伍答对所有问题,他们将获得特别奖励。

  4. 游戏进行

    • 每次提问时,确保让一队回答简单问题,另一队回答难的问题。

    • 在所有问题都回答完毕后,要求队伍数一数他们的红色卡片。

  5. 讲解寓意

    • 告诉输掉的队伍,由于他们没有红色卡片,所以无法得到零食。将这种情况和我们与神的关系作类比。

    • 解释说黑色卡片代表我们的。因为我们都是罪人,所以无法与神建立关系。但神非常爱我们,祂差遣祂的儿子耶稣来救赎我们。这意味着耶稣为我们的罪付上了代价。

  6. 救赎示范

    • 告诉获胜队伍,由于他们答对了所有问题,他们可以扮演救赎者的角色。

    • 让输掉的队伍把所有的黑色卡片放在桌上,然后让获胜队伍用红色卡片将黑色卡片盖住。

    • 最后,给每个孩子一份零食作为奖励,象征着耶稣救赎我们所有人。

*** 英文版 *******

The Redemption Game

A question and answer game with varying degrees of difficulty to demonstrate the value of redemption. 


Redemption, Ruth


Candy or treats for each childQuestions page [PDF] Click hereRed and black construction paper(to make 5 cards of each color)


Approximately 15 minutes



Before class, cut out five red and five black cards (3" X 4" for example) from the construction paper. Print out one copy of the questions page.

Object of Game:

The object of this game is to give only easy questions to one team, so that they will always get a red card. The other team will be given only hard questions that they will surely get wrong, to get a black card. You will have the kids pick a number from 1 to 10 to believe the questions they get are purely by chance. You can check the numbers at the top of the question page to keep track of what has already been called. You can also put a check mark next to each question as it is asked so none are repeated. No matter what number the team calls, always give an easy question to one team and a hard question to the other team. There will likely be complaining from the team getting only hard questions, but this is good because you will be able to use this emotion to help show how much we need Jesus to be our redeemer.


Form two teams. Tell the kids there are 10 different questions. Each team will pick a number from one to ten, that has not already been picked, and will be asked that question. If the team answers the question correctly, the team gets a red card. But if the team cannot answer correctly, they will get a black card. Explain that the team with the most red cards at the end of the game wins, and the prize is a treat for each team member. Also, explain that if any team gets all of their questions right, they will get a special treat.

After all the questions have been called, ask the teams to count up their red cards. Inform the losing team that because they have no red cards, they can't get any treats. Then compare their misfortune to our relationship with God. Tell the kids that the black cards might represent sin in our life. Because we are all sinners, it is impossible to have a relationship with God. But God loved us so much, He sent his son Jesus to redeem us. That means that Jesus paid the price for our sins.Then let the winning team know that because they got all of their questions right they can act as redeemers. Have the other team lay all the black cards on the table, and then let the kids from the winning team cover them up with the red cards. Then give treats to everyone.


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