这是一套在美国很受欢迎的教材,按年龄共分三部分:0-6岁学龄前儿童教程,6-12岁学龄儿童教程,和12岁以上青少年教程。我们将陆续翻译成中文,分享给大家。 这套教材里的每一篇,无论是教程还是各种活动,都独立成篇,没有先后顺序,大家可以按需要和负担选择使用。 *更多内容:thedoorofsheep.com/6-12岁
信心, 希望, 耐心
当孩子们到达时,他们会对帐篷感到好奇,并可能想进去,但告诉他们要等到所有人都到齐了再进去。在所有人都到齐后,向帐篷里扔糖果,每个孩子一块。(如果可能的话,试着偷偷把糖果扔进去。)然后让孩子们看看帐篷里面,但是先不要让他们进去。一旦每个人都能看到里面有糖果,就问他们 "现在谁想进去?" 很有可能,所有的孩子都会想,但是说:"如果你们想,现在就可以进去,但是如果你们能等到快下课时,就会更好。圣经说:‘我们若盼望未得的,就须耐心等候’ "。
在课堂进行到一半的时候,为每个等待的孩子再加一块糖果。让这些孩子再看看里面,问他们:"现在谁想进去?再次告诉他们:"如果你们想,现在就可以进去,但是如果你们能等到快下课时,就会更好。圣经说:‘我们若盼望未得的,就须耐心等候’ "。
临近下课时,为每个决定等待的人再加一块糖果。这种糖果可以更特别,比如大小形状有趣的糖果棒或小包装的 "M&Ms"。让每个等待的人都看看里面,然后让这些孩子最终进入,以获得他们应得的奖励。在这一点上,这个活动对那些没有等待的人来说可能显得很苛刻,但它将传递一个积极的信息,他们不会轻易忘记。之后,告诉全班同学,有时神要我们等待。不是因为祂不想让我们有东西,而是因为有时祂想给一些让我们更加快乐的东西。因此,请记住,当我们希望得到我们还没有得到的东西时,我们应该耐心等待,正如罗马书8:25所说的。总是可以相信神只给我们最好的东西。毕竟:祂已经给了我们最好的礼物--耶稣。

*** 英文版 *******
In this Sunday school activity, children practice patience techniques and are rewarded for their skills.
TOPICS: Faith, Hope, Patience
MATERIALS: Small pop-up tent (or large bed sheet and chairs) Candy
DURATION: Few minutes at beginning, middle and end of class
Before class, set up a small pop-up tent, or make one using a bed sheet and chairs.
WHAT YOU WILL DO: As children arrive, they will be curious about the tent, and will probably want to go inside, but tell them to wait until everyone arrives. After everyone arrives, throw pieces of candy into the tent, one for each child. (If possible, try to sneak the candy in.) Then let the children look inside the tent, but do not let them go in yet. Once everyone has been able to see that there is candy inside, ask them "Who would like to go inside now?" Most likely, all the kids will want to, but say, "You can go inside now if you want, but if you wait until the end of the class, it will be much better. The Bible says, 'If we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.'"
Some of the kids may still want to go in now, let them. Tell them all must share what is inside, so only take what is yours. Each child that goes in should only take one piece of candy. Also, make sure at least half of the class waits until later, to demonstrate the advantage in waiting.
About mid-way through the class, add another piece of candy for each child that waited. Let these children look inside again and ask them, "Who would like to go inside now? Again, tell them, "You can go inside now if you want, but if you wait until the end of the class, it will be much better. The Bible says, 'If we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.'"
Again let those who insist go in, giving the same instructions as before. Make sure some of the children wait until the end of the class to demonstrate the advantage in waiting.
Near the end of the class, add one more piece of candy for everyone who decided to wait. This candy can be more special, such as a “fun size” candy bar or small pack of "M&Ms". Have everyone who waited look inside and then let these kids finally enter to get their well-deserved rewards. At this point, the activity may seem harsh to those who did not wait, but it will send a positive message they will not easily forget. Afterwards, tell the entire class that sometimes God wants us to wait for things. Not because He wants us to go without, but because sometimes, He wants to give us something that will make us even happier. So remember, when we hope for what we do not yet have, we should wait for it patiently, as it says in Romans 8:25. God can always be trusted to give us only the best. After all: He has already given us the best gift of all, Jesus!
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中文 © 2019-2022 羊之门 All rights reserved.