这是一套在美国很受欢迎的教材,按年龄共分三部分:0-6岁学龄前儿童教程,6-12岁学龄儿童教程,和12岁以上青少年教程。我们将陆续翻译成中文,分享给大家。 这套教材里的每一篇,无论是教程还是各种活动,都独立成篇,没有先后顺序,大家可以按需要和负担选择使用。 *更多内容,请关注公众号“羊之门” & thedoorofsheep.com/6-12岁
耶稣诞生, 圣诞节, 尊重神
- 唱 "红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫/Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer"(歌)
- 唱 "雪人霜降Frosty the Snowman"(歌)
- 描述你收到过的最好的礼物
- 给蒙着眼睛的志愿者明确的指示,让他走到你身边,伸出手,抓住圣经
- 描述你所见过的最美的圣诞灯光表演
- 描述你想要的圣诞礼物
- 描述一下圣诞老人
- 描述你的家人在圣诞节早上做什么
- 描述你想为家庭中每个人制作或购买的礼物
- 描述你在圣诞期间最喜欢吃的食物和甜点
将卡片折叠后放在帽子或袋子里,但将 "明确的指示 "卡片放在一边。
(几分钟后,慢慢地拍拍 "分心的声音 "的肩膀,让他们一个个停下来。这将有助于我们被蒙住眼睛的朋友听到指示并找到圣经)。
1. 试图听从指示并遵循指示是什么感觉?(因为有那么多的声音和干扰,所以真的很难听清楚)
2. 当我停止一些声音时,这对你有什么帮助?(现场不那么嘈杂了,我能够更好地听清指示)
1. 你试图让蒙住眼睛的朋友听你的话,你的感觉如何?(很沮丧,无论我多大声,对方都听不到)
2. 当我让一些多余的声音停止时,你是否感到轻松了?(是的)
1. 你被指定的卡片上要唱或说的是什么?(唱圣诞歌曲、谈论礼物、描述圣诞老人等)
1. 这个游戏和圣诞节有什么相同之处?(我们可以专注于或分心于我们用来庆祝圣诞节的所有有趣的事情,而这个节日其实是关于耶稣的)
2. 可以从所有的庆祝活动中去掉哪些东西,以帮助你在圣诞节期间更专注于耶稣,把祂放在首位?(答案会各有不同。可以放弃关注圣诞老人和想要的礼物,而专注于耶稣这个神的礼物!)

*** 英文版 *******
An activity that challenges students to cut out the distractions that can come with celebrating the holidays. They learn to celebrate Jesus as the priority. by Lauren Shelnutt TOPICS: Birth of Jesus, Christmas, Honor God MATERIALS: Blindfold, hat or bag 10 index cards Bible, marker DURATION: Approximately 15 minutes PREPARATION Before class write down the following things on index cards: • Sing “Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer” (song) • Sing “Frosty the Snowman” (song) • Describe the best gift you’ve ever received • Give clear directions and instructions to the blindfolded volunteer to get to you, reach out, and grab the Bible • Describe the most beautiful Christmas light display you’ve ever seen • Describe what you want for Christmas • Describe Santa • Describe what your family does on Christmas morning • Describe the gifts you want to make or buy for each person in your family • Describe your favorite foods and desserts that you eat at Christmas time Fold the cards and place them in a hat or bag but set aside the “CLEAR DIRECTIONS” card.
WHAT YOU WILL DO: To begin this activity, you need to choose one student to be the listener. You will blindfold the listener. After the volunteer is blindfolded, have one of the students take a Bible and go to the opposite end of the room. This person should be given the index card saying: “Give clear directions and instructions for the blindfolded volunteer to find the Bible.” The remaining students should draw the remaining index cards from a hat and spread out around the room.
WHAT YOU WILL SAY: Today, we are going to take part in an activity about listening to what matters and avoiding distractions. We have chosen a volunteer to be blindfolded. The object for the volunteer is to follow directions that are being given to find the Bible in our classroom. Meanwhile, everyone else has very specific directions about how to distract the volunteer or guide him or her to find God’s Word. If you got an index card, remember it is your job to do what the card says loudly and passionately. Do not stop talking or singing unless I tap you on your shoulder—this will signal you to stop. I need everyone to spread out all around the room. You may not touch the blindfolded volunteer, and you cannot give him or her directions unless your card tells you to do so. Does everyone understand what he or she needs to do? Okay, positions everyone, ready, begin! (After a few minutes slowly ask the “distraction voices” to stop one by one by tapping them on their shoulder. This will help our blindfolded friend to hear the directions and find the Bible.) Wow, what a crazy activity that was. It was so loud and crazy in here. Let’s talk about what just happened. Discussion Questions: For the volunteer that was blindfolded: 1. What was it like trying to listen to the directions and follow them? (It was really difficult to hear because there were so many voices and distractions.) 2. As I stopped some of the voices, how did that help you? (It made it less noisy and I was able to hear the directions better.) For the voice of direction: 1. How did you feel trying to get our blindfolded friend to listen to you? (Frustrated. I couldn’t be heard no matter how loud I got.) 2. Was it easier for you when I made some of the extra voices to stop? (Yes.) For the voices of distraction: 1. What were some of the things that you were assigned to sing or say on your cards? (Sing Christmas songs, talk about presents, describe Santa, etc.) For everyone: 1. How is this game a lot like the Christmas season? (We can get focused or distracted on all the fun things that we use to celebrate Christmas when it’s really all about Jesus.) 2. What are some things you could remove from all your celebrations to help you focus on Jesus more during Christmas and put him first? (Answers will vary. I could quit focusing on Santa and what presents I want so much and focus on the present I have in Jesus!)
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中文 © 2019-2022 羊之门 All rights reserved.