这是一套在美国很受欢迎的教材,按年龄共分三部分:0-6岁学龄前儿童教程,6-12岁学龄儿童教程,和12岁以上青少年教程。我们将陆续翻译成中文,分享给大家。 这套教材里的每一篇,无论是教程还是各种活动,都独立成篇,没有先后顺序,大家可以按需要和负担选择使用。 *更多内容:thedoorofsheep.com/6-12岁
神的复兴, 赦免, 罪, 救赎
在互联网上搜索已经修复过的东西(如汽车、房屋、绘画等),打印修复前/后的图片。请确保打印的图片足够大,几个孩子可以同时看。然后把图片剪下来,用胶带或磁铁把 "之前 "的图片贴在干擦板上(每张图片下留出空间供孩子们写东西)。 "之后 "的图片在课堂上向全班展示。
读每张图片下的词。然后展示每件物品的 "之后 " 图片,要求说出新的描述性词(如新的、漂亮的、修好的、闪亮的等)。向全班同学解释,任何时候,当磨损或破损的东西被修复时,我们都称它为 "修复好的"。修复并不容易! 需要时间、努力和奉献精神。最困难的是--由于罪,我们更像这些 "之前 "的照片,而不是 "之后 "的照片。罪使我们与神分离并导致死,但圣经告诉我们,当我们相信耶稣并逃离我们的罪时,神会原谅我们,会恢复我们的心,使我们变得比这些例子更美。因此,尽管我们的肉体有一天仍然会死去,但我们将获得属灵的生命,成为祂完美的创造,永远与神在一起。我们的心和灵将复兴到神的身边! 如果你想了解信耶稣的事,今天我们就来谈谈你如何接受救赎,并开始体验神的复兴。
*** 英文版 *******
The children will view earthly examples of restoration to learn about spiritual restoration. by Leah Pittsinger TOPICS: God’s Restoration, Forgiveness, Sin, Salvation MATERIALS: Pictures from the internet. Scissors, tape/magnets Dry erase board with markers DURATION: Approximately 10 minutes PREPARATION: Search the internet for things that have been restored (such as cars, homes, paintings, etc.) and print the before/after pictures. Be sure to print the pictures big enough so several children can view each one at the same time. Then cut out the pictures and use the tape or magnets to affix the “before” pictures to the dry erase board (leaving room below each picture for the children to write). Then compile the “after” pictures to show the class at the end of the activity.
WHAT YOU WILL DO: As the children arrive, ask them to view the pictures and use a dry erase marker to write one descriptive word (adjective) below each picture. You may need to help the children come up with words (such as old, ugly, broken, rusty, nasty, etc.).
Application: Read the words below each picture. Then reveal the “after” pictures of each item and ask for new descriptive words (such as new, beautiful, fixed, shiny, etc.). Explain to the class that anytime something that is worn or broken is fixed, we call it “restored.” Restoration isn’t easy! It takes time, effort, and dedication. And, here’s the tough part – we are more like these “before” pictures than the “after” pictures because of sin. Sin separates us from God and leads to death, but the Bible tells us that when we believe in Jesus and turn away from our sins, God will forgive us and begin restoring our hearts to become even more beautiful than these examples! So, even though our physical bodies will still die one day, we will gain spiritual life and be with God forever as the perfect, beautiful creations He made us to be. Our hearts and souls will be restored to God! If you would like to know about believing in Jesus, let’s talk today about how you can receive salvation and begin experiencing God’s restoration.
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