这是一套在美国很受欢迎的教材,按年龄共分三部分:0-6岁学龄前儿童教程,6-12岁学龄儿童教程,和12岁以上青少年教程。我们将陆续翻译成中文,分享给大家。 这套教材里的每一篇,无论是教程还是各种活动,都独立成篇,没有先后顺序,大家可以按需要和负担选择使用。 *更多内容:thedoorofsheep.com/6-12岁
将建筑纸剪成2英寸长的条状。在各个纸条上写下以下问题: 最喜欢的颜色、最喜欢的冰淇淋、最喜欢的学校科目、最喜欢的圣经人物、最喜欢的节日(如需要,可以想出更多)。然后将每个纸条弯成一个圈,文字朝外,将两端粘在一起。在桌上把问题圈分开放好,然后用胶带把另一个写着答案的纸条和相对应的问题圈"捆绑"在一起(基本上就是一个纸链)。
孩子们到达时,解释这个活动,要他们把自己的答案写在一个纸条上。然后,如果答案与已有的答案圈相同(例如,如果 "蓝色 "已经绑在 "最喜欢的颜色 "圈上了),就把自己的纸条圈绑在以前的答案圈上。当一个答案是新的/不同的,这个答案圈就要被圈绑在问题圈上。随着纸链越来越长,指出哪些答案似乎是最受欢迎的。
通过确定我们是否与班上其他人有相同的喜爱,来建立 "纽带"。你是否惊讶[最受欢迎的颜色]是全班的最爱?或者,[最受欢迎的节日]有最长的纸链?这是一个简单的方法,来看我们有多少共同点。而且,即使没有人选择和你一样的最爱,我敢保证,教会中有其他人会和你一样的!这个活动告诉我们,尽管我们都有不同的外表和独特的能力,但我们仍然有一些共同的东西。找出这些共同点可以帮助我们彼此 "捆绑"(连接),激励团结。因此,每当我们面临可能的分歧或冲突时,我们都可以回到我们的共同点,作为爱和服事神的基础:我们对耶稣的信仰!

*** 英文版 *******
The children will discover commonalities among one another to learn about unity. by Leah Pittsinger TOPICS: Unity MATERIALS: Construction paper Markers, scissors, tape DURATION: Approximately 10 minutes
PREPARATION: Cut the construction paper into 2-inch strips. Write each of the following headings onto a paper strip: Favorite Color, Favorite Ice cream, Favorite School Subject, Favorite Bible Character, Favorite Holiday (you may add more if desired). Then bend each strip into a circle with the words facing outward and tape the ends together. Space out the prompts on a table with paper strips and markers nearby each prompt. Then write your answers onto strips of paper and tape them around each prompt to “bind” them together (essentially creating paper chains).
WHAT YOU WILL DO: As the children arrive, explain the activity and ask them to write their own answers onto the paper strips. Then, if an answer is the same as a “bond” that has already been created (e.g. if “blue” is already on the Favorite Color prompt), they will tape their strips around the previously created piece. When an answer is new/different, the strip will be taped around the prompt circle. Point out which answers seem to be the most popular as the paper chains get longer.
Application: We made “bonds” by identifying whether or not we have the same favorites as other people in the class. Does it surprise you that [most popular color] is the class favorite? Or that [most popular holiday] has the longest paper chain? This is a simple way to see just how many things we have in common. And, even if no one else chose the same favorites as you, I’m willing to bet that someone else in our church would! This activity teaches us that even though we all look different and have unique abilities, we still have some things in common. Figuring out those commonalities can help us “bind” (connect) to one another and encourage unity. So, whenever we face a possible disagreement or conflict, we can go back to what we have in common as a foundation for loving and serving God: our belief in Jesus!
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