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6-12岁*故事 | 比赛 The Game


这是一套在美国很受欢迎的教材,按年龄共分三部分:0-6岁学龄前儿童教程,6-12岁学龄儿童教程,和12岁以上青少年教程。我们将陆续翻译成中文,分享给大家。 这套教材里的每一篇,无论是教程还是各种活动,都独立成篇,没有先后顺序,大家可以按需要和负担选择使用。 *更多内容,请关注公众号“羊之门” &岁 


























*** 英文版 *******

The Game

A twin brother finds that putting others first instead of hiding behind a lie is the right choice.


Choices, Honesty, Priorities, Selfishness, Truth


Approximately 5 minutesBobby and his twin brother Jeremy were ten years old, and both were members of the local school's soccer team. One Saturday morning, Bobby was completely occupied playing his new video game when Jeremy ran into the room, all dressed in his soccer uniform.

"Hey! How come you're not dressed," Jeremy asked. "This is an important game today, and we need to leave really soon."

Just then their mom came into the room and her eyes grew big as jawbreakers when she saw that Bobby wasn't dressed.

"Bobby!" she yelled. "Hurry up and get dressed, you've got a game. You're the goalie and they need you there. So hurry up and get dressed while I get the car out of the garage."

But Bobby was too involved with his video game to be bothered right now. "I'm not done yet, I'll get ready in a minute," he said as he continued fighting the enemy on the screen.

Bobby's mom didn't hear what he said as she was already hurrying for the garage. She started the car and backed it out into the driveway. She waited for a few moments, then honked the horn several times. Finally, out came her son, half running, while attempting to put on his goalie uniform at the same time.

"Now where is Jeremy?" his mother asked, as she fumbled for her sunglasses in the glove compartment.

"Oh, he ran into the bathroom." came a reply. "He said he didn't feel well. I think he has a runny belly. He said for us to go on ahead and if he got to feeling better he would have dad bring him to the game. Let's go."

"I hope he feels better," mom said. "I know he was really excited about this game and it would be a shame for him to miss it. Well anyway, at least our star goalie will be there on time, right?"

"Yeah, right mom." And off they went to the game.

About an hour and a half later, they drove back home, very quiet, and quite disappointed. When they arrived, the boy's father greeted them at the door, also with a concerned look on his face.

Jeremy, still in his brother's goalie uniform, finally broke the silence. "I know it's my fault we lost the game. I couldn't catch the ball at all. I didn't know how," he said sadly.

"That's alright Jeremy," his mother said in a disappointing voice. "You did what you could, but just like what I said earlier, you should have not pretended to be your brother, Bobby. Especially so he could finish a video game. See what happened? It only got you into a situation you didn't want to be in.

"And as for you, Bobby, was playing a silly video game more important than your soccer team? You disappointed them. Not only did you miss the opening game of the season, you also missed the opportunity to show you are a team player. Not to mention how you got your brother in trouble with the coach."

The boy's father shook his head and said, "I'm sorry too for what happened. I could have brought Bobby to the game, but he needed to learn the consequences of his actions. I wanted him to wait here and see the outcome of today's game and maybe learn a lesson about what is important. Well, Bobby, what do you think?"

Bobby went up to his brother Jeremy and with his head down said, "I'm sorry for what I did. Next time I'll be ready on time. Hey bro, it's cool you care so much about me. I won't disappoint you again. Every ball I catch will be for you. Will you forgive me?"

"Sure," said Jeremy. "But the coach told me you're not playing the first half of next game. He wants to teach me to be a goalie too, just in case you don't show up again. But don't worry, if you prove to the coach that you learned your lesson, I'm sure he'll let you play a lot."

Both boys got a big hug from their mom. "Well, I think everyone learned a valuable lesson today," she said. "Next time, we'll make sure we check our schedules twice. Now, go on and get washed up for dinner."


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