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6-12岁*手工 | 毛茸茸的心 HAIRY HEART


这是一套在美国很受欢迎的教材,按年龄共分三部分:0-6岁学龄前儿童教程,6-12岁学龄儿童教程,和12岁以上青少年教程。我们将陆续翻译成中文,分享给大家。 这套教材里的每一篇,无论是教程还是各种活动,都独立成篇,没有先后顺序,大家可以按需要和负担选择使用。 *更多内容,请关注公众号“羊之门” &岁 




生日, 爱, 马利亚, 母亲节, 情人节, 敬拜









上课前,用毛茸茸的材料剪出小心形,大约2/4英寸宽(见模板)。为每个孩子剪出一个。这颗毛茸茸的心将代表马利亚在给耶稣倒完香水后擦掉脚时的头发。在彩色的建筑纸上,画一个大约4 1/2英寸宽的心的轮廓(见模板),孩子们可以在课上剪下来。另外,事先剪好18英寸长的毛线,用来做这个“毛心空气清新剂”的手柄。




给每个孩子一个毛茸茸的心,让他们知道这代表我们圣经故事中马利亚的头发。接下来,给每个孩子一根胶水棒、一段毛线、一支记号笔和一张画有心形轮廓的建筑纸。让孩子们剪出大的心形,然后把有毛的心形粘在中间。用记号笔,让他们在多毛的心脏周围用大字写上 "我爱耶稣"。然后将纱线的两端粘在空气清新剂的背面,使其形成一个环,挂在门把手或汽车后视镜上。


以弗所书5:1-2 "所以你们要效法神,好像蒙爱的儿女一样;也要在爱里行事为人,正如基督爱我们,为我们舍了自己,作供物和祭物献与神,成为馨香之气。"

*** 英文版 *******


A wacky air freshener craft to remind the children how their love for Jesus is like sweet smelling fragrance.

TOPICS: Birthdays, Love, Mary, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Worship

MATERIALS: Small amount of furry material* Colored construction paper Heart templates [PDF] Click here Yarn, scissors, glue Spray bottle of inexpensive perfume or cologne

DURATION: Approximately 20 minutes

PREPARATION: Before class, cut small hearts from the furry material, about 2 1/4 inches wide. (See template) Cut out one for each child. This hairy heart will represent Mary's hair when she wiped off the feet of Jesus after pouring perfume on them. On colored pieces of construction paper, draw an outline of a heart about 4 1/2 inches wide (See template) that the children can cut out during class. Also, cut 18" lengths of yarn before hand to be used for the handles of the hairy heart air fresheners

WHAT YOU WILL DO: First, read John 12:1-8 about the time Mary poured perfume on the feet of Jesus, then wiped them with her hair. Then explain to the kids that they will be making an air freshener to help them remember how sweet Jesus smells because we love him.

Give each child one hairy heart, and let them know that this represents the hair of Mary in our Bible story. Next, give each child a glue stick, one length of yarn, a marker and a sheet of construction paper with an outline of a heart. Have the kids cut out the large heart, then glue to hairy heart in the center. Using the marker, have them write I LOVE JESUS in large letters in the area surrounding the hairy heart. Then glue or tape the two ends of the yarn to the back of the air freshener so it will form a loop to hang on a doorknob or rearview car mirror. Finally, spray a generous amount of perfume or cologne onto the hairy heart, and have the kids take it home as a gift or for their own enjoyment. Whenever they scratch and smell the sweet fragrance of the fur, they will remember not only the story about how Mary poured out perfume on Jesus's feet, then wiped them with her own hair, they will also remember that Jesus is worthy of love, worship, and adoration.

Ephesians 5:1-2 "Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." *Such as fake fur, mohair or any kind of plush material that can be found at fabric stores.


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中文 © 2019-2022 羊之门 All rights reserved.

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