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6-12岁教程 (神的恢复*第3课) | 从亏损到收获 (附中文反馈单)


Updated: May 13, 2023

编者按  这是一套在美国很受欢迎的教材,按年龄共分三部分:0-6岁学龄前儿童教程,6-12岁学龄儿童教程,和12岁以上青少年教程。我们将陆续翻译成中文,分享给大家。 这套教材里的每一篇,无论是教程还是各种活动,都独立成篇,没有先后顺序,大家可以按需要和负担选择使用。 *更多内容岁 




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我知道你万事都能作,你的定旨是不能拦阻的。 -约伯记42:2





读 约伯记1:1-3和13-22,42:1-6和10-17(没有任何亏损是神无法挽回的)


1. 圣经是如何描述约伯的?(无可指责,正直,敬畏神,远离邪恶,是东方所有民族中最伟大的人,等等)

2. 我们如何知道他成功又昌盛?(他有10个孩子,成千上万的牲畜,和许多仆人)

3. 他的财产、孩子和仆人发生了什么?(他们被抓走/杀了)

4. 约伯是如何反应的?(他承认神有能力控制一切,赞美神,约伯并没有责怪神)

5. 他的反应为何如此惊人?(约伯感到悲痛的同时,仍然选择赞美神)

6. 第42章中,约伯对神说了什么? (他承认神可以做任何事,并忏悔自己所犯的罪)


8. 约伯的生活对我们的亏损和收获有什么启示?(尽管我们遇到困难,但神仍在掌控,我们可以赞美祂!)

总结: 尽管约伯是个 "好人",但他还是在最困难的时候--经历亏损的时候,在神面前承认了自己的罪。此外,约伯提醒我们,神有能力控制亏损和收获,祂可以恢复任何财物、关系或情况。最重要的是,神通过救赎恢复我们灵性的亏损,当我们在天国,一切都变成新的时候,神将完成祂的恢复。因此,我们在地上等待恢复的同时,可以对神通过祂儿子耶稣的死提供灵性的恢复有信心。










*** 英文版 *******


God has the power to restore physical and spiritual loss by Leah Pittsinger

TOPICS Sin, Salvation, Restoration, Eternal life AS KIDS ARRIVE (10-15 minutes) Trust Check List (Activity) Click here

OPENING PRAYER AND PRAISE (5 minutes) Further info? Click here

MEMORY WORK (10 minutes) “I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” Job 42:2 NIV Print or type the verse in big letters across a piece of cardstock paper. Then cut out each word and shuffle the words, face-up, on a table. Write the verse on the board and read it to the class. Then ask for volunteers to “race” one at a time and put the words in the correct order. Time each volunteer as he or she works on the verses. You may consider asking each volunteer to read the verse out loud as part of his or her time. Continue this activity as time allows or until each child has had a turn.

SCRIPTURE READING AND DISCUSSION (15 minutes) Introduction: Today is our third lesson about God’s restoration (how He will make everything right again), and we are going to read about a man in the Bible who faced tremendous loss and gain. Can anyone guess his name (Job)? Even though God allowed some challenging circumstances in Job’s life, he gives us an example of how we should respond when God allows hard things to happen in our lives too.

Read Job 1:1-3 & 13-22, 42:1-6 & 10-17 (No loss is beyond God’s restoration.) Discussion Questions: 1. How is Job described? (Blameless and upright, feared God and shunned evil, greatest man in all the people of the east, etc.) 2. How do we know he was successful and prosperous? (Because he had 10 children, thousands of livestock, and many servants.) 3. What happens to his possessions, children, and servants? (They are taken/killed.) 4. How does Job respond? (He admits that God has power over everything and praises Him. Job doesn’t blame God.) 5. Why is his reaction so amazing? (Because Job was grieving his losses and still chose to praise God.) 6. What does Job say to God in chapter 42? (He acknowledges that God can do anything and repents of the sins he has committed.) 7. How does God respond? (God restores Job’s fortunes by giving him twice as much as before.) 8. What does Job’s life teach us about loss and gain? (That despite what we encounter, God is still in control and we can praise Him!)

Conclusion: Even though Job was a “good” man, he still acknowledged his sin before God at one of the hardest times to do so – while experiencing loss. Furthermore, Job reminds us that God has power over loss and gain, and He can restore any possession, relationship, or situation. Best of all, God restores our spiritual loss through salvation and His restoration will be complete one day when we are in Heaven and everything is made new. So, even if we are waiting for physical restoration on earth, we can have confidence in God’s provision of spiritual restoration through the death of His son, Jesus. CLASS EXERCISE (10 minutes) Steps of Trust (Game) Click here

ALTERNATE CLASS EXERCISE (10 minutes) Whole Again (Object Lesson) Click here

APPLICATION (4 minutes) Tell the class about a fellow believer who is incredibly good (such as a mentor, friend, family member, etc.). Explain the characteristics that make him or her such an inspiration and how you have personally been challenged and/or encouraged by their life. Then emphasize to the children that even though this person knows and believes in Jesus, he or she will still face setbacks in life because of sin. We too must caution our hearts against the false belief that life will be easy when we obey God. There are many people in the Bible who faced hardships even though they loved and served God (like Job). So, when we encounter something hard or frustrating, we can turn to God and trust that He is always with us.

NEXT WEEK Come back next week to learn how God wants His children to be unified as we work to further His kingdom. CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes) Further info? Click here

TAKE HOME PAGE Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home. Click here for NIV or KJV [PDF]


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