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6-12岁教程 (发现耶稣*第5课) | 我们可以爱和敬拜耶稣 (附中文反馈单)


编者按  这是一套在美国很受欢迎的教材,按年龄共分三部分:0-6岁学龄前儿童教程,6-12岁学龄儿童教程,和12岁以上青少年教程。我们将陆续翻译成中文,分享给大家。 这套教材里的每一篇,无论是教程还是各种活动,都独立成篇,没有先后顺序,大家可以按需要和负担选择使用。 *更多内容岁 




耶稣, 爱, 敬拜

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我赐给你们一条新诫命,乃是叫你们彼此相爱,正如我爱你们,为使你们也彼此相爱。 -约翰福音13:34


_ N _ W C _ M M _ N D _ G _ V _ Y _ _ 等等。然后问几个问题,复习一下上周的课程。当有孩子回答正确时,让他们选一个元音来奖励他们。然后在该元音所在的位置上填上该元音。继续这样做,直到可以读出完整的经文。








读 约翰福音12:1-8(马利亚为耶稣涂油)


1. 马利亚用香膏做了什么? (倒在耶稣的脚上。)

2. 她为什么要这样做?(允许讨论。 除了她对耶稣的爱之外,马利亚可能看到耶稣的脚还很脏,她没有能力拿水和毛巾,她选择用她珍藏的香膏来洗脚,然后用她的头发擦干祂的脚。)

3. 在马利亚给耶稣涂抹香膏后,屋里发生了什么变化?(香气充满了整个屋子。)

4. 谁因为马利亚的所作所为而最不高兴?(犹大)

5. 如果你在这顿饭上,你会如何表达你对耶稣的爱? (允许讨论。)




耶稣希望我们也能如此爱祂。我们也许没法把香膏倒在祂的脚上,但我们可以用许多其他方式来敬拜和爱慕耶稣。我们可以向祂唱歌和赞美,我们可以用声音和祷告来敬拜祂,我们可以与其他不知道祂是主和救主的人分享耶稣,同样重要的是,我们可以通过爱他人来表明我们爱祂。耶稣说:"我给你们一个新命令。彼此相爱。我怎样爱你们,你们也要怎样彼此相爱。" 本周,当我们想起耶稣有多爱我们时,让我们也展显出我们有多爱祂。


用以下问题来复习 "发现耶稣 "系列:(对大一点的孩子可省略多项选择)

1. 在约翰福音15章5节,耶稣说祂是葡萄树,我们是__?A. 羊 B. 叶子 C. 枝子; D. 教会

2. 耶稣说:"人若爱我,就必__我的话。" (约翰福音14.23) A. 遵守 B. 听到 C. 记住 D. 以上都不是

3. 在约翰福音第11章25节,耶稣说:"我是复活,是__"?A. 真理 B. 生命 C. 救主 D. 道路

4. 若不借着__,没有人能到父那里去? (约翰福音14: 6) A. 真理 B. 耶稣 C. 教会 D. 门

5. 如果我们与耶稣保持联结,我们就会结出许多__? (约翰福音15:5) A. 果子 B. 善良 C. 重量

D. 葡萄

6. 不相信耶稣的人不是祂的__? (约翰福音10:26) A. 朋友 B. 羊 C. 马匹 D. 奴隶

7. 耶稣说:"你们若爱我,就必遵守我的__。"(约翰福音14:15) A. 做 B. 说 C. 诫命 D. 要求

8. 我们要住在耶稣的爱中,这样我们的喜乐就会_____? (约翰福音15:11) A. 完成 B. 真正的好 C. 新的 D. 满足

9. 对还是错:我们看见了耶稣,就看见了父?对

10. 耶稣和父是__? (约翰福音10:30) A. 二 B. 一 C. 三 D. 相同

11. 在我父的家里有许多__? (约翰福音14:2) A. 宅子 B. 门 C. 天使 D. 房间

12. 耶稣将给我们另一个_____,与我们永远在一起。(约翰福音14:16) A. 朋友 B. 指导者 C. 保惠师 D. 以上都是

13. 耶稣为帮助我们相信祂而行了什么?(约翰福音10:25) A. 技巧 B. 歌曲 C. 神迹 D. 惊人的功绩

14. 马利亚用她的头发做了什么? (约翰福音12:3) A. 梳头 B. 用它擦脚 C. 剪发 D. 捆绑它

15. 当马利亚给耶稣擦脚的时候,马大在做什么? (约翰福音12:2) A. 买东西 B. 服侍 C. 清洁 D. 以上都不是

16. 对还是错:上周我们学到了我们可以为耶稣而活?对

17. 不结果子的枝子会怎样?A. 修剪 B. 什么都没有 C. 砍掉 D. 惩罚

18. 谁说香膏应该被卖掉得钱?(约翰福音12: 4,5) A. 马利亚 B. 耶稣 C. 犹大 D. 门徒






*** 英文版 *******


From this lesson the kids will see how they can truly show their love and adoration for Jesus, through worship, praise and by loving others.

TOPICS Jesus, Love, Worship

AS KIDS ARRIVE (8 minutes) Leave Her Alone (Puzzle) Click here

OPENING PRAYER AND PRAISE (5 minutes) Further info? Click here

MEMORY WORK (12 minutes)

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:34

Write this verse on the board, however instead of writing each vowel draw a line. Your verse will look like this. _ N _ W C _ M M _ N D _ G _ V _ Y _ _ : and so on. Then ask a few questions to review last week's lesson. When a child answers the question correctly, reward them by letting them choose a vowel. Then fill in the spaces where that vowel should go. Continue doing this until the verse can be read.

SCRIPTURE READING AND DISCUSSION (15 minutes) Introduction: One day, a short time before the Passover feast, an evening meal was prepared for Jesus. Mary and Martha were there, also Lazarus whom Jesus raised from the dead. The house was filled with people. Soon, it would be filled with something else. Mary was about to show her love for Jesus in a way many wouldn't understand. But Jesus knew exactly what was in her heart.

Read John 12:1-8 (Mary Anoints Jesus) Discussion Questions: 1. What did Mary do with perfume? (Poured it on Jesus' feet.) 2. Why did she do this? (Allow for discussion. Besides her deep love for Jesus, Mary may have seen that Jesus' feet were still dirty, and not being in a position to take water and a towel, she chose to use her treasured ointment to wash them, and then dry His feet with her hair.) 3. After Mary anointed Jesus, what changed inside the house? (The fragrance filled the house.) 4. Who was upset the most because of what Mary did? (Judas) 5. If you were at this dinner, how could you have showed your love for Jesus? (Allow for discussion.)

CLASS EXERCISE (20 minutes) Hairy Heart (Craft) Click here

APPLICATION (4 minutes) Mary showed her love for Jesus in a very special way. Nothing was too good for her Lord and Savior. The fragrant oil she poured on Jesus' feet was very expensive, and would normally be used only a little at a time. But Jesus meant everything to Mary. She loved Him so much, nothing else mattered. Perhaps she knew Jesus would not be with her very much longer. So whatever she had of any value, she wanted to give to Him. Jesus wants us to love Him that much too. We may not be able to pour oil on His feet, but we can worship and adore Jesus in many other ways. We can sing songs and praises to Him, we can worship Him with our voices and our prayers, we can share Jesus with others who do not know Him as Lord and Savior, and equally important, we can show that we love Him by loving others. Jesus said, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." This week, as we remember how much Jesus loves us, let's show how much we love Him.


Football Game (Review Game) Click here Use the following questions to review the Discovering Jesus series: (omit multiple choices for older kids) 1. In John 15:5, Jesus says He is a vine and we are ___? A. sheep B. leaves C. branches; D. church 2. Jesus said "If you love me, you will ___ my teachings." (John 14.23) A. obey B. hear C. remember D. none of the above 3. In John 11:25, Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the ___?" A. truth B. life C. Savior D. Way 4. No one comes to the father except through ___? (John 14: 6) A. truth B. Jesus C. church D. door 5. If we stay connected to Jesus, we will bear much ___? (John 15:5) A. fruit B. goodness C. weight D. grapes 6. People who do not believe in Jesus are not His ___? (John 10:26) A. friends B. sheep C. horses D. slaves 7. Jesus says, "If you love me, you will obey what I ___?" (John 14:15) A. do B. say C. command D. ask 8. We are told to remain in Jesus' love so our joy will be ___? (John 15:11) A. finished B. really good C. new D. complete 9. True or False: Since we have seen Jesus, we have seen the Father? True 10. Jesus and the Father are ___? (John 10:30) A. two B. one C. three D. the same 11. In our Father's house there are many ___? (John 14:2) A. mansions B. doors C. angels D. rooms 12. Jesus will give us another ___ to be with us forever. (John 14:16) A. friend B. guide C. counselor D. all the above 13. What did Jesus perform to help us believe in Him? (John 10:25) A. tricks B. songs C. miracles D. amazing feats 14. What did Mary do with her hair? (John 12:3) A. brushed it; B. wiped feet with it; C. cut it; D. tied it up 15. What was Martha doing while Mary was wiping Jesus' feet? (John 12:2) A. shopping B. served C. cleaning D. none of the above 16. True or False: Last week we learned that we can live for Jesus? True 17. What happens to branches that don't bear any fruit? A. pruned B. nothing C. cut off D. punished 18. Who said the perfume should have been sold? (John 12: 4,5) A. Mary B. Jesus C. Judas D. disciples

NEXT WEEK Time to choose another great lesson series from Kids Sunday School Place.

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes) Further info? Click here

TAKE HOME PAGE Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home. Click here for NIV or KJV [PDF]


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