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0-6岁教程 (耶稣是谁*第1课) | 耶稣是神的儿子 (附中文反馈单)

Updated: 2 days ago









  1. 在你画的动物家庭中,父亲的角色是什么?(爱、保护、引导和供养)

  2. 在你画的动物家庭中,宝宝的角色是什么?(爱、倾听、顺从和跟随)

  3. 这些特质在人类家庭中是怎样的?相同还是不同?(允许各种回答。神命令孩子们要听从、顺服、尊重和敬重他们的父母)

  4. 耶稣有听从、顺服和敬重神吗?(有)

  5. 耶稣是怎样表现出这些的?(允许各种回答)



祂太初与神同在。-约翰福音 1:2


  1. 这里的“祂”指的是谁?(耶稣)

  2. 耶稣和谁在一起?(神)

  3. 耶稣什么时候和神在一起?(从一开始)

  4. 耶稣和神在一起的“起初”是什么时候?(甚至在世界被创造之前)






读 马太福音 3:13-17(耶稣受洗)


  1. 耶稣来到约旦河是要做什么?(受施洗约翰的洗)

  2. 耶稣受洗后,什么开了?(天)

  3. 神的灵以什么形式降临在耶稣身上?(像一只鸽子)

  4. 谁从天上说:“这是我的爱子”?(神)

  5. 神是否为祂的儿子来到世上感到高兴?(是的)







解释:当你说“开始”时,他们要转身面对对方,个子高的孩子要迅速问:“耶稣是谁?” 另一个孩子要迅速回答:“祂是神的儿子!”



这个系列课叫“耶稣是谁?” 今天,我们发现耶稣是神的儿子。然而,关于耶稣还有很多要学的。你一定不想错过我们下次的主日学课程。



*** 英文版 ******


LESSON 1: Jesus is God's Son

In this lesson the children discover that Jesus was a child just like them, but He was also God's one and only Son. The children will also learn how God shows love for His Son and how He loves us just as Kristy Thornton


Family, God's Love, Jesus, Knowing Jesus, Love

AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes)

Have paper and crayons ready for when the children arrive. Have them draw a picture of any baby animal. You may also want to have some pictures of animals on display as a reference for the children. After they all draw a baby animal, tell them to draw a father for the baby on the same page. When finished, ask the following discussion questions:

Discussion Questions:

1. What is the role of the father in your animal's family? (To love, protect, guide, and provide.)

2. What is the role of the baby in your animal's family? (To love, listen, obey, and follow.)

3. How are these traits the same or different in a human family? (Allow for answers. Children are commanded by God to listen, obey, respect, and honor their parents.)

4. Do you think Jesus listened, obeyed, and honored God? (Yes.)

5. In what ways did Jesus show that? (Allow for answers.)

WORSHIP TIME (5 minutes)

Further info? Click here

BIBLE VERSE (7 minutes)

"He was with God in the Beginning" John 1:2 NIV

Have the children repeat this short verse several times. Then discuss each part.

1. Who is He in the verse? (Jesus)

2. Who was Jesus with? (God)

3. When was Jesus with God? (From the very beginning.)

4. Jesus and God were together in the beginning. When or what was the beginning? (Even before the world was created.)

Finish by have the children say the verse again from memory

BIBLE STORY (15 minutes)

Gather the children around you in preparation for story time. After the introduction, read the story right from the Bible. If possible, use a Children's Bible so it will be easier for the kids to understand.

Introduction:We don’t know too much about Jesus’ childhood. When He was about twelve years old, his parents found him left behind at the temple after a family trip to Jerusalem. However, the next time we hear about Jesus is when He is around 30 years old. During this time, John the Baptist is baptizing people in the Jordan River. He is telling the people to turn from their evil ways, and get ready, because someone who is more powerful and more worthy is coming soon. John said that this person will not baptize people with water, but He will baptize them with the Holy Spirit. Of course, John is talking about Jesus.

Read Matthew 3:13-17 (Jesus is Baptized)

Discussion Questions:

1. What did Jesus come to the Jordan River to do? (Be baptized by John the Baptist.)

2. What opened up as soon as Jesus was baptized? (Heaven.)

3. How did the Spirit of God appear as it came to land on Jesus? (Like a dove.)

4. Who spoke from Heaven saying, “This is my Son, whom I love?” (God.)

5. Was God pleased that His Son came to earth? (Yes.)         


FUN TIME (15 minutes)

Descending Dove (Craft) Click here


Love of the Father (Object Talk) Click here

PRAYER/SNACK (10 minutes)

Further info? Click here

Start by praying and thanking God for His Son. Thank Jesus for obeying and honoring God and being a good example to children. Provide graham crackers as snacks for the children. Give each child two graham crackers. Have them all think of an animal and then take bites out of the graham cracker squares to make a father and a baby of that animal. As you enjoy the snacks, talk about the relationships parents have with their children.

CLOSING ACTIVITY (5-10 minutes)

Have the children form two rows and line up back to back with another child. If you have an odd number of children, the teacher can fill in for one child. Have each pair of children stand with their backs touching.

Explain that when you say, "Go!" they are to turn to face each other, and the tallest person must quickly ask, "Who is Jesus?" The other child will quickly answer, "He is God's Son!"

Then, the children turn around so they are back to back again. For the next round, you can choose another criterion, such as the child with the darkest hair or the biggest shoes, to determine the one to ask the question or give the answer. Play several times. As an option, have the children line up occasionally with a different partner.


This lesson series is called "Who is Jesus?" Today, we discovered that Jesus is God’s Son. However, there is much more to learn about Jesus. You don't want to miss our next Sunday school class.


Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home [PDF]. Click here


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