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0-6岁教程 (扫罗王*第4课) | 王的嫉妒 (附中文反馈单)










要爱你们的仇敌,为那逼迫你们的祷告。-马太福音 5:44









读 撒母耳记上 18:5-16(扫罗嫉妒大卫)


  1. 扫罗为什么嫉妒大卫?(因为人们唱歌赞扬大卫杀的人比扫罗多,每个人都喜欢大卫)

  2. 这些歌让扫罗感到开心还是嫉妒?(嫉妒)

  3. 扫罗的嫉妒让主高兴吗?为什么?(没有,因为神拣选了大卫)

  4. 为什么扫罗害怕大卫?(因为主的灵与大卫同在,而不与扫罗同在)

  5. 扫罗是如何试图除掉大卫的?(他让大卫带军队去打仗,希望他在战斗中被杀)

  6. 为什么大卫所做的一切都很成功?(因为主与他同在)

  7. 扫罗王除了嫉妒大卫,还可以做什么?(扫罗王可以祷告,求神教他如何爱大卫)

  8. 如果扫罗王为大卫祷告,你认为神会做什么?(神会为扫罗把大卫放在心上感到高兴,也可能会赐福予扫罗)

  9. 为什么当我们为那些可能让我们害怕的人祷告时,神会高兴?(等孩子们回答)






进行一些简单的角色扮演,重现“活动 | 谁需要我们的祷告?” 中的银行劫匪、愤怒的老师和霸凌者。你或其他成人可以扮演这些角色,也可以让一些孩子参与扮演,帮助他们了解要做什么说什么。

  • 银行劫匪: 假装拿着一把枪,抢走一袋假钱,表现出试图逃离房间的样子,同时大喊:“谁都别动,趴在地上!”

  • 愤怒的老师: 假装因为课堂上每个人都在说话,没有按照指令排成直线, 而感到愤怒。对孩子们大喊:“注意听,按我说的做!排成一条直线,现在就行动!”

  • 霸凌者: 让一个人假装取笑另一个孩子,比如轻轻推搡、解开他的鞋带、大笑并说一些刻薄的话,比如“你是个笨蛋,没人喜欢你,回家找你妈妈去吧!”






*** 英文版 ******


LESSON 4: A King's Jealousy

This lesson about King Saul's jealousy of David, teaches the children that jealousy is a sin. The children also learn that God calls us to love and pray for everyone, even our Kristy Thornton 


Jealousy, Love, Prayer, Saul, Sin

AS KIDS ARRIVE (15 minutes)

Who Needs Our Prayers? (Activity) Click here

WORSHIP TIME (5 minutes)

Further info? Click here

BIBLE VERSE (7 minutes)

"Love your enemies. Pray for those who hurt you." Matthew 5:44 NIRV

Write the memory verse on the board. Explain what it means to love your enemies. Then say the following:

"God is delighted when we pray for people we love, but He also wants us to pray for people who don't treat us nice, even people who may hurt us. Why do you think God is pleased when we pray for all people, even people who hurt us? (Allow for answers.)

God commands us to love everyone, which means family, friends, even our enemies. This can be very hard to do. However, we can do it with God’s help. Let’s read our memory verse together."

Read the verse several times and then have the children repeat it with you.

BIBLE STORY (15 minutes)

Gather the children around you for story time. After the introduction, read the story about Saul's Jealousy of David right from the Bible. If possible, use a Children's Bible so it will be easier for the kids to understand.


We already learned many things about King Saul. We learned how the Israelites were jealous because other nations had a king, and they did not. God was sad because of their jealousy, but He chose Saul to be their king. At first, Saul was afraid to be king and hid behind some baggage, but he finally accepted the job. Sometime later, Saul lied to God, and God became very unhappy that He made Saul king. God looked for another person to become a new king. The young man He found was David. However, King Saul became jealous of David. Let's read our story to find out why.

Read 1 Samuel 18:5-16 (Saul’s Jealousy of David)

Discussion Questions:

1. Why was Saul jealous? (People sang songs that David killed more men than Saul. Everyone liked David.)

2. Did these songs make Saul happy or jealous? (Jealous)

3. Do you think Saul's jealousy pleased the Lord? Why? (No, because God chose David.)

4. Why was Saul afraid of David? (Because the spirit of the Lord was with David, not Saul.)

5. How did Saul try to get rid of David? (He put David in charge of the army to fight wars, hoping he would be killed in battle.)

6. Why did David have great success in everything he did? (Because the Lord was with him.)

7. What could King Saul have done instead of being jealous of David's success? (King Saul could have prayed and asked God to show him how to love David.)

8. If King Saul would have prayed for David, what do you think God would have done? (God would have been happy that Saul put David first, and may have given Saul success too.)

9. Why is God pleased when we pray for people of whom we may be afraid? (Allow for answers.)

FUN TIME (12 minutes)

Practice Makes Perfect (Activity) Click here


Stop, Drop, and Pray (Activity) Click here

PRAYER/SNACK (10 minutes)

Further info? Click here

Bring enough small treats, such as cookies or pieces of candy, so each child can have two. Begin snack time with prayer, thanking God for our friends, family, nice things to eat, and all that He provides. Ask God to help everyone not become jealous of what others have. Then, select one child and give him or her two treats. Give only one treat to each of the other children. Ask the children how they feel that only one person received two treats. Relate this to today's lesson about jealously and commend the children for reacting favorable. In the end, let all the children have two treats.

CLOSING ACTIVITY (5-10 minutes)

Do some simple role-playing to portray the bank robber, the mad teacher, and the bully from the activity, "Who Needs Our Prayers?" used during "As Kids Arrive." Click here

You or another adult can act out the parts. Alternatively, you can have some of the children act out the parts by giving them some assistance in what to do and say.

Bank Robber: Pretend to hold a gun. Grab a paper bag of pretend money and act as if you are trying to escape from the room, while shouting, "Nobody moves, down on the floor."

Mad Teacher: Pretend to be mad because everyone in the classroom is talking and not following directions to line up in a straight line. Yell at the kids, saying, "Pay attention, do what I say. Get into a straight line. NOW!"

Bully: Have one person pretend to tease another kid with small pushes, untying his or her shoes, laughing, and saying mean things like, "You are a banana head, nobody likes you, go home to your mommy."

After each role-play, remind the children how God wants us to love and pray for our enemies. Ask the children how they could pray for the person who was doing something wrong. Let the children come up with their own ideas, or you can use the same suggestions from the activity "Who is Your Enemy?" Then lead the children in prayer for that character.


Come back next week for another exciting story from the Bible.


Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home [PDF]. Click here 


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