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0-6岁教程 (感恩节系列*第2课) | 哈拿心存感激 (附中文反馈单)

Updated: Nov 9, 2022





祈祷, 牺牲, 感恩




没有谁像耶和华那样圣别。 -撒母耳记上2:2a

向全班宣读这节经文,解释只有神是圣洁的,或者说是完美的,我们可以向祂表示感谢。解释说表示感谢的一种方式是欢呼! 再读一遍这节经文,请全班同学和你一起 "欢呼"。然后考虑在房间里游行,跺脚,或拍手,同时为这节经文欢呼。





读 撒母耳记上1:10-11,20,24-28,2:1-2(哈拿的请求和神的回答。)


1. 哈拿祷告时在做什么? (痛哭)

2. 她请求什么?(为得到一个儿子)

3. 她向神起誓或承诺什么? (将他终身献与耶和华,不用剃刀剃他的头-这是她发誓的标志)

4. 神是否满足了哈拿的要求?(是的!)

5. 孩子的名字是什么?(撒母耳)

6. 哈拿是否遵守了她的承诺?(是的)

7. 她带着撒母耳去圣殿时还带了什么?(三只公牛,一伊法细面,一皮袋酒)

8. 哈拿把撒母耳托付给谁?(祭司以利)

9. 我们怎么知道哈拿对神有感恩之心? (她通过祷告赞美神)

总结: 哈拿非常感谢神,她把自己唯一的儿子献给了神,让他来服事神!这对她来说一定很难。然而,哈拿仍然心存感激,因为她知道若没有神,她将一直没有孩子。她谦卑地明白,一切都属于神,甚至她唯一的孩子。而且,由于她感恩的牺牲,神极大地使用了她的儿子撒母耳。











*** 英文版 ******


The children will learn that giving up something can show thankfulness. by Leah Pittsinger TOPICS Prayer, Sacrifice, Thankfulness

AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes) Thanks Challenge (Activity) Click here

WORSHIP TIME (5 minutes) Further info? Click here

BIBLE VERSE (5 minutes)

“There is no one holy like the Lord.” 1 Samuel 2:2a NIV

Read the verse to the class and explain that only God is holy, or perfect, and we can show Him thanks. Explain that one way to show thanks is by cheering! Read the verse again and invite the class to “cheer” it with you. Then consider marching around the room, stomping your feet, or clapping your hands while you cheer the verse.

BIBLE STORY (15 minutes) Ask the children to sit on the floor in front of you while you read the scripture. If necessary, use a children’s bible and supplement the story with pictures so it will be easier for the children to understand. Introduction: Last week we talked about Moses’ and Miriam showing thankfulness to God with songs and instruments. Today we will learn about a woman named Hannah and why she was thankful. But, first, have you ever given up something very important to you? Was it easy or hard to do? We will learn how Hannah gave up, or sacrificed, something that was very important to her to show God thankfulness. Read 1 Samuel 1:10-11, 20, 24-28, 2:1-2 (Hannah gives up something to thank God.) Discussion Questions: 1. What is Hannah doing as she prays? (Crying.) 2. What is her request? (For a son.) 3. What does she vow, or promise, to God? (That the child would be given to Him and no razor would be used on the child’s head – a sign of her promise.) 4. Does God give Hannah her request? (Yes!) 5. What is the child’s name? (Samuel.) 6. Does Hannah keep her promise? (Yes.) 7. What does she take to the temple with Samuel? (A three-year-old bull for the sacrifice and offerings of flour and wine.) 8. Who does Hannah know will take care of Samuel? (The priest, Eli.) 9. How do we know Hannah is thankful to God? (Because she praises Him through prayer.) Conclusion: Hannah was so thankful to God that she gave up her only son to serve Him! That must have been very hard for her. However, Hannah was still thankful because she knew she wouldn’t have her son without God’s help. She humbly understood that everything belonged to God, even her only child. And, because of her thankful sacrifice, God greatly used her son, Samuel, as a great leader for God’s people.

FUN TIME (10 minutes) Thankful Puppets (Craft) Click here

ALTERNATE FUN TIME (10 minutes) Gifts of Thanks (Activity) Click here

PRAYER/SNACK (10 minutes) Further info? Click here Lead the children in prayer and then pass out a healthy snack. Ask the children to show thankfulness for the snack by giving a high five or a hug. Then tell the class about a time when you sacrificed, or gave up, something to show love and thankfulness to God. Encourage the children to act in similar ways, such as giving away a toy to a friend or providing food for a needy family.

CLOSING ACTIVITY (10 minutes) Provide leaf cutouts and ask the children to name things/people they are thankful for. Use a marker to write one prompt on each leaf and then ask the children to help tape the leaves on the classroom door or white board. Explain to the class that the leaves will be reminders of all the reasons we should show thankfulness to God and others.

NEXT WEEK Come back next week for another lesson on how to give thanks.

TAKE HOME PAGE Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home [PDF]. Click here


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中文 © 2019-2022 羊之门 All rights reserved.

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