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大卫和约拿单之间深厚友谊的故事。(撒母耳记上 18-20)
“你必须赶快离开,才能保住性命。” 约拿单说,“请记住,无论你身在何处,你永远是我的朋友。”

*** 英文版 ********
David and His Friend Jonathan
The story of a lasting friendship between David and Jonathan. (1 Samuel 18-20)
TOPICS:David, Friendship, Love, Saul DURATION:Approximately 10 minutesBefore David became king, he found a good friend named Jonathan. Jonathan happened to be the son of current king, King Saul. David and Jonathan promised to always be best friends no matter what happened in their lives. |
During King Saul's reign, David fought many battles for him and God helped David do well. David's good works, however, did not please the king. Because the people praised David a lot, King Saul became jealous. He wanted all the praise for himself. The King's jealousy grew and grew. He became so angry, he wanted to kill David. But the king’s son, Jonathan, and David were best friends, so Jonathan pleaded with his father not to harm David.
Jonathan said, "Remember how David fought many battles for you, and how he plays the harp for you whenever you feel unhappy? He even saved us all from the big giant. Don't upset God by killing David. He has not done anything to harm you."
King Saul finally agreed not to harm David. For a while, everyone was happy. However, after a short time, war broke out in the land. David was sent out to battle and again he was very successful. One night, the King became angry again at David, and tried to kill him with a spear. David barely escaped with his life. Jonathan did not know about his father's change of heart towards David.
Sometime later, David asked his friend Jonathan, "Why does your father hate me so much? What have I done to make him so angry?"
"No it is not so. He would tell me if he was angry with you." Jonathan said.
"No, he would not. Your father knows that you are my friend. He knows that you would come and warn me. Believe me, I am close to death!"
"Whatever you want me to do, I will do for you my friend," Jonathan replied.
They both thought for a while, and then came up with a clever plan to find out for sure how King Saul felt about David. The new moon celebration was near. David usually sat next to King Saul at supper. However, this time he would not go to supper. Instead, he would hide behind a pile of rocks in the field. Jonathan would tell his father that David was visiting his family in Bethlehem. If his father got angry, Jonathan would know that David's life was in danger. Then, he must warn David in secret. However, if his father did not get angry, Jonathan would know that David was safe.
The first night of the celebration, King Saul and Jonathan sat down for supper. David was not there. He was hiding in the field. The King believed there must be a good reason for David not to be there, so he didn't say anything about it.
The next night of the celebration, David was still not there. He was hiding in the field. This troubled the King, so he asked Jonathan, "Where is David?"
"He is at his home in Bethlehem," Jonathan answered.
After hearing this, Saul became very angry. He even tried to harm his son Jonathan. Now it was certain, that David's life was in danger.
The next morning, Jonathan went out into the field where David was hiding. He took his bow and arrows with him. He also brought a young boy to help find the arrows. Jonathan shot three arrows into the field near to where David was hiding. Then he said to the young boy, "Go find my arrows."
The little boy didn't know it, but Jonathan was about to give David a secret message. David was close enough to hear. If Jonathan shouted to the little boy that the arrows were to his side, David would know he was safe. However, if Jonathan shouted that the arrows were farther ahead, David would know that his life was in danger.
The little boy started to look for the arrows. Jonathan shouted, "The arrows are farther ahead of you!"
David heard the shout from Jonathan. He knew now that the King wanted to kill him. After the little boy found the arrows, Jonathan sent him back to the town. David and Jonathan were now alone in the field. They were both very sad because King Saul was Jonathan's father, and he wanted to harm David. They both cried, but David cried the most.
"You must go now if you want to be safe." Jonathan said. "Remember, you will always be my friend, even when you are away."
David and Jonathan kept their promise to be friends. They went their separate ways, but both knew the King's anger and jealousy would not ruin their friendship.
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