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0-6岁*活动 | 好朋友 A GOOD FRIEND


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友情, 好邻居, 耐心, 祷告, 供应








上课前,打印几份供应卡,剪下每张卡。用胶带贴出一条线,把房间分成两半。一边指定为 "接受方",另一边指定为 "给予方"。











当你敲邻居的手时,你可以说:"对不起,邻居,我能要一些水吗?"或 "对不起,邻居,我能要一些食物吗?" 一旦你收到所需的东西,你可以说,"谢谢你,愿神保佑你。" 在等待邻居回来时,你可以说:"神啊,请让他们找到一些食物。"或 "神啊,请让他们找到一些水。" (一旦大家都准备好了,就开始活动。)

*** 英文版 ********


An activity to show children how God can use our friends to help in times of need and how we should have patience to let God answer our prayers. By Kristy Thornton

TOPICS: Friendship, Neighborliness, Patience, Prayer, Provision

MATERIALS: Provision cards Click here Brown paper bags (one for each child) Masking tape, Scissors

DURATION: Approximately 15 minutes

WHAT YOU WILL DO: Before class, print several copies of the provision card sheets and cut out each card. Divide the room in half by creating a line using masking tape. Designate one side as the "Receiving side, and the other side as the "Giving" side.

To begin, split the children into two groups. Have one group stand along the line on the receiving side, and the other group stand along the line on the giving side. The groups should be facing each other.

Give each child on the receiving side an empty brown paper bag.

Give each child on the giving side a brown paper bag containing several provision cards. It is okay if the bags contain different amounts of cards. However, make sure that everyone on the giving side has a bag with at least one card inside.

The children on the receiving side of the room will come and pretend to knock on the doors (hands) of their neighbors on the giving side, and ask for either food or water. The giving neighbors will look into their bag to see if they have water or food to give them. If they do, they will give it to them, and then wait for someone else to come and knock.

If a giving neighbor does not have the requested item, he or she must tell the friend to wait. Then, go and quickly find someone (anyone) else who has what the friend wanted. Once found, he or she will return to the same spot to give his or her waiting friend the food or water requested. Option: While the friend waits, he or she can practice praying for God to provide the food or water.

Allow the children to continue asking other neighbors for food or water. After about 5 minutes, switch sides by letting the givers be receivers and receivers be givers, and start over.

WHAT YOU WILL SAY: Jesus once told a parable about a friend who went to his neighbor to ask for bread. Although his neighbor was already in bed, the man kept asking. Finally, his neighbor woke up and gave him some bread. Just like in that parable, you are going to find a neighbor to ask for food or water. Your neighbor will look inside the bag, and if he or she has what you need, it will be given to you. Put it in your bag and find another neighbor to ask for more food or water.

However, if your neighbor does not have what you need, sit down and wait right there until your neighbor can go to another person and find what you need. Once found, he or she will bring it to you. While you are waiting, practice praying and asking God to provide the food or water.

Before we start, let's practice some things we can say.

When you knock on your neighbor's hand you can say, "Excuse me neighbor, can I have some water?" or "Excuse me neighbor, can I have some food?" Once you receive what you need, you can say, "Thank you and may God bless you." While waiting for your neighbor to return, you can say, "God, please let them find some food." or "God, please let them find some water." (Once everyone is ready, begin the activity.) ——————

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