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0-6岁*讲故事 | 约瑟,二把手 JOSEPH, SECOND IN COMMAND


Updated: Jun 13, 2023

*更多内容,请关注公众号“羊之门” &岁 















法老召来约瑟,告诉他自己在同一晚上做了两个梦,但是没有一个智者能解释这些梦。约瑟解释说法老的梦都是一个意思。这些梦揭示了神即将做的事。 神将赐七个丰年,人们将有充足的食物,但此后的七年,人们将无法种植粮食。



*** 英文版 ********


The story of how God continued to use Joseph in good times and bad. TOPICS: Blessings, Faith, Joseph, Patience, Protection

DURATION: Approximately 10 minutes Joseph's jealous brothers sold him to a group of Ishmaelites. These men took Joseph to Egypt and sold him to an official named Potiphar.

Potiphar noticed the Lord gave Joseph success in everything he did, so he put Joseph in charge of everything he owned, both in the house and in the field. Joseph was a trustworthy servant and second in command. The Lord blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph. Potiphar's wife was a wicked woman who told lies about Joseph. She had him thrown into prison. However, God continued to be with Joseph and showed him kindness.

The prison warden saw that the Lord was with Joseph and put him in charge of all the people in prison. With Joseph in charge the warden knew things would run smoothly. Joseph was a trustworthy servant and second in command. The Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.

While in prison, Joseph met the king's cupbear and baker. They were put in prison for offending the king. One night both the cupbearer and the baker had dreams that they could not figure out.

The next morning, Joseph saw that the cupbearer and baker were sad and asked them what was wrong. The men explained that they both had dreams the night before, but could not figure out what the dreams meant. God had given Joseph the ability to explain the meaning of dreams, so Joseph told his friends the meaning of their dreams. Both of the dreams came true, just as Joseph said.

Two years later, Pharaoh had two dreams on the same night. In the morning he was troubled because of the dreams. Pharaoh sent for all the wise men of Egypt and told them his dreams, but none of his wise men could figure out the meaning of the dreams. It was at this the time the cupbearer remembered Joseph and told the Pharaoh that Joseph could figure out the meaning of his dreams.

The Pharaoh sent for Joseph and told him that he had two dreams in the same night, but none of his wise men could explain the dreams. Joseph explained that the dreams of the Pharaoh were one and the same. The dreams revealed what God was going to do. God was going to send seven years where there would be more than enough food for all the people, but for seven years after that, people would not be able to grow food.

Joseph told the Pharaoh that he should store up the excess food for the next seven years and then use this food to feed the people during the seven years in which they would not be able to grow food. The idea seemed good to Pharaoh and he put Joseph in charge of the whole land of Egypt. Joseph was a trustworthy servant and second in command. During the seven good years, Joseph had the Egyptians store up more than enough food to feed the people during the seven bad years. The dreams came true just as Joseph had explained.



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