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0-6岁*故事 | 危险的航程 DANGEROUS VOYAGE


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神要我们信靠祂,因为祂关心我们。在这个故事中,使徒保罗展示了他在一次危险的航程中如何信靠神。 (使徒行传 27)









"再见!" 保罗对他的朋友们说,海风吹起了帆。他们出发了。





"记住主的使者说的话。你们必须留在船上才会得救!" 保罗大声喊道。


"我们都应该吃点东西,这样我们才能变得强壮,以便生存下来," 保罗建议道。于是,每个人都拿出一些面包,吃饱了肚子。然后,为了进一步减轻船的负担,他们将剩下的小麦扔进了大海。





*** 英文版 ********


God asks us to trust Him because He cares for us. In this story, the Apostle Paul shows how he believes God during a dangerous voyage. (Acts 27) TOPICS: Angels, Believing, Caring, Faith, Paul, Protection

DURATION: Approximately 8 minutes Paul traveled many places telling people about Jesus. After one long journey, he came back to Jerusalem to preach there. But some of the Jews gave him a hard time. They accused him of causing trouble. They had him arrested, again. This time, Paul stayed in jail a long time.

Finally, they put Paul on a small ship sailing to Rome along with some other prisoners. He had to stand trial before Caesar for all of the trouble he caused in Jerusalem. The ship was crowded. There were over 200 people on board and with lots of cargo.

"Goodbye!" Paul said to all of his friends as the sea air filled the sails. They were on their way.

The ship stopped several times because the weather had become very violent. It was becoming too windy to keep the ship going the right way. Paul told everyone not to continue on the journey. It was just too dangerous. However, no one listened. Instead, they sailed on, hoping the strong wind would help them go faster. Before long, a hurricane wind pushed the small ship into the open sea.

All night long, the sailors battled the wind. The next day was even worse. They decided to throw all the cargo overboard so they could stay afloat. After a few more days, they tossed the ship's tackle overboard. However, the hurricane didn't let up.

Paul looked at the weary sailors and said, "You should have listened to me! But do not fear. An angel of the Lord came to me last night and said I must stand trial before Caesar. The ship will be lost, but everyone on board will be safe."

After fourteen days, the ship started to get closer to land. The water became more and more shallow. The sailors tossed the anchors into the water so the ship would not hit bottom. Then, the sailors tried to leave the ship in one of the lifeboats.

"Remember what the angel of the Lord said. You must stay on the ship to be saved!" Paul shouted.

The sailors listened to Paul, and did not leave the ship. But everyone was tired and weary. They had not eaten for a long time.

"We should all eat something so we will be strong enough to survive," Paul suggested. So, everyone took some bread and ate until they were full. Then, to lighten the ship even more, they tossed the rest of the wheat into the sea.

The next day they could see a beach off in the distance. They raised the anchors and hoisted the sails, but before long, the ship hit a reef. It was stuck. They were stuck. The strong waves began to break up the small ship. Pieces broke off and dropped into the water. Time to leave! They had to get off the boat before it was torn apart.

Because they all stayed on the ship as long as possible, they were not too far from the land. Everyone, including the prisoners made it safely ashore by holding onto planks and wreckage from the ship. There were two-hundred and seventy-six persons in all.

God saved everyone aboard the ship just like He said He would. God asks us to trust Him, because He cares for us. Like Paul, we can always believe God will do what He says.



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